Hebrew Word Study – Reward – Shillumath שלומת Shin Lamed Vav Mem Taw
Psalms 91:8: “Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.”
Leave it to the KJV to come up with a word which in the twenty-first century sounds like an absurdity. The wicked are going to get a reward. Today the word reward is a reference to something good and valuable. Obviously, that is not what the Psalmist meant. Unless he was brought sarcastic but that type of sarcasm expresses the opposite of what the word means is not really found in the ancient languages. From the context we know that the word reward is not used in a literal sense, that is that wicked will get something nice for being wicked. So why do we translate this a reward?
A common question I get is that over the 450 English translations of the Bible, which translation is the most accurate? Well, that all depends upon how you view certain words in English. The Hebrew word gives us an idea, a picture and it is up to us to determine which English word best fits that picture for our own understanding. Some people are so used to throwing that word reward around for someone getting the comeuppance that reward is probably the best word for them and translators use that word because it is so obvious that no one will take it literally. However, there are those who want a literal translation, and if you say reward you are not giving a literal translation. Still, there are those who have a more literal mindset and would probably wonder why the wicked should be given good things. To them, the word punishment might be a better fit. To some who are less formal the word comeuppance, or just desserts has a special meaning.
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In the Hebrew, the word rendered as reward in English is shillumath which actually comes from the same root as shalom. I am sure you recognize that word, it means peace. So how is a word which means peace supposed to be spun around to mean something bad? Actually, in its Semitic root, it simply means a completion. Peace is the feeling of completion, that everything has now come together, all is as it should be. Interesting that the Psalmist does not speak of the punishment of the wicked, or the destruction of the wicked but expresses the idea that in the end, all will be as it should be. What happens to the wicked is shillumath what it should be. I am sure we can imagine all sorts of things we would like to see happen to the wicked, but ultimately the wicked are not being punished, whipped, or spanked. They are simply living out the natural course and end results of their wickedness. The final result of the wicked is to spend eternity in hell. But we have no concept of hell in the natural. We think of an eternal place of fire and brimstone but only satisfies our natural understanding. The spiritual world where the souls of the wicked will end up is a place we have absolutely no concept of what it is like. We just know it is nothing good or desirable so the Psalmist is not describing the final state of the wicked, just that they will suffer the natural consequences of their wicked whatever that may be.
I drove a young woman on my disability bus the other day. She is disabled with a back and leg injury from an auto accident. Her disability is considered permanent and she lives with chronic pain. The accident was not her fault. Her husband was driving her to the store to get some milk for their baby while her mother watched the child. You know just an excuse to have a little mommy and daddy time alone together. They were waiting for a light when a car comes speeding in the opposite direction and slams into their vehicle. The driver quickly drove off but fortunately, a police officer was nearby and caught the driver. The driver was DUI and left the scene of the accident. He only had $25,000 in liability insurance for both bodily injury and property damage and which did not begin to cover the medical cost or the cost of the car that he totaled out.
This woman and her husband had to pay the $500 deductible on their car, she has continuing medical expenses with a high deductible and co-pays on her health insurance, plus she will live the rest of her life in pain. The drunk driver was an illegal immigrant but because we live in a sanctuary city he was not deported and was given only probation. He was even allowed to keep his drivers license and he is still driving and they cannot get one cent from him because he has no job or money and is living on disability payments from the government because he is an alcoholic. He lived two houses from them and has been coming around almost daily and mocking them from her back yard, laughing at her pain, laughing at them because they can’t do anything to, and mockingly shouting that he is getting away from it all and he is getting away with it all. He dares them to try and do something. They call the police but the only thing they can do is file a restraining order, but he is wise enough to just mock, laugh at run. He makes of them, he calls this country a stupid, idiotic and whatever foul word he can use, country because they pay him money for being an alcoholic and he can do whatever he wants without being imprisoned and they will let him get away with it all As soon as they replaced their car this, shall we call him a rasha’ wicked man, scratched the entire car with a key. They saw him do it, reported it but could not prove he did it and he just came back again and laughed at them because he was getting away with it. They finally were forced to move out of town just to get away from the guy.
There is more but I think it is enough to describe a wicked rasha’ man. At least to me it sounds like a rasha’ wicked man. Can you believe God actually loves a man like this? That is the type of person Psalms 91:8 tells us will get a reward?
The word in Hebrew in this verse for wicked is rasha’ which is someone who is morally wrong, ungodly, does wrong, and even the lexicon says “a bad person.” It comes from an old Aramaic word meaning to be disjointed with loss of limbs. The idea is that it is someone who is not normal.
I asked this young woman if she was bitter. She replied that she could not help but be bitter, especially when he is not only getting away with it all but laughing at them about it. I quoted Psalms 91:8. The word see is used two times in this verse. The first time it is the word ayin which means to see with physical eyes. The second time it is the word ra’ah which is to see both with physical and spiritual eyes. Ra’ah, however, is commonly a reference to spiritual sight.
I told her that one day she will see the completion of this wicked person. If not in this physical world, then definitely in the world to come or the spiritual world. His drunkenness, his drug addiction, and his hatred for this country and this world will have a natural result, conclusion, and completion. God does not have to punish him. Unless he repents and turns from his wicked way, his wickedness will eventually come to a completion and it won’t be pretty and all those who were victims of his wickedness will see the completion of his wickedness. God is a just God. Being a just God means he will give this man a chance to repent but if he fails to do so he will get his shillumath. We don’t know what it will be exactly but it will be just.
You know in the Western world we think of shalom – peace as something wonderful and positive. Yet in the Semitic eyes, peace can have both a positive and negative side. My study partner pointed when this man’s wickedness is completed all who suffered from his wickedness will eventually find peace.
There are only two possible outcomes from this situation with this young woman who is struggling with bitterness. Either this man will repent and seek forgiveness from her out of which she will have to forgive him and thus she will find peace. If this man never repents, she will still have peace as her physical or spiritual eyes will behold the completion of rasha’s wickedness.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
What remorse this child of God’s will feel when he realizes he is still loved and forgiven by his Creator even though he has broken the heart of God so many times. And he will realize it, someday.
I always appreciate these studies and how you break down verses and words to reveal the true and deeper meanings contained in them. It’s very interesting what this word “reward” actually is stemming from in the original Hebrew. I wish, though, you had not told this story as the example. What happened to the woman seems ALOT more extreme than the potency of the verse and meaning of the word. This incident actually disturbs me so much that I feel physically sick and my blood boils over this injustice. And it seems like the verse is implying that God is aloof to this type of occurrence. She will suffer the rest of her life because of him. And his gloating, tormenting actions towards her merits him to suffer in the same way he has made her suffer. Doesn’t any of this bother God at all?? Will God ever bring justice and move on behalf of the woman? Tolerance for the guy’s actions equals indifference to the woman’s suffering. I can’t imagine God being indifferent to her suffering.
Thank you again Dear Teacher,
The word reward is like the word consequence . We have come to think of consequence as something bad ,but it
it can also be something good ..
I once asked God what hurt Him the most . Now I honestly believe that I heard the voice of God say to me ” I am the Lord your God ” . I have never been so scared in all my life . It was only when I became calm and went to sleep that I heard the rest of His message . He basically told me not to judge people because in doing so I set myself above God .
I understood that He meant that we can not judge who is going to Heaven or Hell . We must make certain judgments on people while on earth however .
My heart goes out to that poor young woman and I don’t blame her for being bitter ,but at the same time I wonder what would cause that man to be so full of hatred . Why would he use drugs and alcohol and did it damage his brain ? Ask nurses that work in E.R. how drug abusers can turn from calm to violent and suffer brain damage .
I have done somethings in life that I am not proud of and I made myself into my own little god by being so self centered.. I have never used illegal drugs I will repeat I HAVE NEVER USED ILLEGAL DRUGS THANKS BE TO GOD . I have had an occasional alcoholic drink . Remember that Jesus drank wine
May God help us to have a greater understanding of Him and His creation . H.I.M. HIGHEST IN MAJESTY . H.I.S. HIGHEST IN SUPREMACY . Just in case someone injects to giving God a gender . Just a little text messaging .
Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight.
Helps deal with injustice and persecution
Very interesting study, today, on multiple levels, thank you Teacher.
This is a very sad story, but the woman needs to forgive. Yes, that’s what I said. She needs to forgive. As soon as she can. Unforgiveness is a very evil spirit. You yourself cannot be forgiven if you are living in unforgiveness. You don’t condone his evil behavior, but you forgive, and let God take care of it. Pray that the man will come to his senses, and God will confront him.
Until the evil of anger and bitterness is out of her heart, she will not get better.
First you move away physically as they have done. And it may take some great time, yet one must also move away spiritually. This is done thru forgiveness – not in person – but in heart. More of a cutting loose of the bitterness, ending the man’s power over you. That you may see the pitiful in this person in order to truly forgive him- knowing he is overly influenced by the enemy enables praying for him as Yeshua said – for his salvation – perhaps for his quick end then if not. Let us not repay evil for evil. Perhaps if you see him more as the brute who was chained near the sea- and far from human habitation due to his violent and inappropriate ways, you could feel pity for him. When Yeshua healed him by ousting the legion, he was sweet and wanted to follow like a puppy. But the Lord declined and told him go show your community what God has done. Also keep in mind that as Abraham prayed for the barrenness of King abimelech’s people, Sarah was healed as well and became pregnant. All this then can be for God’s glory rather than for bitterness, resentment, and anger. Please understand that I too have plenty of issues as well and many times I have forgiven right away. And other times things have festered below the surface for many years first some without my realizing it even. What tragedy.
Thank you. This is very instructive.
I pray that the young woman you talked about receives God’s grace. May she be relieved of her pains.
For the lady suffering,
Sweet Water and Bitter Water cannot come from the same spring. Forgiveness is a Must in order to Know True Peace.
Much Love and Prayers for your Complete Healing. God is Faithful Always.
It is human nature to look at the sins of others, but if we ourselves are to be found pleasing in the sight of The One Most High, we must Maintain Truth at All Times.
And again I say, Sweet Water and Bitter Water cannot come from the same Spring.
Much Love to you. May God overflow you with His Sweet Water so much so that it washes all bitterness away, To The Glory Of God. Amen and Amen.
I am so blessed that I found this study. Thank you for your insight into the deeper meaning of His word. I have wondered many times about the words that I read and their meaning. You have helped me to have clarity. I am grateful.