Hebrew Word Study- “you shall return” Tashuvu  תשׁב

Leviticus 25:10: “…and you shall return every man unto his possession, and you shall return every man unto his family.”

The words “you shall return” in Leviticus 25:10 is spelled Taw Shin Beth Vav which is tashuvu. The “u” between the h and the v is expressed as a qibbus which are three dots under the Shin. This is grammatically incorrect, the “u” should be a holem which is a Vav with a dot in the center of the Vav. It might be disturbing to many that the inspired Word of God has a grammatical error. When I taught Hebrew in Bible College I always spoke of these so called grammatical errors as simply exceptions to the grammatical rules. I would tell my students that the first semester they would learn the grammatical rules and the second semester all the exceptions to the rules. This is not an error only an exception to a rule. Jewish rabbis and sages believe these so called exceptions are of Divine Intent. But until 1948 they did not understand this grammatical anomaly.
You see a few hundred years ago esoteric rabbis took the word tashuvu (you shall return) and broke it down into its numerical value. Taw = 400, Shin = 300, Beth = 2 and Vav = 6. For a total of 708. When using the Gematria to determine a date they add the millennia of 5 (based on the belief that creation took place 5,000 years ago) and came up with the year 5708 as the year that they would return to Israel.

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Ironically (or maybe Divinely) 5708 in the Jewish calendar is 1948 on our calendar, the year Israel was declared a nation by the United Nations. If not for that so called grammatical error the date would have been 5714 or 1954. But the rabbis were still scratching their heads as to why the return had to coincide with a date that was the result of a grammatical error. Why is that Vav missing. In 1948 the rabbis realized the obvious reason for the missing Vav. The Holocaust was one of the main factors that prompted the United Nations to vote to give the Jews a nation. The Vav is the number 6 and there were 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust and were unable to return to Israel.
Is all this coincidence or Divine Intent? With this war in Israel ramping up with incursion into Lebanon and the outright support by Iran for the enemies against Israel, if these calculations are not coincidence but Divine Intent, then sit back because God is about to do something big for Israel.
In our All Access Learning Channel we will be discussing the use of the Gematria in the coming future as well as the hidden messages behind the Hebrew letters. Consider joining us at www.hebrewwordstudy.com

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