Hebrew Word Study: Gates- Shaar – shin ayin resh, שׁער
Psalm 100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

In this context we are not talking about a storm or tempest or something horrible. Perhaps we are to enter God’s determination or decisions with thanks giving. That is possible. Many commentators say this represents the gates to the temple, but this Psalm predates the temple. Some say it is church buildings and going through the doorways of a church with thanksgiving. Again church buildings did not exist during the time of this Psalms.
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That leaves us with the use of sha’ar as hair. There is a possible connection. Animal hair was woven together in those days to make a sort of doorway into a home or tent as well as the tabernacle. The door was not meant to keep strangers out but to keep the wind from blowing dust and other pollutants into the house. Often, the wool or the hair of a lamb served as material to this doorway. The tabernacle used the sha’ar or hair of the lamb for its doorways. One passed through this door to offer the sacrifices for their sins. Today we pass through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God to offer him as our sacrifice for our sins. Now that is reason enough to pass through this sha’ar with thanks giving.
Saturday mornings we have a Torah study on Zoom which is recorded for our all Access site. We study the Torah Parshah for that particular week and seek to apply the teachings of Judaism from the Old Testament to our Christian faith as shown with the above example. You can join us or listen to our data base of Torah studies through www.hebrewwordstudy.com.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Could the gates be the entrances into the Tabernacle which would predate the Psalms? I’ve been told that the entrance into the Tabernacle courtyard was called the Gate of Life. (Chaim? do you know if that is accurate?) In the courtyard was the Altar of Sacrifice and the laver of cleansing water. We can enter the courtyard because of Christ’s sacrifice and His blood cleanses our sin. In the Courtyard we can see that the inside of the outer wall is hung with white linen, representing the righteousness of Christ. But how many people, once they enter the courtyard, are content to stay there fellowshipping with other believers and never going further up and further in to the actual Tabernacle? The entrance to the Tabernacle was called the Door of Truth and inside we see the Table of Shewbread and the Lamp Stand which is the only source of light inside. Both represent the Word of God and our studying it and devoting ourselves to it. But how many of us stay there and don’t enter into the Most Holy Place through the veil of the Way, where we can have intimate fellowship with God? I know that this is the destination Chaim speaks of when He encourages us to come into God’s presence. This is simply another word picture from the glorious Word of God that illustrates our ultimate destination … to enter into His presence through Gates with Thanksgiving and praise!
(I am curious if there is evidence in Jewish commentaries of those entrances being called the Veil of the Way, the Door of Truth and the Gate of Life? Any idea?)
This is a very good and informative lesson. I always thought that it was referring to Jerusalem! I have learn how sacred that city is to the Jews. Every Friday night I attend Shabot services at a Synagogue and I learned much about Jerusalem. They believe that it is the City of God and He dwells there more than any other place. People that visit Jerusalem often say that they feel the presence of God there more than any other place on earth. Jerusalem has gates and courts. Jews believe that Jerusalem is the “Heart of Israel ” I believe that Jerusalem is not only the “Heart of Israel” but the Heart of World. It’s where Jesus walk and taught!