Aramaic  Word Study – My Peace – Shaloma Dayli – Shen Lamed Mem Aleph  Daleth Yod Lamed Yod

John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


I have always found this verse to be intriguing. Jesus said he would leave peace with his disciples and give them peace.  Then he indicates this is a special peace, different than that which you find world.  What is so special about this peace.

We need to examine this word peace and the word for world. In the Greek the word for peace is eirenen which is a quietness, a rest or a sense of oneness or wholeness.  It is when all the essential parts are put together. When a mother’s teenage children all make it home by curfew and are safely in bed and even the family dog is safely tucked away in his place.  Then that mother feels peace, her household is now safe and whole, that is Eirene.  The word for world is kosmos which has various meanings.  It could mean the world system, the way of the world, the entertainment of the world or the adornment of the world.  In other words it is a peace which comes from the natural physical world.  A full bank account, bills paid, health is good and no one pressuring you for services, that is a peace of the kosmos. 

In the Aramaic the word used for peace is shalom which has a broad range of meaning and one could write a book on that word alone (which I plan to do).  You really need to look at the context to determine just how shalom is to be used.  It could mean well being, a tranquil mind, an end to hostilities between two people or nations. It could mean good health, a sense of wholeness, everything being in its proper place and so much more.  Jesus said He would leave them with this peace.

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But then he adds this dyli shalom my own peace. Dyl is a personal possession, hence my personal possession of peace. The world cannot give this peace, because this peace belongs only to Jesus.  I find one source of definition of the word shalom that fits, it is an end to an estranged relationship. When a relationship is estranged it is no longer a close relationship or an affectionate relationship. It is a relationship without any intimacy. 

The promise that Jesus gave was that he would give his disciples peace of mind while carrying out his purpose on this earth.  Despite poverty, no knowing where you next meal will come from, threats of persecution and even torture and death, Jesus will give them peace of mind.  But He will also give them another peace, a restored relationship with the Father where they will experience that closeness, that affection and intimacy with the Father. 

We face pressures and fears on our jobs, in our relationships, in our responsibilities.  Today, I received a notice from the IRS that I owe them money and I have 15 days to come up with it.  I felt a sense of peace, even though I haven’t figured out how I am going to pay it, but I feel peace about it.  That is the peace that Jesus leaves us or has left us.  But as I was driving my disability bus today I started thinking about some people on my route who have passed away this pass year and were close to my age, some younger.  I wondered if I would live to see 2021.  I am at an age that anything could happen, heart attack, stroke etc.  Then my mind turned to Jesus and I suddenly felt His closeness, His intimacy, His love.  I instantly understood what Paul meant when he said in Philippians 1:21: “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.”   In the Aramaic it reads: “For my life is for my Christ, if I die I have yuthrana from the Aramaic word yathar which is a word for stretching a rope, that is being attached.  If I die I am still attached to Jesus.  In other words Paul was attached to Jesus in this life and enjoying a constant companionship with Him. If he died, he would still be attached to Jesus only he would not be experiencing all the problems and headaches of this life.

I believe that is what Jesus was teaching His disciples.  As long as they live on this earth, they will have the peace that an intimate relationship with him brings and when they die, well it is a gain in the sense that this relationship continues and is even more special as the cares of this world will not be a burden.  There will be no letters from the IRS trying to rob you of the peace that Jesus leaves us here on earth.


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