Hebrew Word Study: Tree of Life- ‘etz hachayyim

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Tomorrow in our Weekly Hebrew and Aramaic Bible study we will continue to examine Genesis 3 and discuss this matter of just what was the Garden of Eden, where was it? Where is it located today or does it even exist today. We will also continue our discussion the Tree of Life. This class will be recorded for those who cannot attend and will be posted on our All Access site.
The word tree of life in Hebrew ‘etz hachayyim. The word ‘etz means a tree, a stick, twig, lumber etc. However Rabbi Samson Hirsch a nineteenth century scholar, linguist and Hebrew master says that in its very Semitic root or origins the word means a concentration of energy or power. I have asked my Bible Study class to just step off the reservation for a moment and consider the idea that maybe this tree of life is not a tree at all but a concentration of power or energy. From this flows the energy or power of eternal life. The word eat in Hebrew is ‘akal which really means to consume, to allow something to become a part of you. When you eat, say a carrot, that carrot breaks down in your body which absorbs its nutrients and turns it into energy or power to keep your body functioning.

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Just a thought and my class will have a chance to challenge my thought tomorrow, but could it be possible that when Adam and Eve sinned they could not be near this concentration of energy as this sin was to offensive to it and that the whole purpose of the Garden of Eden would lose its value and God had to separate the humans from this concentration of energy as they and it were no longer compatible. Judaism teaches that the tree of life was a connection of the supernatural with the natural and after the fall the natural human being could not longer enter the supernatural.
Jesus said he is the Light of the world, before anything was He existed. He said not man comes to the Father but through Him, He is that part of God that forms the bridge between the natural and supernatural and it is through the sacrifice and the finished work of Jesus Christ that we can once again claim our role that existed for the human being before the fall.
In other words the ‘etz hachayyim is not a tree at all but is the very presence and life of Jesus Christ from whom flows eternal life that through this death on the cross and resurrection is able to give us eternal life.
But I take it one step further, something I try to prove in my new book on the heart of God that the heart of God is Jesus Christ from whom all life flows.
You have the opportunity to challenge my theory and present you own tomorrow by joining our All Access Learning Channel. If you can’t attend you can always put you ideas up on the Ask Chaim portion on our All Access site. To gain access to this as well as other studies, live teachings, workshops, Hebrew & Aramaic 101, How to do your own Word Studies, digital books and much more go to www.hebrewwordstudy.com

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