Hebrew Word Study – Laugh – Tsachaq  צחק

Hebrew Word Study – Laugh – Tsachaq  צחק

Hebrew Word Study – Laugh – Tsachaq  צחק Sade Cheth Qop    ​ Genesis 18:13-14: “And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? (14) Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will...
Aramaic Word Study – Coin – Zuza  זוזא 

Aramaic Word Study – Coin – Zuza  זוזא 

Aramaic Word Study – Coin – Zuza  זוזא  Zayin Vav Zayin Aleph If you enjoy the Daily Word Studies and are considering giving an end-of-the-year donation, please know that we would appreciate it very much. Your donation helps this ministry more than you can imagine. As...
Hebrew Word Study – Inquire – Sha’al   שאל

Hebrew Word Study – Inquire – Sha’al שאל

Hebrew Word Study – Inquire – Sha’al   שאל Shin Aleph Lamed If you enjoy the Daily Word Studies and are considering giving an end-of-the-year donation, please know that we would appreciate it very much. Your donation helps this ministry more than you can imagine. As a...

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