Revelation 20:15: “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” NASB

Isaiah 45:3: “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.”

In my Amazon best-selling book; Hebrew Word Study, Revealing the Heart of God, I wrote about this verse in chapter 38.  Recently, my spirit quickened with the thought that my study was incomplete.  I addressed the issue of what treasures of darkness meant, which was knowledge of God that is not hidden but was just not accessible without the finished work of Jesus Christ. I neglected to explain, however, the purpose of this hidden knowledge. So, I will give this addendum to my book.

You will notice that God says He will give us the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places but then gives the reason why He will extend this gift to us.  It is so that we may know that He is the Lord. It further states that He calls us by our name, and what we are to know is that He is the God of Israel.  

Is that it, just so we know He is the God of Israel?  I don’t need the treasures of darkness or the riches in secret places to know that.  I know it and I believe it, so big deal, some treasure.  Wait, I left something out.  “Which call thee by thy name.” 

The word name in Hebrew is the word shem with the preposition Beth and a second person singular suffix or pronoun – your. The word call is qor which is in a participial form. The word shem means the word that identifies you, shows your reputation, and what you are.  Someone with the name Jack Carpenter does not really fulfill the word shem if he is not a carpenter who is a jack of all trades. He may have no carpentry skills whatsoever, his straight lines may look like electrocardiograms but people will call him Mr. Carpenter because that is his identifier but not his reputation.  That is not shem. Shem is a character pattern not just a word to identify you.  In heaven we will not be called the name our parents gave us.  We will be called by a word that identifies our character pattern.  Maybe your parents and friends call you Charlie here on earth, but in heaven, you will be known as The Helper, The Peaceful One, The Caring One.  We will have many names but we will all share one name – The Forgiven Ones.  

The Bible says in Revelation 20:15: “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” NASB.   Now suppose your name was Charles Smith.  I mean there are literally millions of Charles Smith, how do you know you will not be mistaken for a mass murderer name Charles Smith and you end up getting tossed into the Lake of Fire because the recording angel could not find Charles Smith in the book of life?  What is the Book of life?  The words book of life in Aramaic is katava chai. Katava is the Aramaic word for a contract and chai means life.  Thus, the Book of Life is a contract of life. However, in the Jewish mind when they hear the Aramaic word katava, they will think of a marriage contract. Hence this book of life is really a marriage contract.  Jesus is our life or our bride groom and if your name or character pattern is not written on the marriage contract with Jesus, then you will be cast into the lake of fire. Jesus.  For certain the character pattern of anger, hatred, and selfishness will not be found in this marriage contract or book of life. 

Now if you are born again in Christ Jesus, married to Him as His bride,  He is calling you all the time. If you are angry, He is calling you, but He does not call you: “Hey angry one.”  He will call you: “Hey forgiven one” or “Hey, the One I Have Cleansed, why are you angry, calm down, count to ten, aleph, Beth Gimmel.  Sit down, have a bagel.” Yesterday, I watched a television series about Caesar  Millian who is known as the Dog Whisperer. One segment stood out to me.  As the dog was barking and all agitated, Caesar reached out and held the dog, not just until the dog quieted down, but he maintained a firm grip on the dog until you could visibly see a change come over the dog and was suddenly a peaceful happy little animal.  It was then that he let go of him. 

I could not help but think that is the way God treats His children. When we get agitated, worried, fearful, angry or any other negative emotion, God reaches out, calls us by our name or shem: “Hey, forgiven one, it’s ok, you ok just excited, calm down, rest, be peaceful.  God doesn’t stop there but he continues to hold us, ministering His peace to us until we are rested. Do you ever watch those romantic movies when the wife gets a bad report, and her husband takes her, hugs her talks soothingly to her until she calms down, and just rests peacefully in his arms?  So too, when we become overly excited and anxious, God takes us in His arms, speaks soothingly to us, calls us The Forgiven One, and calms us down. 

Of course, if our name is not The Forgiven One, He cannot minister this peace, He cannot hold us. Thus, we are unable to find that rest and peace in Him. So, perhaps I will add an addendum to Chapter 38 in my book.  Not only are the treasures of darkness a knowledge of God, but it is also the peace of God that comes after He is able to call us by our new name, the Forgiven One, the name that is found in the Book of Life.

Oh yes, by the way, your name in both Hebrew and Aramaic is simka which sounds almost identical to simcha which means serenity and happiness.  When God gives a new name our new name in Hebrew and Aramaic will be the Serene and Joyful One.  

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