Sometimes people sought a sign and God didn’t give one like Zacharis the priest and father of John the Baptist. The angel Gabriel appeared before him to say he was finally, in his old age, going to become a daddy and what does he do, he asks for a sign of so he would know it was true. We have the story in Luke 1 and to paraphrase the angel’s response he said: “A sign? I am the angel Gabriel what am I chopped liver for crying out loud, a sign he wants, what more of a sign do you want than the appearance of an arch angel?”
God is giving us signs all the time of his love, his caring. He reveals Himself in His creation. Yet, some of us want something out of the ordinary like the Our Lady of the Underpass.
God will give you the sign if you really need it. But sometimes you need to look around and realize He has given you a sign before you even ask. Sometimes you need to move forward like Gideon and in faith face what you fear the most. Signs could be Iike a bird signing you a song, or a squirrel running up to you twitching his nose or even a dog pulling on his leash in your direction trying to get your attention. God reveals Himself in His creation. Will He do it with a salt runoff in an underpass? I am not saying yea or nay, just use some discernment when you need a sign, for God will give you what you need when the time comes.
By the way, tomorrow in our Torah Study we will be studying about Miracles, Signs, Wonders and Magic. Join us at
I have not responded in a very long time because I was searching for teachers that teach about Jesus. I understand that you teach much about Him and this is very good. This lesson was especially important for people to know! Thank you for such a wonderful and beautiful lesson!!
Yes, our whole ministry is about Jesus.