Hebrew Word Study – Streams – Peleg פלג

Hebrew Word Study – Streams – Peleg פלג

Hebrew Word Study – Streams – Peleg פלג Pei Lamed Gimmel Something new this month! Check out Chaim’s new Podcast here: https://anchor.fm/Chaim-Bentorah Do You Feel Like You Are Being Uprooted?   Psalms 1:3:  “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,...
Hebrew Word Study – Meditate – Hagah הגה

Hebrew Word Study – Meditate – Hagah הגה

Hebrew Word Study – Meditate – Hagah הגה Hei Gimmel Hei Something new this month! Check out Chaim’s new Podcast here:https://anchor.fm/Chaim-Bentorah What Is Meditation On God’s Word Psalms 1:2:  “But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD, and in his law doth...

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