Hebrew Word Study – Lev Tahor : Lamed Bet  Tech Hei Resh לב טהר

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Tomorrow in our Torah Study and continued on Monday in our weekly Hebrew/Aramaic Bible Study and Discussion our major theme will be pure faith. Our premise is that we do not need more faith but a pure faith. That is a faith without a personal agenda, a faith that is not intended to manipulate God but to draw closer to God.
In the Talmud there is an old rabbinical story of a king who had a son that he dearly loved. Whenever the son needed anything , he would come to his father, the king, who would willingly grant it. However, the son soon became disobedient to the father. The king, this father tried to correct him but the disobedience continued. Finally, the King called a servant and commanded him: “Whenever my son needs anything let him ask you and you must give to him generously.” The servant asked: “But why give him anything if he is disobedient ?” The king, this father replied: “I love my son, I do not want him to be in need, however, I cannot look upon his disobedience so he cannot come to me with his request, so I will grant his request through you so I do not have to look upon him.”

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You see, God is a loving Heavenly Father who loves us even when we are disobedient and wants us to not be in need even if we are disobedient. We can’t bribe or purchase His love and answer to prayer with obedience. His love is far beyond that ahav love, it is a racham love, a natural love that a mother has for her baby. The baby does not have to do anything to earn that racham love from its mother. It just needs to be that mother’s baby. David understood this, he knew he could not come to God with, as they say down South, a handful of gim mes and a mouth full of much oblige. He had many needs, many desires but his greatest desire was a close relationship with God. But he could not be pure in that until God gave him a lev tahor – a clean heart. He could not achieve that on his own, he had to pray and ask God to create – bara’ a lev tahor. Only God can do that and you must ask Him to do it. After all it is the blood of His Son who can create that clean heart and that must be given to you, you can not steal it or snatch it away from God, you must ask for it.
There is so much more on this and we will be discussing this tomorrow and on Monday at www.hebrewwordstudy.com

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