Hebrew Word Study – Laugh – Tsachaq  צחק Sade Cheth Qop 


Genesis 18:13-14: “And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? (14) Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”

I have heard this verse quoted many times by preachers to assure us that all things are possible with God. Well, after all, He created this natural world it is only logical that He can manipulate his creation any way He wants. I often have often wondered why God had to remind Abraham that nothing is too hard for God. Surely Abraham, among all people, would know that nothing is too hard for God. 

Some modern translations say nothing is too wonderful for God to perform. That would seem to fit the context more as Abraham and Sarah had given up all hope of having a child and then God performs this wonderful miracle for them.  It had to be overwhelming.  We say Sarah laughed in mockery when she heard she was having a child. Yet the word for a laugh here in Hebrew is the word tsachaqah from the root word tsachaq which means laughter.  It can be used for laughter in mockery, yet if you trace this word too is very Semitic origins you find that it is used to express the idea of playful teasing, specifically of a husband and wife during a time of intimacy as the husband caresses his wife. He is teasing her, being playful with her, and making her happy and joyful.

Oddly, tsachaq is where the word and name Isaac originate.  Isaac was named after this moment of laughter, this moment of God playfully teasing Sarah, making her joyful and happy.  Did God really expect this miracle child to be named after a word for mockery?  I find that hard to believe. This had to be a different type of laughter.  I believe it was an expression of the root meaning of tsachaq, the joy and pleasure one feels when being caressed, cherished, and loved.  At that very moment, Sarah’s laughter was born out of a sense of joy over being loved and cherished by God. 

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Rashi expresses this as Sarah not mocking but showing a sense of wonder. Something so wonderful you just can’t believe it.  She senses a thrill over the fact that she would bear a child. In other words, she is saying; “If only this were true, what a happy wonderous thought.” Sarah’s unbelief was not one of mockery but of wonder.  Sort of like being told you won the lottery.  You say; “No, it can’t be true, but yippee!” She was laughing out of pure joy but at the same time just thinking it was just too wonderful to be true thinking: “Oh if only it were true.”

In a sense that was God’s response when he said: “Hayipale’” that is “Yes, it is true.”  Hayipale  comes from the root word pala’ which is rendered as “is anything too hard.”  The Hei makes this interrogative, that is a question. In this case, it is a rhetorical question. “Do you really doubt it?”  The root word pala’ really has the idea of something that is wonderous, outside the realm of the natural world.  “Do you think that it is just too wonderful that it can’t be?  Are you not deserving of something so wonderful?” The Tagum uses the Aramaic word haytakasi, which has the idea of being hidden, separated, or concealed.  In other words, God was saying; “Is anything too hidden, separated, and concealed from Me that would prevent me from doing my will?” 

Jeremiah 29:10: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” The word plans is chashab which has the idea of designs, intentions, or thoughts in the sense of a plan and purpose.  Nothing was going to change the plans and purpose that God had for Sarah to bear a child. Of course, Sarah could have gotten an abortion and could have ended her pregnancy. I know, such a thing is absolutely ridiculous to consider.  She wanted this child, prayed for it, and longed for it because God put that desire in her.  That was His plan for her and nothing would hinder that plan unless she wanted to hinder it. 

Sometimes God will do things for us and we just sit in awe and think: “Can it really be, this is just too wonderful?”  This morning I was spending a little special time with God.  Things haven’t been going that well for me. I guess I was doing my share of bellyaching.   I was struggling with a health issue, a job issue, an issue with my apartment, and the possibility I would have to move but just can’t afford a move so I was also struggling with a financial issue.  Suddenly it was like God said: “Hey, look around you, check out your life right now.” I paused and thought of my particular moment. I was driving in a car that was running without major problems, I was on my way to spend the day just studying God’s Word in a peaceful coffee shop.  I was anticipating God giving me some new insight into His Word which He was doing at that moment.  

As I thought about my life at seventy-two years of age I started to tsachaq, laugh. This was not a mockery laugh but one of joy. I personally do not see how things are going to work out, but I am doing what my heart had longed to do all my life. To just spend time peacefully studying God’s Word, writing books that will get published, and enjoying a comfortable day off from my day job. This was God’s plan for my life, to study His Word and share insights He gives me with others, even it only one person reads my blog, he created me to encourage that one person and that gives a seventy-two-year-old man purpose. 

You see that all Sarah in her old age wanted, was just purpose and God gave it to her beyond her expectations.  That purpose was haytakasi, that is nothing could prevent God from carrying out his plan for her life. She is the only one who could prevent it, but why would she, she was getting the desire of her heart which just happened to be God’s desire for her as well.  


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