I Chronicles16:11: “Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his presence continually.

It was a long day driving my disability bus. My body grew weary pushing wheel chairs, helping elderly on and off my bus. Fighting heavy Chicago traffic, discourteous drivers, pedestrians ignoring traffic lights, searching for parking and then I come home.  Today I am too exhausted even to study and pray.  I am tired, discouraged and curious if this is what it will be like for the remaining years that God has given me upon this planet. 

I wondered who I am and what I am suppose to be. What does God want from me for these remaining few years.  I laid down on my sofa and whispered a prayer to God to show me how He wants me to spend my remaining years of the life He has given me.  I closed my eyes and He answered me in a dream.

I found I could fly, I could fly to the highest tree and from that tree I could soar to the clouds. I could move through the air with great ease.  I flew above dark stormy clouds and looked down.  I was above all those storms of life.  I flew into a very, very white snowy cloud, a cloud like I had never seen before and suddenly I was untethered by ambition, unrestrained by fear, unbounded by disappointment.  I was no longer imprisoned in an aging, failing physical body nor was I confined to my little space on this planet. 

In this cloud I felt I belonged to the world, the universe and it all belonged to me. I was in a Cloud of glory, a Cloud that was God Himself, the Shekinah  Glory. I was swimming in the love of God. I looked around and I could see love, the color, the beauty, the majesty of total perfect love. I reached out and touch the cloud and I could feel, the gentleness, softness, tenderness of God’s love.  I could smell the sweet scent of love, like roses, tulips, and all the flowers in the world giving off their perfumed fragrance at once, sending a thrill of peace and calmness throughout my soul. I opened my mouth and tasted the satisfaction of a love that was sweeter than any known flavor and it would tantalize and heighten every pleasure sense of my spirit.  Then I could hear that tender softhearted voice saying: “I created you just for this, to complete My love, to pour out the love that has been building in Me for infinity, a love crying out to be shared, given, returned and completed.  My love is so great and so vast just one soul cannot even begin to contain it. I need and must have millions, yea billions more upon which to pour out My love and receive their love in return. The human creature is My greatest creation for in this human creation I can find the fulfillment, the fulness of my own Love. I still do not have enough. All I ask is that you would just seek Me, my Shekinah Glory, My strength and My  presence others will follow and join you on your journey.” 


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I didn’t want to wake up, wake up to another day of stress, difficulty, suffering and disappointment. I wanted to stay in my dream cloud forever. A dream where I could fly into that Cloud and never leave. I wanted to keep flying, flying beyond my world to worlds beyond. I wanted to share each new and crazy sight and experience with the God I loved.  But, of course, it was just a dream, a dream that is all but yet so real it seemed. 

Yet, as I awakened, I knew my prayer was answered. I knew all that was expect of me was to seek, seek that Cloud, the Cloud of God and His strength and his presence continually.  To break these chains of the physical world and enter that Cloud of this imaginary dream to a state of actuality and to bring others with me into His Cloud. I cannot fly into that Cloud like my dream, but one day, I shall fly. I shall fly away into that Cloud again and there I shall remain forever.

I Chronicles 16:11 “Seek the Lord.”  Seek in Hebrew is dresh which is to seek, consult, inquire, yea, demand for something. In fact, Rabbi Samson Hirsch, the great linguist and Hebrew master says dresh means to demand the return of something that you own. I know I own that Cloud for He has given it to me and each day I demand it’s return for I now own it. Each day, however, He answers me by simply saying: “Seek it.” Search for it, consult for it, inquire for it.”  I notice in this passage that seek is in a plural form.  I am not to seek alone but with others.  This is a journey to be made with others, a pilgrimage to this Cloud. This is a journey to demand a return to this Cloud and when I return, I shall return with many others who also seek the same Cloud of Glory, the Shekinah Glory.  Many times that Cloud will descend for I cannot fly to it in this physical body,  but one day we each shall fly to that Cloud where we shall remain with Him for eternity. 

One day I will again fly, I shall fly not in a dream, not in the shadow of this physical reality, but in the true reality of the soul, the true reality of God’s realm and joy those billions of others in fulfilling God’s greatest desire, to have a family to love.

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