Hebrew Word Study – Obsessed – Charash – Cheth Resh Shin  

Zephaniah 3:17: “The Lord your God in the midst of you is mighty.  He will save you, and He will rejoice over you with joy.  He will rest in his love, He will joy over you with singing. 

If you read my book Hebrew Word Study A Hebrew Teacher’s Call to Silence you may recall where I made a deal with God that if He would weep when my heart was broken, I would weep when His heart was broken.  Yesterday was one of those days where I wept and knew I had entered God’s heart and felt His grief.  

I listened to an interview from British television, a counterpart to our 60 Minutes, with a fifteen-year-old girl who was taken to a Satanic cult by her grandmother at the age of two and for thirteen years was tortured and sexually -abused by these Satanists.  Up until four years ago before I made my deal with God, I had heard of such rituals and was pretty much unaffected.  I do have Asperger’s Syndrome and I am not easily affected by gory sights or descriptions, but this time I just found a deep grief well up in me and I could not stop weeping, I know it was God who was weeping and I was feeling His heart.

This young fifteen-year-old girl told how from the age of 2 until her rescue at the age of 14 she and others were continually sexually violated by adult men and women.  She became pregnant at the age of eleven.  When the baby was almost full term a Satanist doctor performed an abortion and before her eyes, they killed her baby as a sacrifice to Satan.  Then they ate the baby and forced this young child, the mother, to also eat her own child. 

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As I said, I worked many years in a deliverance ministry under Dr. Lester Sumrall and I have similar stories before. However, as I listened to this story, I was instantly reminded of a remark by a woman who came through our ministry, had been a Satanist priestess and revealed that she also gave a baby up to be sacrificed to Satan and she said: “The baby was just total love and we had to destroy it.”  The enemy wants to destroy love because that is what God is all about. He is more total love than a baby.  The enemy wants to destroy that racham love. 

Intellectually, I have a hard time believing in an eternal hell of fire and brimstone.  Not that I don’t believe it, but that I just can’t wrap my brain around an eternity of a physical fire tormenting a spirit that has no physical body.  But if this is what the Bible teaches I am going to believe it, all I am saying is that I personally cannot wrap my brain around it.  But I will tell you what I can wrap my brain around and for me, it is worse than eternity in a lake of fire.  For me, hell would be to have to spend eternity with such evil as I heard in that interview and with such an evil entity that would cause men and women to do such horrific things and never know or experience the loving presence of God for eternity, that this would more horrible than a fiery torment.  You imagine your hell, I will imagine mine but I guarantee we are both imagining our idea of the worst possible fate a human soul could experience. 

It is with that thought that I come to this verse in Zephaniah 3:17.  Someone on our ministry Facebook page mentioned this verse in response to a meme I posted on God singing to us. I did a study on this some time ago but decided to revisit it after listening to this interview.  I just could not get this evil out of my mind and so I needed to focus on the love of God for a while. For me, this verse is the best expression of God’s love, next to the sacrifice of His Son, in the Old Testament.  I mean read this carefully.  He is saying that He will rejoice over us with joy, He will rest in His love, and He will joy over us with singing.  Reading this in the Hebrew I get a picture of God almost like some giddy little school girl experiencing her first love.   

Let me ask you a question, what in the blazes does it mean when God says He will rest in His love?  This phrase is a very troubling one for translators as it has a variety of meanings many of which fit nicely in the context. I believe there is more than one English word to use here. The Hebrew word that is rendered for rest is charash which in its root meaning is to be silent.  That fits the context and I will explain that in my next study. However, there is a very troubling meaning which also fits nicely in the context that I would like to address first in this study as I love the implication.  Charash also means to be enchanted or bewitched.  Those are not words we like to associate with God. I mean in its literal sense the English word enchant and bewitched implies putting a spell on someone. We obviously do not put a spell on God.  However, if we trace this word charash to its Semitic root it does not really imply a real spell but the idea of being so taken with an object or person that you become obsessed with them.  In other words, the word charash really means an obsession.  So we could say: “He will rejoice over you with joy.  He will be obsessed with His love for us, He will joy over us with singing.”  I like to use the word enchanted“He will be enchanted with His love for us.”

You see God just loves to be in love.  Just like a young teenage girl with her first love. Like you and like me, we love to be in love.  No matter what age we are. I heard on the radio today about a place called The Village in Florida, a retirement community.  These are people in their so-called Golden years.  They have a practice that if you are available then on a certain day you wear a certain color.  If you wear that color you will likely have some elderly gentleman or lady hit on you. No matter what age we humans love to be in love.  

Never forget we are created in the image of God and He is the granddaddy of romance, he created us to love romance, probably because it is something He Himself desires. He loves to be in love and when we return that love, he is charash, enchanted.

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