Luke 2:7-8: “ And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. (8) And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Micah 4: 8. And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.
Tradition teaches that there was no room in the inn for Joseph and Mary and they had to settle for a stable, a cave, or a house where they put the Baby Jesus in a feeding trough. This was to show His humble birth.
Well, I have been doing some reading in the Talmud, particularly in the Baba Kamma 80a and 7a,b. Here we learn that the fields of Eder which is just a few feet bordering Bethlehem are where the sacrificial lambs were raised and cared for. The shepherds of these lambs were the elite shepherds all from the priestly tribe of Levi whose job was to care for these lambs so they would remain without blemish or spot. They watched these sheep 24 hours a day as will be explained in another study. From the birth of a lamb, they were spoiled rotten, wrapped in fine linen to remain without blemish and spot and feed a special diet.
So what does this have to do with the Inn which had no room available? The Aramaic text does not even mention an Inn it just simply says lith doka – there was no place for them. Inns in those days were not what we think. They were little way places that were built in a circle or square and had two stories. The bottom was for the camels, donkeys, or other livestock which had feeder troughs. The second floor was where the travelers slept. In the center was a well and there were a number of campfires around that people shared. It was very communal, and dangerous. There were no innkeepers to keep order. You might wake up and find your camels or donkeys gone, stolen. However, you stood a better chance of waking up in the morning with your livestock and supplies (as well as your life) if you stayed in of these inns than if you did what tradition teaches Mary and Joseph supposedly did and that was to sleep in a stable or cave which served as a feeding area for livestock.
Which, by the way, mangers and feeding locations were not very common in this area as the sheep or cattle usually just grazed and found water at various watering holes. A manger would only be found in a place like Eder where the sheep were pampered and given a very strict diet as they were the sacrificial lambs. In fact, about the only place where you would find a trough is in The Migdal Eder that is the Tower of Flocks. This is where the lambs who were to be used for the Temple Sacrifice would be taken for inspection and preparation to be transported to the temple.
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Now there were shepherds abiding in the same country. In Aramaic, that word is ‘athra which means region, place, location. It could be miles or just a few feet away.
Many Bible scholars believe Micah 4:8 is predicting where the birth of the Messiah and where He would be born. The Talmud predicts that the Messiah would be born in a castle. That really depends on how you translate the Aramaic word for castle, it could be a migdel, tower, or a place of height or high honor. Dubious as it may seem, it was a place of high honor for the lambs, for only the best, purest, and cleanest lambs without blemish or spot were carefully examined and chosen in the Migdel Eder or the Tower of the Flock.
I would say that this was a fitting place for the Messiah to be born and a good reason why he was not born in a so-called inn. He should be born in the place where the sacrificial lambs are born, raised, and eventually chosen as the sacrifice.
After all where in a way out of the way cave or stable would Mary and Joseph find the cloth to make swaddling clothes and a manger that was free of lice and fleas? Guess what the sacrificial lambs were wrapped in and where you would find a manger free of bugs?
My guess is that Jesus was not born in a stable, cave or house but in the Tower of Migdel.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
“He should be born in the place where the sacrificial lambs are born, raised, and eventually chosen as the sacrifice.”
I’m gentile and we will approach this with our logic. But the Jews require a SIGN. The Sign was that these Levitical shepherds, who helped birth, protect, and swaddle these newborn male lambs in this facility were about to see the most startling irony from God, announced by this angel they would ever see. In their own lamb-birthing facility they would find some of their own lamb-swaddling being used for a HUMAN baby!! The promised Lamb of God, the Son of God would, as that sign, be wrapped in the furry lamb’s birth apparel! God HAD to have no other rooms available to pull off this most special Christmas sign for these special shepherds!
“And lying in a manger.” This into-the-future Sign wasn’t about a makeshift bed. This was a feed box. Jesus Himself was the food. How many others at Jesus time ever assembled 4000 or 5000 people to teach them for hours and hours? And then when He concluded their spiritual feeding, He proceeds to feed them physically as well? Amazing…
Shepherds were truly low working class, but these shepherds were Levites, caring for the temple lambs.They may have been not bright enough for ordinary temple duties, but capable of shepherding.
And David provides the prophetic element in his least-to-greatest story that foreshadows Jesus.
All I can say is that this is so impactful and important I just keep rereading it over and over this is why I’ve spent the last two years learning Hebrew. Hebrew and this post, and others make me a better Bible reader, and some day to be a serious Bible student / scholar.
Sometimes I just wonder how come the Western imagery and view of things insist on westernizing the biblical narratives. The Migdal Eder makes a lot of sense. Surely there were no Comfort Inns in existence those days.
I am encouraged how you study these biblical sources to provide background for the nuggets you mine for us. I love this revelation. Jesus’ arrival in a tower built to watch over the sheep being raised for passover sacrifice in perfect fulfillment of Micah 4:8 at Migdal Eder in Bethlehem to exactly perfectly match Micah 5:2 is a huge signpost to Jews and gentiles that He is Messiah and The Passover Lamb. I have read reports that it even matches the predictions of prominent Jewish leaders recorded in the Midrash that that location would be the first place where the artival of Messiah would be proclaimed. Our God is an Awesome God!
I agree with Christopher on the Golden Nuggets which they are, that you share with us. This does answer the many questions I had. You truly are a blessing to me to us.
I understood that the word translated as in was the same word used for upper room; meaning Joseph’s relatives were all there, so could afford no privacy for the birthing.
That the manger was a stone box, and the swaddling cloth was actually Joseph’s shroud, something people carried when they travelled, adding to the prophetic.
This makes sense to me, as I am learning about how God does not leave out any details and has a plan that makes sense in His story of Love. It was a high place not some stinky stable. God promises to present me without blemish, spot and wrinkle and although this but a preparation to be a part of a royal priesthood of all believers, learning to see myself as royalty is another thing. It takes time to see ourselves as He sees us. Jesus learned what we have to learn. It takes time to see something more than the evil report.
This is a sensible possibility, with the known fact that there was no place available for them as Scripture says. Travel being what it was, arriving with much of anything clean that one could carry would be a job on a long trip, especially with Mary being pregnant. Clearly they needed a place to stay for the night or Scripture wouldn’t mention it, and they probably didn’t have a donkey, so they would have only what they could carry. That’s a tough trip. The location if your thought is correct would be just another way of God pointing out that we can’t guess His plans, and often how He wants things to go will surprise us and at the same time be very meaningful.
I love this perspective-it make so much sense! I’m curious though how you think they might have ended up going in there. Do you think they happened upon it or were directed there?
I really love knowing this and have told many people about it.
Aye, as nothing concerning God is happenstance or chance
Really enjoying the insight I am getting from these word studies. Really building up my understanding and faith.
Thank you
God bless
Thanks again Dear Teacher for another insightful lesson . That is very interesting about the sacrificial lambs .
Now in 2 Kings 4:10 we read about a rich woman that builds a guest room on her roof for a Prophet . At the time of Jesus many very rich Jews would try to build their homes near a cave or hill where they could dig a cave to use as a stable and like the woman in 2 Kings they also built an upper room for guests. Much like the upper room where Jesus ate the Passover Seder. Hospitality is very important to Jewish people . This is the type of place to which Joseph and Mary went but it was full . I believe that Mary was in active labor at that time and needed a private place to give birth . I believe that there were women there who helped birth the baby and looked after Mary and the baby. Now if these indeed were rich homeowners they would have a servant who would keep the stable clean and bug free. A stable was needed because animals would need shelter during harsh winters .
I also believe that Mary knew she would give birth in Bethlehem so she would have swaddling clothes with her.
Now as for the shepherds I don’t believe that they were the elite shepherds. I believe that these shepherds were considered the lowest in social rank . This is very important because it shows that God intended for Jesus to be for all people not just the elite .
I also believe that after most of the guests had departed that Joseph, Mary and the Baby moved into the guest room . She may not have been able to travel during her purification period and this may be why it’s written that the Magi came to the house to see the King of the Jews : Baby Jesus !
Wow! Need to put my gentile thinking behind me.
Thank You
This just goes to show God’s precision. He is indeed sovereign.
Very illuminating.
Thank you.
This explains a lot I have been thinking about the lowly birth of the Messiah. And his possible birth in Migdal-Eder makes a whole lot of meaning symbolic to the essence of jesus’ earth life.
Thank you for this again.
What a treasure beyond compare!
Thank you.
I keep reading this and worship our Father and God who executed His divine plan.
Thank you.