Hebrew Word Study – Appropriate – Yapah – יָפֶ֣ה  Yod Pei Hei

Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.”

The word for beautiful in Hebrew is yapah which means to be fitting, appropriate, just right, perfect in every way. God promises to make our lives so that we will eventually live happily forever with our true soul mate the very one who created us and he will do this in his perfect time.

King Solomon adds that God has set the world in our hearts. Actually, in the Hebrew that word set is nathan which is to give. The Jewish sages teach that the word nathan is spelled the same backward and forward to show that God will not only give but will keep giving over and over again, it is circular.  He will give us the world in our hearts forever.  The word for world is ‘olam which is the word for eternity.  He will give us eternity in our hearts.  The Amplified Bible explains this the best by calling this a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except the one who created us in the first place. Yet, no one can find out the work. The word find is matsa’ in Hebrew which is to discover, to be able to comprehend this work that work that He has done from beginning to the end, that is to understand the incomprehensible ending to His amazing plan for our lives. That plan is truly a fairy tale ending, that everlasting love like we find that pulp fiction. 

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God has planted in our hearts that desire for an everlasting love.  We cannot comprehend it in the natural realm.  God has given us a marriage relationship, the relationship between a man and woman to dimly mirror the relationship we have with God. In pulp fiction it is a perfect relationship. We watch the end of that romance movie and sigh thinking that the fictional couple on screen or in print have found what we long to find in our hearts. According to King Solomon, it is God who put that desire in our hearts, but the earthly picture given to us in a marriage relationship is only that a picture, it is not the real thing it is only to be a shadow of what we have with God.

Genesis 3:16 God tells Adam and Eve: “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”  Boy, I sure like that, “your desire will be to your husband.” If that is suppose to be a curse then like Tevye said in Fiddler on the Roof  “Might I be afflicted, and never recover.” However, that word desire in Hebrew is teshuqah which is a longing.  The wife will have a longing for her husbands affections but he will rule over her. That word rule in Hebrew is mashal which means to dominate, rule over, control. 

The wife will seek to fulfill a long in her heart through her husband, but try as he might he will not be able to fulfill that longing that eternity God placed in her heart because only God Himself   can fill that longing.   

This weeks  In Depth Study in our All Access Subscription site if the third in series on a journey to God’s heart.  It is entitled; A Consuming Passion.  Consider join us at www.hebrewwordstudy.com


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