Hosea 6:6: “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. “
Is it not odd that a pronoun “I” is used in the first phrase but the noun “God” is used in the second phrase. Why did He not say “knowledge of me?” I believe this is a remez, a hint of something much deeper. But first let’s examine the pashat or literal meaning. The meaning is quite clear, God isn’t interested in all our outward forms of worship, only that which comes from the heart.
I once asked a rabbi how they could worship God when the temple was destroyed and they could no longer offer their sacrifices. He gave me this passage and explained that worship really comes from the heart and not from the performance of certain rituals. He explained that this is why so many Jews go into medicine and other humanitarian works, this is their form of worship
To most Christians worship is going to church on Sunday, singing a few I like God songs and lifting your hands and then magically you have performed worship. God calls his angels over and says: “Hey, what a nice performance, come on now nice round of applause.” But worship is not the music, not the lifted hands, not even being in a church building. Jews for almost 2,000 years have been deprived of their place of worship and the tools of worship, yet they still worship God, every day in their prayers, in acts of mercy and in their study of Torah.
After I finish my four or eight hours of study in the Word of God, I try to have a time of worship. Yet, this verse is telling me that I have been worshipping God all along. This morning in my disability bus I had three people that I took to the Illinois Medical District, a half hour drive. Two were God loving Christians, I am not sure where the third one stood. It didn’t matter, we just talked about God Scripture and what He was doing in our lives. When the third woman got off my bus she asked if I would pray for her. We were really worshipping God. I was worshipping God just as much as if I were in a beautiful chapel and not a disability bus. I was worshipping God just as much as if I were surrounded by the sweet smell of incense as I was surrounded by the fellowship of other believers. I was worshipping God just as much as I would with uplifted hands as I did with hands on a steering wheel. I have worshipped and felt the presence of God in some very beautiful buildings and among some very beautiful, healthy people. I have also worshipped and felt the presence of God in my disability bus with people who were not healthy or beautiful.
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So what is this hint of something deeper? The syntax is very ambiguous here but it is generally agreed and rightly so that God is saying he desires mercy and lovingkindness from us rather than our sacrifices of time, money or however else we can make a sacrifice. Yet, the syntax is ambiguous and leaves room for another rendering. The use of the pronoun “I” suggest something very personal, to me at least. On another level I render the syntax as this: “I desire to offer lovingkindness rather than receive sacrifices. God does not need our sacrifices to offer his lovingkindness, he just wants the opportunity to offer his lovingkindness and for us to accept it and for us to give others the opportunity to receive it as that third woman on my bus received.
I remember years ago when I was a chaplin in a nursing home I was trying to minister to a woman who had Alzheimer. She had become confused and for whatever reason, she felt everyone was trying to steal her little packet of sugar. She was very agitated, loud, frightened and in a general state of panic. After about 15 minutes a CNA and I managed to reassure her and calm her down. It was like she suddenly made a decision to trust us and acceptance our reassurances. Once calm she handed the packet of sugar to me and said; “Here, you can have it.” Sure, I was touched that she would entrust to me this little packet that seemed to have such great value to her. It was torn and the sugar was leaking out, making my hands sticky. Once I left the room, I promptly toss this packet of “great value” in a trash can. That packet of sugar meant nothing to me, in fact it was a nuisance. Yes, I was touched with her act of entrusting me with this most valuable packet of sugar, but more important to me was the opportunity to show her lovingkindness and the joy that was not in the packet of sugar, but in her acceptance of my reassurances. The mind may have been fading but her spirit, that part of her that was in touch with God was still alive and vibrate. As long a one has breath, there is a spirit in that person that God can still reach.
I began to think how much I was like this confused and frightened little elderly woman, clutching protectively to a packet of sugar. All the time God is trying to calm me down, reassure me, surround me with His lovingkindness. I remain agitated until, like my elderly friend, I make the decision to trust God and accept his offerings of reassurances. I feel I must give Him something so I give Him my packet of sugar which is absolutely worthless to Him but of great value to me. I am sure He is touched by my willingness to entrust Him with this most valuable possession, but He just shakes His head, more pleased that I accepted his offering of lovingkindness.
Perhaps we spend too much time trying to give our offerings to God rather than just receiving His offerings of lovingkindness to us.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
The book of Matthew twice records Jesus saying these very words of Hosea 6:6 ( in 9:13 and 12:7). He encouraged those He was speaking to at the time to go and learn what the words (of Hosea 6:6) really meant. Apparently there was indeed a special message He hoped would be found.
Thank you for yet another Word Study that brings joy, peace, comfort and love.
That was sweet. Forgive me if I come across as rude. It is not my intent. I have enjoyed you Bible studies for a very long time. I have bought your books, shared your website and studies many times. Thank you for the blessing you have been to me.
I do miss your older studies. They appeared to be much more of a study into God’s message to us. You broke down the verses, words, letters, explained numbers, history,… they were so very deep, stimulating, heart provoking, active, … I could go on. But, ultimately, they left me with a desire to know more. And so I searched. They also felt more personal and I believed your desire to know showed with each statement. I miss that. I mat be way off base, but the ones I read today feel very forced. Milking. Not a lot of neat. More like a job. You have committed to writing these and do you do. Hope to read letters from your again soon.
A friend…
Hello, I guantee you if Chaim feels forced or begins to get no joy in his studies, he will stop doing them as he is simply sharing his own personal daily devotionals and quiet time with the the Lord a few hours before going to work every morning. He’s not approaching this as his job, since these are free. You my want to check out our All-Access Learning Channel where Chaim (and I ) share live and personally about Hebrew Word studies and more. Here’s the link https://www.hebrewwordstudy.com
Chaim Bentorah Mnistries
Chaim here. Odd that you use this study to express you thoughts that my studies lately are feeling forced or milked. This study is one I did ten years ago but I had to go back and make a few corrections. Ten years ago I usually spent maybe 15 to 30 minutes writing up a study. Today, due to the fact that I have been quoted by some high profile people, I find I need to fact check myself more closely so I will spend five to six hours a day working on a devotional. I start early morning, hit my bus route where I meditate on and share with my passengers my daily study and then when I get home I work for 4:00 to 9:00 writing up my daily study.
You reference letters and I suspect you mean a lot of the esoteric studies I did with numbers and meanings behind Hebrew letters. I have been and will be doing this on our All Access subscription site. I find I can not share about Hebrew letters on this site. With almost 2,000 daily viewers many will not have the background to understand what I am doing, so I have reserved all this “neat” stuff for our subscription site where members understand what I am doing.
Another reason you may have experienced a change is since I have been spending five to six hours a day and all day Saturday and Sunday in study, meditation and prayer, that will bring about changes. One change is the depth of insight in God’s Word and things He has been showing me. Oh for a thousand tongues to be able to express all God is showing me. Things not only in relationship to Him, but things that are prophetic and currently happening as I read and study Scripture. I read Joseph Biden in the Hebrew and see Him in Scripture, but I don’t know how to share that or even if I should share it. Last weekend I spent over five hours trying to write up some insight (revelation?) that I felt God gave me but I could not find the words. I finally concluded it is not the time to share. Even if I were able to express it in words, I would not share it on this site, but would on my subscription site. I know my audience on my subscription site but not this one.
Sounds crazy no? Get the net, get the net, the dusty old professor has finally snapped his cap. But I will tell you this my hours in God’s Word is truly a labor of love, if I could not study His Word, I could not live, literally. Besides I finally started listening to the news because as I listen to the news it only confirms what I was reading in the Bible. Not necessarily on CNN, however.
So in conclusion, if you are looking for the use of Hebrew letters, the Gematria, and other esoteric things about the language, perhaps you will consider joining our All Access site as Laura suggest. I assure you, I live and experience every word I write on this blog, I only wish I were free to share more. Chaim
We are so condemningly conditioned to “give” than “receive” that we won’t receive out of a false sense of guilt and pride. Yet, someone has to be on the other end of “receiving”. Receiving isn’t always something to be experienced because of a dire need. Like us, needing the Father to “give” just because HE is Love and wants to shower us with it. Not even a “blessing”–just wanting to love on us because we are HIS and we exist for HIM to do so. And our simple “need” to know HE is here with us is an experience HE wants us to have. Let’s let HIM give and let us receive it with joy. Amen. Loved this!
yesterday, I have this thoughts. If given a choice, do you want to know God or do something for God? Your story of the little package of sugar perfectly illustrates this.
I am not minimizing work as Christian service or church. But if I can “know” Him, it would be far far better. Luke 10:38-42 Exod 33:13.
Thank you for the lessons.
Thank you my Dear Teacher ,
Thanks for such beautiful thoughts and ideas.
I also was told by two Rabbis from two different denominations that their dinner table was now their altar . In other words feeding the poor and caring for the needy was their sacrifice.
I have virtually attended Shabbat services at a very old and beautiful Synagogue . I have seen more love poured out from that Synagogue than from some Christian Churches . A little over twenty years ago it caught fire and partially burn . The people loved their place of worship and quickly repaired the damage . Recently a Muslim Mosque near that Synagogue caught fire was destroyed . The Muslim people had no place to pray so this Synagogue opened its doors to the Muslims people and a great many of them came to pray in a Jewish Synagogue . Please remember that Muslim people worship the same God as Christians and Jewish people . Remember that we all see the same God (the God of Abraham) just a little bit differently . It breaks my heart that we three allow hatred to keep us from becoming one in the sight of God .
May God Bless you all and teach us to love the way Jesus loved and taught us to love our neighbor .
As I read this I cried but also felt the presence of GOD. I pray to have a heart to always love and worship the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing your worship and love for the Lord.