Hebrew Word Study – Air Kiss – Segad סגּד Samek Gimmel Daleth
John 4:23: “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
As part of my research for this book, I interviewed many worshipers from different denominations and churches who have various styles of worship. I discovered that many of these worship leaders were hired or given the position to lead worship because of their musical ability. To many worship is simply the musical portion of the service. It is hard for them to imagine a worship service without music. I find that few really have a Biblical perspective on worship, as they seem to just copy what they have seen other worship leaders do. I remember one worship leader who felt sorry for a fellow worship leader in another church who could not find a good drummer. It was hard to imagine that God would not bless this church with a good drummer as they sincerely wanted to worship God but of course, without a drummer, your worship will suffer. I was going to ask if he felt such empathy for King David who did not have the benefit of electric guitars and keyboards.
My point is this, is that it seems even our leaders spend little time trying to understand what worship really is. Most just tend to go with what works or what others are doing. They attend seminars and workshops but these tend to just give ideas that other worship leaders found effective and if any Scripture is used it is used to proof text or to just say they did not forget to look at Scripture.
There is something we tend to forget. It was not more than five hundred years ago that music was not allowed in churches and when it was it was only to be singing from the book of Psalms. But who am I to criticize? The woman at the well was under the impression that worship could only take place in a certain geographical location. Her worship leaders said they could only worship on a certain mountain but others said in Jerusalem. Even in those days, people questioned what their religious leaders told them to believe and for good reason, because Jesus pointed out how wrong they could sometimes be.
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Jesus told this woman that for true worshippers it is not a geographical location but a matter of the heart, that true worshippers worshipped in spirit and truth. In the Greek the word spirit is the word pneuma which is the word used for the Spirit of God, the human spirit, breath, or wind. But this woman Jesus was speaking to did not speak Greek, she spoke Aramaic. In the Aramaic, the word Jesus used was rucha which is identical to the Hebrew word ruch and has the same meaning as the Greek pneuma meaning the spirit or the Holy Spirit or breath and wind.
However, it is the word for worship that has me spooked. In Greek it is proskyneo. Now watch this. This is a compound word pros for throw or toward and kyneo for the word kiss. Worship is throwing a kiss to God. In the Aramaic, we get pretty much the same thing, the word in Aramaic is segad which is a loan word from the Middle Egyptian that is used for an air kiss. When the Egyptians worshipped their gods they would breathe through their nostrils onto the idol and that was considered a kiss or an air kiss. Air passing through the nostrils became known as an air kiss or a segad. Later in the Greek, it was known as a proskyneo which is interpreted means to worship.
Remember in the book of Genesis 2:7 God breathed into man’s nostrils the breathe or nephesh of life. God gave us an air kiss or life. Yet, here we are not worshipping God with our nephesh, but with rucha which is the word used for the Ruch Kodesh or Holy Spirit. I found the word rucha is preceded by a Beth in John 4:23 which in the Aramaic is the word by. Hence we do not worship in the Holy Spirit but by the Holy Spirit. God breathed the nephesh physical life into us through the nostrils but we breathe His Spirit our spiritual life out of our nostrils to Him. We worship by the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot worship God. If we allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives He will draw out of us our love to God.
I read something interesting in Mark 9:39: “But Jesus said, “Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me” When I read this I could not help but think of something I read in Jewish literature. It was a story of a student who complained to his rabbi that another student only studied Torah so he could show off his great knowledge and impress everyone with his understanding of Torah. The rabbi replied, “Don’t hinder him, for the Torah will purify his motives.”
I realize that I sort of blasted worship leaders at the beginning of this chapter so let me conclude by saying this. Perhaps there are worship leaders out there who are frustrated rock star wannabes, or desire to show off their talents. Perhaps there are worshippers seeking to impress others with their holiness through loud expressions of worship or performing physical contortions. Don’t hinder them, for if they are expressing the name of Jesus then let the Holy Spirit purify their motives and they will not speak evil of our Lord. For it is only by the Holy Spirit that any of us can truly worship God in truth. In Aramaic that word truth is sharara. Sharar is a word that means to be tightly bound together. It is like the strands of fabric tightly bound together to form a rope. Sharar is the word used to express that tight bonding, a bonding so tight that nothing can break it. When we worship segad that is to give God an air kiss breathing or sharing the life of His Spirit with Him we create a bond with Him that can never be broken.
Worship is segad sharara that allows the Holy Spirit to bond us tightly with God. When that happens, suddenly our motives start to become pure and we do indeed not only end up worshipping God in the Spirit, but in truth, no personal agendas, as well.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
This is absolutely revealing and more clear. Worship is of the heart and through the holy spirit. Thank you. Am blessed
Ecclesiastes 4:12 comes to mind.
A cord of three strands is not easily broken.
The study and explanation of worship gives this verse a clearer meaning.
Thank you
absolutely beautiful, thank you .
Thank you. How encouraging .
No need for judging. Just allow the Holy Spirit to do His wonderful transformative work!
Amazing. I was one of those worship leaders you mentioned and yes, of late, I have come to realise that it is alot of times, not all the time, but most the time performance orientated, well at least it started feeling like that. Who can play better or sing better, or shout etc…. I also realised that one can hype the congregation up easily too … This was my experience anyway as a worship leader.
I love your message on this. Air kiss….. that is so precious… (I should write a song on that….joking).. Spirit and in Truth.
This piece of work really spoke to my heart today.
Thank you so much for that.
Thank you for this email! I listen to a popular Christian radio station called K Love and I find that nowadays most songs are about me,me,me! The old hymns are about God! I’m 75 yrs. and find that some of the old hymns make good devotionals. I also attend online a church from Jerusalem called King of Kings Community Jerusalem for which I am very thankful to have found. Their musical worship time is filled with only songs about the Lord’s goodness,greatness,etc. Those kinds of songs give an air kiss to God! God bless your ministry!
Isn’t the word for God’s spirit Ruach, not Ruch? Also, I thought nephesh was the inferior animal’s spirit of life but Man’s is Nachash? Thank you.
Proskuneo is as you said. I believe the “kuneo” part of the word also relates to a dog. Therefore, as you stated, like a kiss, it is also like your typical dog that comes licking and fawning over its master, always nudging in closer and closer, licking the master as much as the master will allow. A dog will also assume a submissive position, turning over on its back exposing itself to its master in humility and service. It’s a beautiful picture of love and worship.
What you wrote is very good as always!
I have some of your books and enjoy them. I however am quite busy with my own research and other commitments to take your study course. I do however donate monthly to different religious organizations and am looking for more to help as well. These payment are set up to come out of my bank account automatically. One I have been giving to for close to 25 years. I don’t give right away I check to see if they are honest and treat every person with dignity and respect and teach God’s word and not their own ideas. This takes some time to decide if I should donate to them.
Toda rabah!k
How beautiful is this teaching on do many levels. Thankyou Chaim tor these precious pearls of wisdom ,
This is a beautiful word. Air Kiss. I have never heard it explained that way before.
On another note, it does bother me when people want to question our motives on how we worship we should all be free to worship without others judgement. Yet, human nature judges. Shame on us for Judging another’s motives. Let us all kiss our Creator unabashedly.
Absolutely powerful!
Highly appreciated
Thank you Chaim, then if I may, … worship, or the sacrifice of praise draws us near, to purify our hearts motives, for the purpose of, expressing our value, love and desire to become one with the Father
So much enjoy your books. I have gone through several of them. I am now reading your book on Psalms. Your thoughts mirror many of my thoughts. I’m glad to know I am not alone in my unusual thinking.
The Holy Spirit is for one and all with the same truth.
I still don’t like, or understand, the part where the wife is made to drink water, with the dirt from the ground. I think a wife would not feel good about her husband who would put her through that…if she was faithful to him. I just don’t understand the meaning.
segad sharara