Aramaic Word Study – Relationship Fear – Dod דוד Daleth Vav Daleth
When I Am Afraid, I Crawl Into God’s Heart
John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears.” Rudyard Kipling
There is another virus coming down the pike called Omicron and already you can sense the fear rising. Despite the latest report that Omicron is not lethal people are gearing up with fear. Those who accept the reports that omicron is just a mild virus are fearful of another lockdown. Would their jobs survive another lockdown, would our economy survive another lockdown? On top of that I overheard a woman in the supermarket say that she usually spends $300 on groceries and now she is paying $450.00. Inflation is sending many into a panic. The woke culture is attacking Christianity and Christians are living in fear of losing their freedom. This, on top of many other fears and for some reason Christians are forgetting John 14:23: I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”
In John 14:27, Jesus exhorted us to not let our hearts be troubled. The word trouble in Aramaic, the word Jesus used, is dachal which is the Aramaic word for depression. Do not let your heart become depressed. Fear is the greatest cause of depression. Then Jesus says: “Neither let it be afraid.” An odd word is used for afraid. It is the word dod which in Hebrew is the word for beloved. It still means that in Aramaic but it did carry a little transformation on its journey from Hebrew to Aramaic. This is a fear you find in relationships. It is the fear that the person you love will let you down. Many marriages crumble when one fears that their partner is cheating on them. They have no proof, just this gut feeling and it drives them crazy.
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A true love relationship is built on trust and when that trust is betrayed, it is very difficult to win it back. That betrayal will always pop up, it will always be there to haunt you. Some people are able to overcome and trust again, some are never able to trust again. They can’t trust again for they dod, fear they will be hurt again.
For Jesus to tell us we must not let our hearts be afraid or dod, what He is saying is: “Hey, you can trust me, I will never let you down. My love for you is perfect and perfect love will never betray you. What are you so afraid of, I’m here beside you, I live in your heart. What more do you need to not be afraid?”
Many soldiers have gone off to war and left their beloved, dod, behind. Yet, their heart is filled with dod. Fear that his beloved will not wait for him, will not be faithful. He will never enjoy peace of mind. Every letter he receives from his beloved is examined for poof that her love is not true. He will be taken over by that fear, it will consume him and he will not know peace.
The word peace in Aramaic is shlama, in Hebrew it is shalom, in Arabic it is salam. They all mean the same thing, surrender. When you surrender your entire self to God you will have perfect peace, like that of a newborn baby in its mother’s arms, totally confident that it is protected and cared for.
If a man and woman surrender themselves entirely to each other, they will have peace in their relationship. Love means to surrender yourself to someone. To expose yourself and make yourself vulnerable to that person. To be able to trust that person with the secrets of your heart knowing that person will never betray those secrets. That person’s love for you drives away any fear you may have that this person will use that knowledge of your heart to hurt you.
The example is given to us by God who has given us His heart when we gave Him our hearts. He makes Himself vulnerable to us. He chooses to run the risk of loving us and the possibility that we will betray that love and break His heart. Yet, God knows that He cannot experience total joy of love without that surrender or vulnerability. But can you imagine His heartbreak if we surrender our hearts to Him yet, we question His faithfulness? We face the next virus in fear, we face our job situation in fear, we face our finances in fear and God is saying; “But I promised that you would have peace in this uncertain world. Do you think I lied to you, do you think I have forgotten you? Do you think I have stopped loving you?” Just to question His love will do to Him what it would do to you if someone you love questions your faithfulness and love. It would break your heart, as it would break God’s heart.
Like you, I have fears that creep up on me. What will I do if I lose my job, I am too old to find another. Will I lose my apartment? Will I be homeless? Will my health deteriorate to a point I could not longer write or study? The enemy brings all these fears and so many more to my mind and I collapse under the weight of fear. But then I crawl into the heart of God, I touch His love, a love which is always there, a love I have known since I gave Him my heart as a child and all I do is simply acknowledge that He loves me with that perfect love and my fears vanish, they are all lifted from for He has overcome the world and therefore so have I.
When I am afraid and I know you grow tired of reading it but it is so very true, “Love lifted me. When nothing else could help, love lifted me.”
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
God’s Word is a healing balm, you have shown me how I may apply it.
Thank you.
Aye, when waves are rising in the dark of night comes the peace we need, we have in Jesus the pure light. Thank you for hearing God’s Heart! Sharing the results with students searching for more of Him.
This really blessed me today. Thank you for getting to the heart of the matter – our trust in the living Lord Jesus. Love, indeed, lifts all of us.
Most times pop songs that play on the radio have a hidden message that I turned into a relationship message about me and God. I have recently revisited a few from the 70’s. One in particular that this word study made me think of was a little known song by Elton John titled “Georgia”
At the beginning of the song the words “I have all I need but it still ain’t enough.” The song goes on to say “life is rolling on…….feels like life has pass me by
Then it expresses that this person wants to visit the heartlands just one more time before they die”
So the application for me is what I need to overcome are the thoughts that all I need is all I will ever have from God. And that somehow life has passed me by.
I have never lived in poverty and have enjoyed perfect health. Experienced some of the best employment one could have. Even recently two surgeries kept me from disaster (fully paid for) by
the way. I have no complaints but there is still something out there. I fear life has passed me by. This must be breaking God’s heart and I need to experience that total surrender that makes Him happy.
I never grow tired of hearing Jesus say “I love you.” NEVER…Shalom brother :)
Thank you.
Beautifully assuring and confident!
Thank you for this comforting, encouraging, reassuring Word Study.
Chaim, i could not agree more with you. We either take God at His Word and place our trust in Him and remain in vulnerable state in relationship with and in Him or we seek solace elsewhere. Jesus never ever fails those who are His. We know that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself in Christ becoming sin for us that in Him we would be made the righteousness in Him. If you ask me that’s a truth we can hold on to. I also have concerns facing serious medical issues and. Concerns about the economy and financial upheaval. But through the years despite my sinful actions and struggles with sin as God has repeatedly, continually; and consistently brought me through every trial since I began this journey of faith He is faithful and trustworthy. The world; the flesh; and the devil; may continue to assail us but our God remains true to His character and His Word. He can be trusted PLandemic or not; financial chaos or not. Covid or not. Our God in Christ is faithful and true to those who are His.
Previous precious truth
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I needed to hear this once again.
Oh the love Jesus sets me free from fear.
A very powerful point to ponder, will God lie to us. He has revealed His true intention by giving us His love through His son. The table has now turned to us, do we love God as much as He loves us. My true intent is to be obedient to His Word by making disciples. This shows my heart and love to God as He loves me.
Helpful, finding the path to Life. Thank you for sharing your fears of losing your apartment, becoming homeless; one’s health, not able to see well enough to study and write.
Heavenly Father,
Hallowed be thy name, we praise and thank you for delivering us from all our fears, healing all our diseases forgiving us as we forgive others.
Amein and amein