Aramaic Word Study – Lawyer – Saphra סָפרֵא Samek Pei Resh Aleph
Luke 11:52: “Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and they that were entering in ye hindered.”
Some translations say: “Woe to you experts in law,” others say “law scholars” or “teachers in law.” The word in Greek is nomikois which is an expert in the law. In the Aramaic, the word is saphra where we get the word scribe. The Scribes were the lawyers of their day. The Pharisees learned from the scribes. It is the scribes who knew how to read and write. Not all Pharisees knew how to read or write. Thus the interpretation of Scripture came mainly from the scribes who knew their advantage. They knew how to read where others didn’t, so if you did not know how to read, you would never dare to contradict a scribe’s interpretation because there would be no way for you to disprove a scribe’s interpretation.
Unlike nomikois, saphra not only referred to a scribe but to anyone literate and able to read and write. Thus, someone like Paul who was not really a scribe but he knew how to read and write was a saphra and until Jesus shined a light on him, we all know how messed up his theology was. The lesson here is that just because someone portrays himself as a Bible scholar does not mean he is accurate in his interpretation. I confess I have pulled my PhD card several times to win an argument. If the persons or people in the discussion group did not have a PhD and spent 40 years studying Biblical Languages every day for a minimum of three to four hours they will usually acquiesce to my argument. I will tell you my dirty little secret only because I am not the only one doing this. Just let Toto pull back that curtain for a moment and you will see that this great Hebrew Wizard is really just a friendly old man holding his kingdom together with a lot of bluff and bluster. Just like the scribe has the advantage over others because he was literate I have an advantage because I’m literate in the Biblical languages. Only someone else who has studied the Biblical languages would dare call me out and if they do it’s a fight to see who has the better grasp of the language.
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Once someone tells me of a personal insight, if I say; “Well, that is not quite right because in the Hebrew…” Did I just take away what Jesus calls the key of knowledge for this person? The word key in Aramaic is qalida which means to lock up, to make something disappear. Jesus said that these saphras could make knowledge disappear by simply saying: “I can read Scripture and you can’t Na Na Na Na.” Yet God has a way of revealing Himself to people and the Holy Spirit will guide them to truth. But someone, a pastor, a teacher, a Christian leader, or even Chaim Bentorah who has studied in a Bible College and/or Seminary intimidates someone who has no background other than being self-taught and causes them to bow to this saphra then they will assume the knowledge they received from the Holy Spirit is wrong. This is what Jesus is condemning. God can reveal His Scriptures and knowledge without the help of people with their fancy degrees and titles. Thank you very much. I conduct a Bible Study on Saturday mornings and as far as I know, none of the participants have a Bible School background. Yet, I am amazed at the wisdom that is shared. I even share their ideas with others (based on the fact that they likely share mine).
Jesus further states to the scribes that “you withhold knowledge that you have not even entered into yourselves.” That means talking about something you know nothing about. Alexander Pope said; “A little learning is a dangerous thing.” I have heard Christians who claim to have studied Hebrew say that the word Elohim is plural and thus in Genesis 1:1 where God is plural it is addressing the Godhead, the trinity. Such a statement shows their knowledge of grammatical rules is sorely lacking. Worse, by using their “look how smart I am” card they will hinder someone who has no knowledge of Biblical languages from entering into a personal revelation that God wants to reveal to them. They have to fact-check God with a human snake oil salesman.
Jesus said one final thing: “…and them that were entering in ye hindered.” What Jesus was telling the saphars He is also telling me and you who are learning Hebrew through our All Access, you can prevent people from entering knowledge that you have not even searched out yourself just by flashing a certificate saying you finished a Hebrew course. All true knowledge comes from God not from Chaim Bentorah or you.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Not only does all true knowledge come from God, none of God’s true knowledge is new! It’s only new to us.
There is so much garbage being preached from the pulpits of many churches world wide, it is very wise for every christian to ask the Lord to give them biblical discernment they need from the Holy Spirit when listening to sermons also. Just because someone has a title of Pastor or Rabbi, doesn’t mean they are speaking biblical truth. Reminds me of the words from Fiddler on the Roof, a movie my daughter and I absolutely love and have watched countless of times, that we know the words of the whole movie. But the beloved song If I were a rich man says it so well .
The most important men in town would come to fawn on me
They will ask me to advise them
Like a Solomon the Wise
“If you please, Reb Tevye…”
“Pardon me, Reb Tevye…”
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi’s eyes
Ya-da-dee-da-da, ya-dee-da-da, ya-dee-da-da-da
And it won’t make one bit of difference
If I answer right or wrong
When you’re rich, they think you really know.
Humans not only put stock that someone is wise and should be listened to, if they have a degree or two, but also money and lots of it. You only have to look at social media to see those who are extremely wealthy ie celebs expounding their views to the world, thinking the world will listen, simply because they are rich.
If whatever a person says or does , does not line up with the bible, or they preach a different gospel I aint listening and taking on their words as if they come from God. Biblical discernment is what is sadly lacking not only in our world but also our churches. We are called to test the spirit to see if they are speaking from God or not. Not just blindly submit, because blindly submitting can lead to a whole lot of trouble if one is preaching satan’s ways and words, and not God Almighty’s