Hebrew Word Study: Glory- Kabod-  כָּבוֹד

Exodus 33:13 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.


Is this a picture of what you think is the glory of God. Perhaps it is, but I also have a theory. In its root form the word for glory, kabod means a weightiness or heaviness. What does that have to do with glory? Some say it is like being slain in the Spirit, the presence of God is so heavy it knocks you to the floor. Well, I am not one to question such a subjective experience, it just has never been mine. I have never felt heaviness that made it difficult to stand although I am sure others have.

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I suggest that this weightiness could be so powerful it will knock you to the floor but it could also be just a tender, ever so slight contact with one of you senses, like your skin, a touch that is so kind, so gentle and so tender.
Tonight in our All Access Weekly Hebrew and Aramaic Bible study we will explore this word kabod. I hope you can join us at www.hebrewwordstudy.com. The class will be recorded and posted on the All Access site for those who are unable to attend.
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