We hope you enjoy the Hebrew Word Study Video we share from our All-Access Learning channel where we have live weekly Bible studies, Sabbath Torah Portion, Hebrew & Aramaic classes, workshops, book discounts and so much more. Here’s the link to take a look:https://www.hebrewwordstudy.com
Video: Hebrew Word Study- It’s All An Allusion
by Chaim Bentorah | Oct 10, 2021 | Devotionals | 4 comments
We will continue to share 6 written a week. A little something for everyone : )
I really prefer the written ones. I already get All Access but only do the written ones.
I also prefer the written ones .
Thank you Dear Teacher ,
I feel I must tell you of a problem I encountered with your website . I have a older model tablet that I use mostly for reading because the sound doesn’t always work . So I tried using a somewhat newer tablet but it wouldn’t let me sign on to your website . The message said that they couldn’t verify your site and that perhaps someone was hacking into your site . I return to my older tablet but had trouble hearing your message