Hebrew Word Study – Angels Sayinig – אמרִ מַלַאכָא Male’aka ‘Amar Mem Lamed Aleph Kap Aleph Mem Resh
Luke 2:13: “ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,”
I can make dogs howl when I sing and after taking seven years of piano lessons, no one cares to hear me play the piano. Heaven forbid if they try to sing along while I play. I am usually on “how sweet the sound,” while everyone is still singing “Amazing Grace.” So I must admit that it is not without some bias that I declare to you that nowhere in the Bible does it say that angels sing. I defy anyone to show me where in the Bible do they find angels singing. They are either shouting or saying. But they are never singing. It is only tradition and the many church Christmas pageants where you humiliate little children by forcing them to dress up in a sheet with a coat hanger halo and sing “Glory to God in the highest” that we get the idea of angels singing. Come on, I dare you, look at any translation of this passage in Luke. It clearly says the Angels said, not sing. You want Greek, I will give you Greek. The Greek word is legonton which means to speak, say, tell or command. Oh, but you say, the Book of Luke was written in Aramaic. Well, the Aramaic Bible uses the word ‘amar which is also speaking or saying. It does not use the word zamar or shir which is singing.
Angels are created supernatural beings. They are spiritual so they do not have lips, tongue, vocal cords, lungs and something called a diaphragm without which you cannot sing. Commentators are just a bunch of cowards, they will not point this out as they knew they are treading on sacred ground to say angels do not sing. But in this I am no coward, I am going to let the world know you don’t need music to worship and praise God. In fact, music was never really used in worship and praise with the ancient Hebrews. David introduced music as a sort of side note but worship was performed without music, they got their religious frenzy going through genuine Spirit filled worship and not fabricated by some sentimental or battle raising musical beats and rhythms. The early church would not even allow music until well into the eighteenth century and even then it was only singing the Psalms for this very reason. The closest to music the church would get would be to chant and they did that just to relieve the boredom.
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The fact that angels do not sing should be very liberating to us who are musically challenged. It means that we can praise and worship God just as much as you musically gifted worship leaders. Hey, we tone deaf Christians with our screeching that we call singing who make an awful noise unto the Lord are just as much able to worship God as you guitar playing angel like voiced worship leaders. Let the world know worship comes from the heart and not a musical sound or beat. I mean not even the angels sing. We pick up on traditions like angels singing and somehow believe they are Scriptural when there is absolutely no Scriptural basis at all for it. Let that be a lesson to us all, that many of our beloved traditions are just that, traditions and there is no Scriptural basis. We must search the Scriptures for even our most cherished traditions. Not that these traditions can be wrong, but don’t turn them into dogma if they are not found in the Bible.
Ok, I will admit that I may not be able to make beautiful music but I do like listening to a good worship song now and then when I feel like praising and worshipping my God. I drive a disability for the Town of Cicero in Chicago. The other day as I made my drop at the Cook County Hospital and Rush Memorial, I let my last passenger off at the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind. This put me right on Ogden Avenue (the old Route 66) and on a fifteen minute journey back to Cicero. As the bus was empty I queued my IPod up to my favorite worship song by Chuck Girard, Sometimes Alleluia and decided to spend some quality worship time with Jesus. Even though Mr. Girard does talk about angels singing in the song, I am willing to overlook this little theological misstep. As I began to lose myself in my little worship time I suddenly heard another voice singing along with Chuck Girard, but it was coming from the back of my bus. It was the most beautiful voice I ever heard, it blended so nicely with Chuck Girard. This person had tremendous breath control as it seems she never took a breath, just one long beautiful melodic accompaniment, almost like a musical instrument, in perfect key and harmony with Chuck Girard. I have listened to this song hundreds of times but I never heard this before, it was just so beautiful but then it hit, “Oh my gosh, who did I forget to drop off?” I pulled the bus to the curb to turn and apologize to my passenger for not letting her off at her destination, but I discovered there was no one else on the bus, only myself and ……………
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
so you can sing Beautifully or do Angels sing?
So the end is you saying that angels do sing…? I’m confused haha
Love it Chaim. Even though it’s theologically incorrect to say that angels sing, yet here is one praising God among with a recording and you seeking to Praise God with all your your being.
Been there, seen it, done it. they have turned up with a choir when I was not expecting them.They were very welcome. But do we ever expect them?
This is very interesting. I want to ask however does it say in the Bible that angels can’t sing. How do you know that Angels don’t have vocal cords etc? Then how did father Avraham (Hebrew spelling) hear them speak? Do you know that the entire Bible is about the Jews and they don’t say their prayers they sing or chant them.They are told to sing praises to God. Perhaps it was simply understood that angels sing their praises also.
If angels can’t sing because of no vocal chords, how do they speak? They have spoken face to face with real people. Just maybe their praise would be a melodious sound in our vocabulary. You must be old if you listen to Chuck. Us elder teenagers invited him, and he came, to our little town of Titusville Florida circa late 1960. Let Love Win All of the Time. Galatians 2:20. Our actions are our worship.