Aramaic Word Study – Blinded – Da’awaro

Aramaic Word Study – Blinded – Da’awaro

Aramaic Word Study – Blinded – Da’awaro   עַוַר  Daleth Ayin Vav Ayin  John 12:40: “He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted, and I shall heal them.”   This...
Aramaic Word Study – Blinded – Da’awaro

Hebrew Word Study: Gates- Shaar

Hebrew Word Study: Gates- Shaar – shin ayin resh, שׁער Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. What are these gates that the Psalmist is talking about that we are to enter with...
Aramaic Word Study – Blinded – Da’awaro

Hebrew Word Study – Seed of God – Jezreel

Hebrew Word Study – Seed of God – Jezreel – יִזְרְעֶֽאל  Yod Zayin Resh Ayin Aleph Lamed  Hosea 1:11 Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great...
Hebrew Word Study: Hand: Yad

Hebrew Word Study: Hand: Yad

Hebrew Word Study: Hand: Yad יָד Exodus 17:11 And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. This story always baffled me. The Hebrew army was in a battle against the Amalekites. Moses was on...