Hebrew Word Study – Hardens The Neck – Maqesheh ‘Oreph – מַקְשֶׁה־ עֹ֑רֶף Mem Qop Shin Hei Ayin Resh Pei
Proverbs 29:1: He that being often rebuked hardens his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.
The words hardens his neck are the same words used in Exodus where God refers to the people of Israel as stiff necked people. I find this verse chilling only in the fact that it seems God keeps bringing me back to this phrase, stiff necked. I feel like He is telling me that I have not explored this stiff necked business enough, at least in my own life. As this is my personal journal I suspect God is telling me that I am being stiff necked. When the nation of Israel allowed themselves to become stiff necked, God was unable to fulfill His promise to them.
So I am taking a closer look at this phrase stiff necked. You see I have an unfilled promised that I would really like to see God fulfill before I leave this planet. Anyways in a literal sense a stiff necked person is one who can not look to the left or right. He can only see in one direction. The word stiff necked is preceded by the phrase He that being often rebuked in the Hebrew it is two words literally rendered as a man from correction. The word man is ish and not adam. Adam is used to represent a human being of the earth, or the natural human being. It could reference both a male and/or female. The word ish is used to describe a man who is both spiritual and natural. It could also reference a female but generally that is expressed as ishah. This man is receiving correction or yakach which is spelled Yod, Kap and Cheth. Correction or yakach is a message from heaven that is intended to fill your heart with His presence. However, in the delivery of this message I am apparently becoming stiff necked in other words I can not see the direction that God is leading because I am too focused on my present earthly pride.
Putting the words for harden and for stiff neck under a microscope I found that the word for hardened or stiff is spelled Qop, Shin and Hei. The sages teach one representation for the Qop is its shadow which is a refusal to make peace with change. Ouch! I am going through major changes in my life and I am not making peace with it. The shadow of the Shin can represent the clinging to a situation beyond a healthy end point. Ok, I am clinging to what little of the past I have left and refusing to let go. Finally the Hei can represent being stuck in a situation that leaves you broken. That speaks for itself. God cannot fulfill His promise to me if I don’t move forward.
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Perhaps the reason I have this unfulfilled promise from God is that I am stiffnecked. At least that is what I am getting in my spirit. I am refusing to make peace with the changes coming into my life, I am clinging to old situations that I refuse to let go and I am just stuck in the miry clay of my own brokenness.
But my spirit is crying out that there is yet more to this. I need to dig further. Well, my first step is the way I was taught in Bible College and Seminary and that is to check out the way the word is translated by our modern translators. I found it rendered as stiff necked or hardened necks. Not much help there, tell me what I don’t know. However, this does give me the picture of one looking in just one direction and not seeing another direction. Is that what I am doing? I then checked my Lexicon and found the word is used to describe stubbornness, and refusal to listen to instruction. Hmm, I had a friend scold me (in a nice way) today indicating that I was a bit off base in one of my conclusions. Since I was in the midst of the study I did not consider it a coincidence so I paid close attention and accepted that correction and instruction. My spirit suddenly settled down in me and I began feeling some peace.
Knowing there was more I moved beyond Bible College and Seminary and started to really drill down to the heart and soul of stiff neck or qashah ‘oraph. The word qashah means to harden, to stiffen, to be stubborn etc. The word ‘oraph aside from referring to the neck is also the word used for apostasy or abandoning one’s primary directive. Apostasy is a total abandonment of one’s religion or faith. I have seen people who were once very strong in their faith and then leave it. Once they left they become so obstinate that there is no returning to their faith.
I have not left my faith, but my friend did indicate that I was abandoning my primary objective to share the heart of God. This evening I continued my study on stiff neck tracing the word to its Semitic origins where I found that it comes from a Phoenician word for a slow steady drip. The ceiling in my bathroom was leaking, not a steady flow but just a drip now and then. Initially it did no damage and I did not want to report it to my landlord. But after a week I began to realize that it was doing some real damage to ceiling, so I called my landlord who sent someone to fix it. I realized I was being stiff necked in dealing with a certain issue that had nothing to do with the message God called me to give. However, I kept pounding away at it until a trusted friend pointed it out to me and suddenly I realized I almost left behind the message that God called me to bring, the message that focused on my search for God’s heart.
I was stiff necked or qashah ‘oraph. I was abandoning God’s call on my life. Will getting back on track to the message that God called me to deliver bring about His fulfillment of the promise He gave me? Maybe, I will just have to wait and see. However, I do realize that accountability is very important because the ‘oraph or steady drip away from the center of God’s will could eventually do a lot of damage.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
I think this is my favourite one of your word studies.
Dear Brother,
thank you so much for all the word study you do and then share. While I do not have time to read them all, I am always blessed and encouraged by the ones I do read, which encourages me all the more to read more of them! A good teacher is always an encourager and an encourager is not a “holier than thou”, which really helps your audience and due to our pride, there is always some difficulty in repenting.
We dont want God to look at us as the ” not again guy”. But that is our perspective not G-d’s “He knows our frame, that is but dust.” (in bible somewhere) .
So I just finished reading Nehemiah on by 1st ever attempt to read the whole bible in 1 year which is 4 PAGES of OT and 1.5 PAGES NT ( I have two columns on each page of my bible). So, Chaim, let encourage you with this from Nehemiah’s great prayer in Chap. 9.
you told them to go in and take possession of the land you had sworn with uplifted hand to give them.
16 “But they, our ancestors, became arrogant and stiff-necked, and they did not obey your commands. 17 They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving G-d, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them, 18 even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said, ‘This is your god, who brought you up out of Egypt,’ or when they committed awful blasphemies.
Only God knows your beautiful heart Chaim but I sincerely thank Him for keeping you within the confines of your calling for you are such a tremendous blessing and I am so deeply grateful to you for freely sharing your Gift. This little old lady’s life in NZ is greatly enriched by your beautiful ministry.
Praise God, you are listening!
The Word of God tells us to err or be deceived is to no longer love the truth.
“Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”
James 5:19-20 KJV
We know this as compromise with what God says is sin. I’ve noticed we straddle the line between being an old sinner saved by Grace and one who’s old man has died and only refers and defers to Jesus Christ. Which is it? If referring to self, yes we are sinners saved by Grace. If now we look to Jesus only, we live by the Spirit and it’s Him Who is our point of reference. FAITH in Christ or in self (our knowledge, our looks, our sexual preference, our political or college affiliation, our homes, our accomplishments, our offspring, our earnings, etc.)?
A wonderful message that spoke volumes. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing this a real insight and help to me.
Thank you so much for the books you have written. I have actually used them for my devotional snacks. My Bible first, but when I didn’t/don’t have time to get into a serious study, I use the book of yours that I happen to be reading at the time.
Your Treasures of the Deep, I have read several times. I am now reading Swimming in His Presence.
Your books have meant much to me; encouraged me, and helps me closer to God.
I hope to get the one about other planets or whatever.
Be encouraged in the work of the Lord.
Thank you for your transparency and hard work to communicate Gods word to us! This is so good and a great wake up call!