What is the “Tree of Life”

Genesis 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Next Monday in our Hebrew and Aramaic Bible Study and Discussion we will discuss Genesis 3:24. A familiar verse to us all. After Adam and Eve sinned God drove “the man” out of the garden (He didn’t have to Eve out? She willingly left?). Then God place a Cherubims East of the Garden. (Nobody was guarding the West end, North end or South end? How long did that Cherubim guard the garden, is he still guarding, has God told him to stand down?) Then the cherubim had a flaming sword turning every way (Really? A sword that is on fire, that would not even stop Indiana Jones and what does that mean to turn every way?).

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The purpose is to keep “the man” from the tree of life (what the duce is the tree of life?)
So these are all questions we will tackle next Monday. Just as a teaser the words in Hebrew for “fiery sword” is Eth lahat hacherev. Lahat comes from an old Akkadian word la’atu (LT) which is a word for the flashing reflection of sunlight off a sword. From a distance out in the desert an army approaching would wave their highly polished swords making them appear like they are on fire with the reflection of the sun. The seasoned warrriors would calm the rookies telling them that it is just a lahat, it wasn’t real, it was an illusion of fire. The word for ever turning is hamithehpeketh which means ever changing. Literally a cherubim was assigned to cause an illusion that the Garden of Eden was not really there. The Garden of Eden still exist but there is an illusion that it is not there, possibly it exist in another dimension. A lot of possiblities.
Join us next Monday in this discussion and share your opinion. You can join at www.hebrewwordstudy.com

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