HEBREW WORD STUDY – NO MY LORD – LO’ ‘ADONAI לא אדוני Lamed Aleph Aleph Daleth Vav Nun Yod
1Samuel 1:15: “And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I [am] a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.”
I Corinthians 14:33-34: “For God is not [the author] of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (34) Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.”
The Southern Baptist take this verse literally. I read this morning where the Southern Baptist Convention will excommunicate any congregation that has a woman preacher. One argument, aside from an alleged Biblical argument by Paul is that the Orthodox Jewish synagogue excludes women from their services and only men pray and worship in the Synagogue.
Did the Jews traditional consider women inferior to men? Not hardly, in fact far from it. Jews learned how to pray from a woman named Hannah who lived 3,000 years ago found in the Book of I Samuel. She wept before the Lord in the temple pleading for a child. Along comes this High Priest Eli, a man who is to be the most holy man in Israel, steeped in the Divine mysteries of the Temple whose Great Grandfather was Aaron and he mistakes this ultimate prayer, a prayer where this woman is pouring her heart out to God in tears, he mistakes it for drunkenness. Our whole model of prayer as it is in Judaism is a feminine thing, men don’t like to cry, don’t like to appear helpless or express their inner selves. On top of that men do not do it when women are around, so women were separated to allow men greater freedom to pray. In the Semitic mindset, women rule when it comes to prayer. How about worship? Well, when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, the men sang but it was the women who played cymbals and danced. Again, in worship, women ruled. In the Song of Solomon, it is the woman’s voice that predominates the book. The indwelling presence of God is called the Shechinah which is a feminine element. God invests Himself in His creation to give it life and He passed that honor unto women. The word for mountain is har. If you put it in a feminine form it is harah which means a pregnant woman. Last Tuesday we studied Word Plays in our Hebrew 101 class. Harah is a play off the word har, not because a pregnant woman is big like a mountain, but because God manifested Himself on top of a mountain, Mt.Sinai, and the closer you came to the top the closer you came to God. A pregnant woman was considered very close to God for God was forming a life inside her. Because God forms life inside a woman a woman was considered to have special knowledge of God a holiness within themselves alone which men could only achieve in a minyan, a group of ten.
Women tend to let their emotions dominate them. Men follow more with their mind than their emotions. This creates a balance in the physical world. Yet, there is a danger of going too far with order and too far with the disorder. A man and woman are to work together for a balance. Yes, you need order in running the business of the church. Men were passing that job onto women in Paul’s day and the women were at each other’s throats over whether to have black olives or green olives for the fellowship dinner. (I actually witnessed that when I was a pastor).
I don’t think Paul was addressing the worship service in I Corinthians. He was addressing the business aspect of the church. The churches followed the synagogue model where women were kept separate from the men so men could freely express themselves to God which, as I said earlier, they were not prone to do when women were around. On top of, that it was believed that women had a special knowledge of God because they were to spend their time raising children and could not spend the time men did in studying Torah. Yet women were respected for their knowledge. According to an article I read by an orthodox rabbi this is clearly played out in the story of Hannah.
When the High Priest Eli accused her of drunkenness she said; “Lo Adonai” – No my lord. Can you imagine saying something like that to the Pope? You would have to go through a dozen diplomatic channels to correct the Pope, if you even got that far. Here is a common woman declaring to the High Priest of God that he is wrong, how insolent can you get. Yet, here is the kicker, he not only believed her but basically admitted he wrong by blessing her. A man would never get away with that. This High Priest respected this woman because he understood she had a relationship with God that was much different than his.
If you closely examine the culture of the first century, the culture of Semitic women and the nature of Judaism itself, you will get a different understanding of I Corinthians. You will find that women are not considered inferior but would be much better at running worship and praise than organizing the Saturday pot luck.
It is such a shame that women are held in such low esteem. Look at the children along with the women who are physically and mentally abused by men and then spiritually being set aside by the beautiful Spirit of Yeshua. The statistics are staggering. I talk with Him from the time my feet hit the floor, during the day and as I close my day He is the last to hear my voice. So sad to see the ones who are more vulnerable have such a strong need for our Savior and yet learn they are not yet worthy. Even Adam claimed “she” gave me the forbidden fruit when he did not take care of the headship he was given. Shaking my head, maybe one day Yeshua will explain to me why all this transpired. Thank you for all your teachings and may you have continued blessings.
My wife pointed out no women commented.
Once burned, twice shy.
Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and and strength and your neighbor as your self.
God uses the vessels before Him, He is in control.
Just a thought
I have developed a hunger for Gods word so much that I am not so worried about the male and female aspects. So I would like your personal opinion about all the books left out and or added to the bible. If there are more bibles with more of Gods word like maybe the Catholic bible or could I get a 1611 K. J. V.
for dirt cheap it would be nice. I really just want his truth and the more arguments I see or hear just make me that much more determined to seek. I have very little trust in people basicly but I know my Father introduced us so you are the one Brother. This is no joke, but ultimately I know God knows my heart. Shalom
You can get the apocryphal acts of the deciples online . The Acts of Thomas. The acts of of the Apostles.
Chaim, considering the great variety of people with their gifts, graces, and talents, it should come as no surprise that there actually are women of order as well as men of disorder (spontaneity?) within the Body of Christ. From a historical perspective Paul may well have in mind the disorder that occurred within the Corinthian congregation came not so much from the fact that qualified women of order were teaching publicly in the church but rather that men of disorder had abdicated their responsibility to “study to show themselves approved unto God.” Is it possible God wanted both qualified men and women to teach the believers, not just one or the other?
Thank you, Chaim. You shared insight that was new and refreshing. And it makes sense!
Who did YHWH make first??? Who was pulled from Adam and by whom? It’s not about who is better because I am sure The FATHER could have done anything, but The FATHER Being a ELOHIYM of order created man first and bought forth Eve from His choice of Adam first…none of us were present at that time so can we just go with what is written,Amein, Amein.
As I understand it, Women would gather on one side of the room and man on the other. So when a woman wanted to ask her husband a question she would have to yell to him to get an answer and that would disrupt the service, Not to mention put authority over the speaker. That is why Paul said they should ask their husbands when they get home.
Look a Deborah she was a teacher of the armies of Israel, One tough woman over men.
I also understand from a friend in the 80’s went to work over in Saudi Arabia and he said when you go to a home men gather at one side of the home and women on the other under their laws to keep from inter mingling.