HEBREW WORD STUDY – HIS WORD – DEVARO  דברו Daleth Beth Resh Vav

Psalms 56:4: “In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.”

The first verse of this Psalm seems to suggest it was written by David during the time he fled from King Saul and fell into the hands of the Philistines.  We do know from the content of this Psalm that David was in dire circumstances, among strangers in a foreign, hostile land. You might be able to relate if you think of time when you started a new job or a new school.  Perhaps you had to move away from your home, friends and family.   I imagine this Psalm would be a good Psalm for one who is going to the mission field for the first time and is not sure what they will encounter.  I am sure Psalms 56 is a Psalm you would turn to during such a time.

In the midst of his loneliness, fears, and sense of captivity he declares, “In God I will praise His word. In God I will put my trust.”   Why does he mention God two times, isn’t that a bit awkward. He could  have just said: “In God I will praise His word and put my trust.”  For one thing he uses the word Elohim for God and not YHWHElohim reflects the masculine nature of God, his provision and protection.  Right now David does need the YHWH or feminine touch of God, that mercy, nurturing and caring, he needs protection and provision, safety and security which comes from the masculine nature of God.

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Also, note that he says he will praise God.  The word praise is halal in an imperfect form with a Piel (intensive) infliction. Halal in its root Hebraic meaning is to shine or make someone shine.  It is like putting a spotlight on someone.  Thus, David is saying that he will put a spotlight on the Word of God. He will not focus his attention on all the dangers, the fears, the frustration and worry.  The focus of his attention will be on the Word and promises of God.  Interesting to note that in the Hebrew the word that is used for the word of God is davar which are words from the heart of God. 

Then he gives the reason why his focus is on the Words from the heart of God, it is because he has already put his trust in God. The word trust is batach in a perfect form that is it is a completed action, He has already done this.  The word batach comes from a Semitic root meaning to weld.  Welding is an ancient art. Archeologist have discovered evidence of welding in Egypt that date back to the time of David and before.  Welding consist of melting metal together. With a perfect weld that metal will break anywhere else before it breaks at the weld.  David is literally saying that He will put the Word of God in the spotlight and focus on that because he has melted himself into God. His soul is melted into the spirit of God.  He has not adhered himself to his troubles and fear.  In fact he says that he will not fear what the flesh can do unto Him. 

The word used here for flesh is basar which means mankind. David is not saying he fears supernatural or demonic forces.  I am sure he realizes he is in spiritual warfare, but how often do we think when we face the onslaught of mankind plotting against us, seeking to harm us or destroy us that this is a spiritual battle.  It is, but we tend to think only of the what we can see and when we see someone approaching us with a big club, ready to overhaul our engine, our thoughts are on that flesh or basar that is ready to attack.  

When David is surrounded by fearsome enemies, ready to lop his head off, his first instinct is that he is welded to God and if they bop him on the head, they are bopping God on the head as well.  He then focuses on the Word from the heart of God, the promises of God.  Even when he was among the Philistines who were out for his blood because of what he did to their hero Goliath, his thoughts were on that God that he was welded to, melted into and the Word from God’s heart and His promises. 

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