Hebrew Word Study – Mountain – Harar – הרר Hei Resh Resh
Haggai 1:6-8: “Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages [to put it] into a bag with holes. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.
Does Haggai 1:6 strike a chord with you? Do you find you sow much into the work of God but you seem to bring in little? I suppose most of us eat and drink and are filled and we usually have enough warm clothes, although many of us feel like our paycheck is full of holes. I am sure you get the gest of the message here in Haggai, you have plenty yet, you still have that empty feeling. Rockefeller when he was the richest man in the country was asked just how much more money did he really need. He replied: “Just a little more.” It seems like no matter how much we get we are never satisfied.
Israel had returned to their homeland, only to find it occupied by squatters and refugees from other displaced people as a result of the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests. They had settled in Palestine and started to make a new home for themselves when in walked the former owners, the Israelites, ready to reclaim their land and if the squatters didn’t like it, the Jews had the power of the Persian Empire to back them up. So, these foreigners carried on a war of attrition, a sort of Yankee go Home. While the Jews were off building their temple these foreigners would destroy their crops. While they were rebuilding the walls they would invade their homes and steal from them. More and more the work on the temple would be delayed while the Jews were off protecting their land and homes until they were not working on the temple at all. They were too preoccupied with just surviving and making it through each day to be bothered with secondary matters like rebuilding the house of God. It only makes sense, your first responsibility is to your family and home, matters of God come secondary, like building His temple. Yet to God that was primary.
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As a result, God allowed them to sow much ground but the invaders destroyed much of their crops so they had little to eat. They had enough livestock and resources to make their clothing but that was also stolen. They earned wages but all their wages went to just protect themselves and survive. They never had enough to really enjoy themselves. The more they stood up to their enemies at the neglect of building the temple the more their enemies took from them.
Why did God want a temple in the first place? Is God that egotistical that he is demanding that we neglect our family and our responsibilities just to build Him an earthly building? Is God telling us that when your church starts a building program you are supposed to give to that before taking care of your own home and family? That the reason you are in financial difficulty is that you did not give enough tithes to build your church building or more commonly give enough money to pay for the maintenance of that building? I mean verse 6 is enough to scare anybody into tithing. Yet, does not God demand that we tithe out of love and not fear?
I think the answer is in verse 8: “Go up to the mountain and bring wood.” Good grief, not only does God expect His people to abandon their homes in lieu of building His temple but they have to climb up the mountains to get their wood as if the trees in the valley were not good enough.
I had a guy on my disability bus the other day who said he just did not bother to read the Old Testament because he could not understand it. So many things did not make sense to him. I agree, so many things do not make sense to me and the reason is that I live in a complex society. We live in a precision, mathematical, and technical such that we can only process one thing at a time. For instance, just driving a car requires our complete attention to the operation of that complex piece of machinery. In ancient times riding a camel did not require attention to speed limits, other camels that might collide with you, staying on a narrow road, etc. People in ancient times were just as smart as we are today only they did not have to process so much information, but they still had sharp minds and they could process a lot of information. Thus, in the Semitic mind, it was not unusual to read two or three messages in the use of just one word.
For instance, when God says “Go to the mountain” that could carry a number of messages other than just actually going to a mountain. The word mountain in Hebrew is harar. You put that into a feminine form hararah and you have the word for a pregnant woman. Not because she is as big as a mountain, but it was felt that when on the top of a mountain you are closer to God, and a pregnant woman was believed to be very close to God to bear a living child. One went to the mountains to draw close to God. Samson Hirsch the great Jewish linguist traces the word harar to be a break in the continuity of the earth. Hence the word mountain has the idea of breaking the continuity. You go to the mountains to break away from your normal routine in life. I attended a prayer meeting one morning with a group of men. One man related how he starts his day off really on fire with God but as the problems and cares of his job take over he forgets about God and things just go crazy. It is during this time that you must harar, break the continuity of your life and get back with God.
The people were told to go to the mountain to retrieve wood. The word wood in Hebrew is ‘aets which means firmness as wood creates firmness in buildings. It also bears fruit that gives pleasure and life. ‘Aets also is used in extra-Biblical literature for life and pleasure.
I asked a friend why God demanded the people build the temple before they even cared for their own needs and she suggest that it was to build a community first, and work together in unity. When the people went home to protect their own interests at the cost of not supporting the work to build the temple, they became isolated, just as our nation is becoming more and more isolated. Yet there is strength in numbers and going to the mountain to retrieve wood would require the work of the entire community and it is there that they not only find ‘aets (wood) but also the other renderings of ‘aets (concentration on God and happiness).
You see, the message of Haggai is not to drop everything to give God an earthly building, but to not become so focused on yourselves and your own little world that you stop thinking of God and others. I cannot write these studies alone, I need the input of other believers. It takes a village to raise a study to paraphrase Hillary. It is true, that we need to be a village of believers, we need to take our focus away from ourselves, let God handle those little things and keep our minds stayed on Him. Then with the other believers, we will have strength. The temple was not to feed God’s ego, it was to unify His people and thereby create strength so that when they sow much, they will have much, they will eat and drink enough and will have enough warm clothes and their wages will not fall through holes in bags. The church exists today not to feed God’s ego but to create a unity and fellowship of believers.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Thk U Dear Chaim n team,if has been a great blessing. ABBA BLESS U
I received the email on the word study “The label” but the link to the full message indicates that there is no such message. I would love to read the whole message. Could you send it to me?
Thank you for shining light on this grey area.
Brings great focus.
I spend a lot of time alone these days and it would be easy for the devil to bring me down low if it were not for God’s word living in me. I appreciate all the teachers He has blessed me with and I am looking forward to meeting you in heaven along withEzekeil, Elijah and John who got the Revelation from the original Revelator, King Jesus! It will be amazing…
About a year ago, I guess, between wake and sleep I found myself standing on the top of a mountain. I saw tall grasses and rocks, and behind me I could hear conversations from people who were excited for the great things that were coming for the people of Earth. Who says, “people of Earth?” People in heavenly places, “seated with Adonai. On my right, just out of eyesight I heard a voice say, “the King wants us to stay on the mountain top with Him and not go down into the valley where the troubles are.” That piece of advice has saved me a lot of heartache in these wild days. I’m with my siblings in Christ, the Heavenians; it’s exciting to anticipate all that God has in store for His family… If we do as He says. If we don’t, we could get into a big pickle.
Missing the boat!
The temple God is desiring is the hearts of his people devoted to Him First.
It would be nice if you included the ability to use other apps. I don’t have a Twitter account, and I don’t use Facebook any longer except for friends who use it exclusively.
What about what’s app being added? One can then add something without having to cut and paste.
If you had in your daily word studies a button to copy the link and attach to an app (Instagram too), a reader could more easily send it to all the people they feel led to share it with. I, for example know friends around the world. (I am a retired Foreign Service Fed.)
(This below is a comment not intended to post)
One more comment. I am wondering if you have an editor that catches the errors in the text. I often find errors in singulars and plurals or other things. Not every time but enough that it doesn’t leave the best impression.
These days, English skills are going down in the US, and even newspapers, magazines and newscasters succumb to a common vernacular than giving examples of good grammar and pronunciation.
I know this wonderful ministry is still growing and developing, but I think another editor is needed to catch these things. Every page a scribe copies is said to need a review by 50 people. We don’t need that level, but some editorial skill and English skills would be helpful. The disconnect between something so deep on a scholarly level could diminish things for another reader who may stop at forwarding things.
This is my impression and I have held off at saying something until I have caught enough errors the I felt I should give what I hope is taken as constructive criticism.
The other thing is the use of an archaic form of English that has long been out of use. Thee and thou and art, etc… are not needed to get the message and younger generations may be turned off. So why not the NKJ?
If you want to share beyond what we have set up, all you have to do is copy the link to its address…very simple. We are only two people running this ministry. Do you realize the study and research it takes to write one of these devotions? Do you know of anyone else out there who writes such original and in-depth studies every day? Chaim doesn’t have a staff writing for him weekly let alone daily. Do you realize it takes hours before he goes to his full-time job? These are his personal devotions that he generously shares. He’s in his 70s working a full-time, physical job in order to afford to run this ministry. We have thousands of subscribers who love his work, but only a handful have donated in support of running this ministry. As for an app and an editor, there’s a donate button to the right of each daily study, your financial support will help us to grow more than your critiquing. Laura