Hebrew Word Study: Hand: Yad יָד

Exodus 17:11 And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.

This story always baffled me. The Hebrew army was in a battle against the Amalekites. Moses was on top of a mountain where all could see him and he was holding up his staff. As he held up his staff the Hebrews were winning but if he lowered his staff they started to lose. Was there some special power in that staff? Some commentators claim it was just a battle sign to assure the warriors they were winning or to signal they were losing. Things got very confusing on a battlefield and one was never sure if they were winning or losing.
Yet, Scripture seems to emphasize the raising of Moses’s hand more than the staff. The word hand in Hebrew is Yad which also carries spiritual significance. The word hand is spelled Yod which represents a messenger or power from heaven and the Daleth represents a doorway. The word Yad – Yod Daleth is a doorway from which the power of God may flow. We practice the laying on of hands during prayer, the hand is the member of our body that most often physically touches another person. We send messages by the touch of our hands. The first physical connection between two loves is often holding hands.

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In The Talmud in Rosh Hashanah, 29a we learn that it was not only the physical act of Moses holding up his hand that initiated God’s help it was also a way of communicating to the Hebrew warriors to keep their thoughts turned to the above and subject their hearts to God. Moses, as did all Jews, worshiped God with uplifted hands.
The word hand or yad in Hebrew also means to certify, ensure, verify, confirm, or authenticate. Uplifted hands or the laying on of hands certify or authenticate the power of God.
I recall growing up in the Baptist church where we were condemned for worshipping God with uplifted hands. Yet, as I grew in my relationship with God I found in my quiet moments alone with Him I would automatically lift my hand in worship and praise without thinking. I learned worshipping God involves not only our minds and hearts but our physical bodies as well. Whether it be with uplifted hands to dancing before the Lord we are forcing our physical bodies, our minds, and our hearts to focus on God so that all that with within us is praising God.
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