Hebrew Word Study – One of  Little Influence – ‘Almah אלמה  Aleph Lamed Mem Hei

Proverbs 15:25 “The Lord will destroy the house of the proud, but he will establish the border of the widows.

I find it interesting that the writer uses the word ‘almah for widow.  The question is asked as to why the proud is contrasted with a widow. Why not make the most obvious comparison of a proud man to a humble man.   Commentators tend to say that the widow is the best example of one who is not proud and most dependant upon God while the proud has no dependency upon God.  I do not question this interpretation, but I believe it goes much deeper than that. It does not really answer the question as to why an ‘alma which is really an unmarried woman and not a humble person?  I believe ‘alma is used because there is some deeper understanding here.

Practically every translation will translate the last word as widow.  Oddly, in the Hebrew the word ‘almah which is a reference to a young woman who is not yet married.  She doesn’t have to be a widow.   It could be a little girl or a young woman who has not yet married.  It could also be a concubine.  Ultimately an ‘almah is someone who has little or no influence.  The word for proud is ge’im from the root ga’ah which is a feeling of superiority over someone else.   The Hebrew spelling Gimel, Aleph, and Chet suggest that this proud person is one who is moving in wrong doctrine or theology and he is filled with a sense of self-importance.  This is the person who built a following on a popular but very wrong doctrine or theology.   The word house also has a broad meaning in Hebrew and could mean a body of people who are united under a strong leader.   The Lord will destroy or kasach this body of people who unite themselves around a strong leader.  The word kasach means to cut off or sweep away.  The letters of the word kasach tell you who will be swept away or cut off.  Those that  Kap, that is those who follow this leader but seek their own will and not Gods.  The next letter is a Samek  which is a reference to those who are too dependent upon a person or thing; and as a result, we have the Cheth – which speaks of joining themselves to a person or thing rather than God.  I think of the pastor’s conventions I used to attend.  The most common and really first question a pastor will ask another pastor is: “Well, how large is your congregation.”   The idea was that if you were of a large congregation then God was blessing you and your theology and/or doctrine was probably more correct than those with a small congregation.  That is a very capitalistic way of looking at it but not necessarily a Biblical way. 

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We learn, however, that God will establish the boundaries of the ‘almah, the one who has little influence.  The word establish is yesav which means to stand, as standing in agreement, or to certify.  The word boundaries is gevul which has the idea of limiting one’s space.  In other words, someone may have a big following and large organization but if they are not doctrinally or theologically correct, God will not take his stand with them, instead, he will take his stand with a small group that is theologically correct.  The picture is one of God standing at the border crossing, certifying who may enter and who may not.   Culturally, a young, unmarried woman had no following, no support, they were given little or no regard.  Yet, the ‘almah is united with God. We see this in the way ‘almah is spelled. The Aleph is God and the ‘alamah seeks the revealed knowledge of God the Mem through the Lamed or reaching up to heaven in prayer resulting in the Hei which is the presence of God. 

Actually, this makes more sense to me personally than it would to anyone reading this  After all this is my own personal journal and my own personal word from God.  Anyone reading this is just peering through the window, like watching a reality show.   For you see I have been really questioning God as to whether I am in His will or not.  I have no large organization, I have no real following nor do I have any special revelation to offer anyone.  My whole study time is just for me and me alone.  I write it up in a journal and if any one of the hundred or so who may read one of my meditations, well, I will never know.   I feel like I am accomplishing nothing for the Lord.  Yet, I feel He led me to this verse to say: “That is exactly where I want you to be.  You are an ‘almah one of little influence so just keep studying My Word to take care of your own relationship with Me. I am establishing a border around you.  If someone else is on a similar journey as you are, I will share what you have learned.  You don’t need an organization or a following.  If you do that you will never have the time nor energy that it takes to find My heart.  You just keep on your journey to find My heart and if you come up with some really good doctrine or theology, I will pass it on, not you.”

With that in mind, I will not worry whether I am accomplishing any great work for God.  He will take care of that, all I have to do is focus all my attention on finding the Heart of God.  

If you happen to read this and you have been wondering what your ministry is or searching for your ministry, perhaps God has called you also to be an ‘almah and not a ga’im.   



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