Hebrew Word study: Bithiah (Pharaoh’s Daughter)- Bithyah בִּתְיָה
1 Chronicles 4:18 And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took.
It is interesting that the woman with the name of Bithiah should be a daughter of Pharaoh for her name means daughter of Yah or YHWH. It is generally agreed by Bible scholars that Bithiah was a proselyte or a convert to the Hebrew faith. Yet, why should such an amazing thing not be mentioned in Scripture without some background to this amazing event, other than this one verse? Some say it was not unusual for Egyptian Pharoahs to marry off their daughters to foreign diplomats as a form of peace treaties, a practice even found today where marriages were arranged by daughters and sons of kings of different kingdoms. Yet, still, it is strange that such a thing is not mentioned in Scripture other than in this one verse.
In the Talmud, you have a possible explanation in Megillah 13a. The sages trace Bithiah back to the daughter of Pharaoh who rescued Moses from the basket floating down the river. She was later married to Mered. Now keep in mind that names in ancient times were used more to describe someone rather than for identification as it is used today. People had many different names, especially if their stories is chronicled in historical records. A person’s birth name was not usually used, but their historical contribution was used. The word mered means rebel or radical. The sages, even some Christian Bible scholars, believe this was Caleb, the only spy to side with Joshua’s good report from their excursion into the Promised Land. It is further taught that Bithiah had leprosy and was bathing in the Nile River seeking healing. When she touched the basket carrying Moses, she was instantly healed which prompted her to forsake the gods of the Nile which likely included Ammit who was the god of healing and had the head of a crocodile and was associated with the waters of the Nile.
There may have been other reasons along with Moses crying right on cue to soften the heart of the daughter Pharaoh, perhaps it was a miracle, a healing or maybe just the fact that Moses was found in the Nile River which would have created some sacredness associated with gods of the Nile prompting allow the Pharaoh to agree to the adoption of this Hebrew child when he outlawed such children.
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We don’t know for sure but one thing we do know from Scripture is that God overrode the laws of the gods of Egypt, the most powerful kingdom in the world at that time. Proving once again the Lord’s Prayer which we as Christians often recite; “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” God’s Kingdom was, is, and will continue to be the most powerful Kingdom in the universe. No kingdom, not China, Russia, or the United States is anything more than a drop in the bucket to God.
This week we are watching a change in our government. It is exciting, but let’s not nor ever forget that the real ruling Kingdom is God’s Kingdom. He is still in control and has the final word.
Join us Saturday Morning at 9:00 AM CST on our Zoom Meeting for our Weekly Torah study, which many use as their church service. We will be covering the birth of Moses and the story of Bithiah. This study will be recorded and posted on our All Access for those who cannot attend the live class. You may subscribe here: www.hebrewwordstudy.com
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