Hebrew Word Study – Arise – Qum – קוּם Qop Vav Mem
Isaiah 60:1: “Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee.”
What probably runs through most peoples minds when they hear this verse is “Wake up, time to rise and shine.” I guess metaphorically this verse is a slap across the head telling us to “Wake up, stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and be enlightened, your light has come.“ This verse is addressed to Jerusalem, Israel, the church, you and me and it is telling us more than to just wake up.
The word arise is kumi which has a very broad range of meanings. Generally the word has the idea of arising and being restored. When Jesus healed the lame man at the pool he most likely used the identical word in Aramaic in his command to be healed.
To Jerusalem which was in ruin, to the Jews who were in captivity, to us as we walk through the dark valley we all receive the same command, kumi, arise and be restored. If you have been beaten down, under oppression, or just plain worn out, the command is to arise and be restored.
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Not only are we to arise and be restored, but we are to shine. The word shine is not ‘halal (praise) as one would expect, but it is the word ’or which is the word for light. Grammatically, if the word is ‘or it should be rendered as enlightened.
What are we enlightened about that will cause us to arise and be restored? It is the fact that the light has come. Many rabbis see this light as the Messiah. When the Messiah comes all will be restored.
Since we believe the Messiah has already come in Jesus, then the final question is: “At what point is our restoration come?” It comes when the light or the Messiah comes which means that our restoration is already here. In other words, if you are wandering around in that dark valley, then you need to be enlightened to the fact that the Messiah is here, Jesus has come to bring light to your dark valley. That dark valley is dark only because you will not open your eyes to see Jesus. True you may still be in the valley but He will lighten your way through the valley and He will restore your strength to pass through that valley.
That final phrase, The glory of the Lord has risen on you uses the word zarach for risen. This word is commonly used with the rising of the sun. The word glory as indicated in an earlier study expresses God’s lovingkindness and compassion. As you walk through your dark valley just look off to the West, the Son is rising. God’s lovingkindness and compassion is rising to bring the warmth and comfort you need for your journey.
So as we pass through our dark valleys and feel abandoned, lost and/or hopeless we are reminded by the prophet that the coming of the Messiah, the coming of Jesus brings us enlightenment that he will say: Arise and be restored. He will bring us the strength we need, He will light our way and walk through that valley with us covering us with His lovingkindness and compassion.
As David said in Psalms 23, “Surely goodness (walking in harmony with God) and lovingkindness shall follow me all the days of my life.” The Light has come, the Messiah is here and we do not have to cross Jordan alone, we do not have to pass through the valley in darkness for He, the light, will walk with us.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Loved ❤️🔥🫶🏿
Weeks ago ABBA proclaimed this Rhema Word at train station here in Tarragona Spain to a baby unconscious due to choking asphyxia and she returned to Breath and cry ALELU YAH 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🫶🏿
Chaim hope you are well , wairing for your Next post beloved Last was 8th July and we need this studies like wáter 😏😁❤️🔥
Also in Ps. 23, 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
David knew the Lord was near to Him, This teaching shows how David, enlightened to the Lord, had that confidence, and we can have it, too! It brightens my day, as I need restoring and want to shine!
I am most grateful for God’s leading me into this study. I am just learning how small my understanding of the Bible has been all these seventy years of my life. Praise God.
Thank you for this application of ‘light’ or the Hebrew ‘or’, which according to my Hebrew Bibles is the same word used in Genesis 1:3 – “let there be light (or) … and God saw that the light was good. Enlightenment began at the beginning. Good stuff here to contemplate, in the simple, two-letter word, or.
Hallelujah! What a joy and I agree. However I think we can go deeper especially surrounding the holiday many Americans hold dear. Independence Day. As many Americans are completely aware of this personal relationship we each get with boldness and access to Gods throne of grace and coming to terms with the fact that Immanuel is with us. It takes all of us to see Jesus plans and purposes fulfilled and I love His wisdom when it comes to the His long suffering for what will eventually cause 1/3rd to come together like we have only heard stories about. Returning to the ancients paths and no doubt on its way until that day we can no longer buy or sell anymore without giving away our humanity and ways this is already the case but not fully developed.
Thankyou Brother Chiam
Your post’s are such an alignment for my walk,and understanding of My journey with MY MESSIAH
Very good. Making a choice to become active when you don’t feel like it is the problem. When things are not going good we have to make a choice to rejoice. Your teachings are so good. They always bring out wonderful insight, and if applied will bring us peace. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of the Hebrew word with me. I love learning more about God’s Word.
Chaim I REBORNED 8 years ago and ABBA show me how His Name YAHUAH was adopted to His Son , like Avram was cutted/splitted/santified/consecrated to AvrāHām with H (breath) Our Messiah Name YAHŪSHŪAH was with S (teeth,PainT,fire) Shuah means shout ,claim for Salvation. ABBA show me It with a boat conatainig a different name in its 🛟 CLAMOR and same afternoon a mother shouting for her daughter to rescue her from danger 🤔🙌🏿🫶🏿❤️🔥Alelu YAH
Thanks for this excellent lesson! The way to allow Jesus to light your way is to light the way for others by caring for them for as He said ” What so ever you have done into these the least of my brothers have you done into me! “
I came to know the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1973 while in college. Fellowship was abundant, but instruction in the Word was lacking. I attended a seminary in order to study the Word and understand so much of what was a great mystery to me. Although I applied to receive a degree that would not require the Hebrew and Greek, I was told that because of my undergraduate studies, I HAD to take the M. Div. program! Some 50 years later, those are the two studies I from which I still profit in my studies. I feast on the Hebrew and the Greek. So, I am grateful that our Lord led me to your study of specific words to enable me to better understand Hebrew and the Word of God.