Hebrew Word Study – One of Little Influence – ‘Almah אלמה Aleph Lamed Mem Hei
Proverbs 15:25 “The Lord will destroy the house of the proud, but he will establish the border of the widows.
I find it interesting that the writer uses the word ‘almah for widow. The question is asked as to why the proud is contrasted with a widow. Why not make the most obvious comparison of a proud man to a humble man. Commentators tend to say that the widow is the best example of one who is not proud and most dependant upon God while the proud has no dependency upon God. I do not question this interpretation, but I believe it goes much deeper than that. It does not really answer the question as to why an ‘alma which is really an unmarried woman and not a humble person? I believe ‘alma is used because there is some deeper understanding here.
Practically every translation will translate the last word as widow. Oddly, in the Hebrew the word ‘almah which is a reference to a young woman who is not yet married. She doesn’t have to be a widow. It could be a little girl or a young woman who has not yet married. It could also be a concubine. Ultimately an ‘almah is someone who has little or no influence. The word for proud is ge’im from the root ga’ah which is a feeling of superiority over someone else. The Hebrew spelling Gimel, Aleph, and Chet suggest that this proud person is one who is moving in wrong doctrine or theology and he is filled with a sense of self-importance. This is the person who built a following on a popular but very wrong doctrine or theology. The word house also has a broad meaning in Hebrew and could mean a body of people who are united under a strong leader. The Lord will destroy or kasach this body of people who unite themselves around a strong leader. The word kasach means to cut off or sweep away. The letters of the word kasach tell you who will be swept away or cut off. Those that Kap, that is those who follow this leader but seek their own will and not Gods. The next letter is a Samek which is a reference to those who are too dependent upon a person or thing; and as a result, we have the Cheth – which speaks of joining themselves to a person or thing rather than God. I think of the pastor’s conventions I used to attend. The most common and really first question a pastor will ask another pastor is: “Well, how large is your congregation.” The idea was that if you were of a large congregation then God was blessing you and your theology and/or doctrine was probably more correct than those with a small congregation. That is a very capitalistic way of looking at it but not necessarily a Biblical way.
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We learn, however, that God will establish the boundaries of the ‘almah, the one who has little influence. The word establish is yesav which means to stand, as standing in agreement, or to certify. The word boundaries is gevul which has the idea of limiting one’s space. In other words, someone may have a big following and large organization but if they are not doctrinally or theologically correct, God will not take his stand with them, instead, he will take his stand with a small group that is theologically correct. The picture is one of God standing at the border crossing, certifying who may enter and who may not. Culturally, a young, unmarried woman had no following, no support, they were given little or no regard. Yet, the ‘almah is united with God. We see this in the way ‘almah is spelled. The Aleph is God and the ‘alamah seeks the revealed knowledge of God the Mem through the Lamed or reaching up to heaven in prayer resulting in the Hei which is the presence of God.
Actually, this makes more sense to me personally than it would to anyone reading this After all this is my own personal journal and my own personal word from God. Anyone reading this is just peering through the window, like watching a reality show. For you see I have been really questioning God as to whether I am in His will or not. I have no large organization, I have no real following nor do I have any special revelation to offer anyone. My whole study time is just for me and me alone. I write it up in a journal and if any one of the hundred or so who may read one of my meditations, well, I will never know. I feel like I am accomplishing nothing for the Lord. Yet, I feel He led me to this verse to say: “That is exactly where I want you to be. You are an ‘almah one of little influence so just keep studying My Word to take care of your own relationship with Me. I am establishing a border around you. If someone else is on a similar journey as you are, I will share what you have learned. You don’t need an organization or a following. If you do that you will never have the time nor energy that it takes to find My heart. You just keep on your journey to find My heart and if you come up with some really good doctrine or theology, I will pass it on, not you.”
With that in mind, I will not worry whether I am accomplishing any great work for God. He will take care of that, all I have to do is focus all my attention on finding the Heart of God.
If you happen to read this and you have been wondering what your ministry is or searching for your ministry, perhaps God has called you also to be an ‘almah and not a ga’im.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Thanks Chaim it hit me in a good way. Thanks again
Everywhere in the Tanakh and Brit Chadashah what I see is that G-d doesn’t need popularity of a person our for a pertain to be known in order to work, and people in their heart are often best reached with that still small voice G-d referred to like a living and perceptive parent would use to make sure they reach their child. Big talent and high profile can be like shouting and get in the way. When someone isn’t at the mercy of an image of them out there that proceeds them because of fame and notoriety, what that person says and does has more freedom, including the freedom of speaking quietly. Those who are looking and listening will tune in sincerely because they are looking, and because they don’t have a selfish notice to satisfy by taking to someone who is famous.
“I will give grace to the humble. ” Maybe that means simple circumstances, or maybe having the quality of not needing to have adulation because of relationship to God bringing a greater contentment and freedom?
Wao!!! again and again I thank God that I found your link and page . I share your view of ALMAH and I really see myself as an ALMAH . thank you for this definition . it is a word due for me.
It illuminates a vision I had sometime ago and I glorify God for tis today . Now I have a real basis for my faith that I have a boundary made by GOD through his SPIRIT
I am an adult SS teacher and often wonder these same things!! Thank you so much for being a regular guy!
Thank you so much for your precious time & insight.
May God bless you richly for helping us to really see, understand & love His beautiful heart!
Thank you deeply for sharing your personal walk with Him – through you, He heals the hearts of many many people in a mighty way! One might sometimes feel or experience that one is placed ‘last’, but it’s very encouraging to know that in His Kingdom the last will be first … Mt 20:16.
Wonderfully said, thank you. Needed that this morning to affirm somthing He’s been teaching me. I look forward to your writings every morning when I get up. Wisdom of the depth of these words and humble love for our God seem to be rare these days sadly, but you remind me that God has saved back some for himself. Bless you and keep sharing you heart and wisdom. It’s a gift.
Oh, my, Chaim, I was struggling to find words to share with you how impactful your daily Hebrew words have been to my life with the the Lord and to so many others that I share your words with… then suddenly, I saw in my mind a drop of water hit the flat surface of a body of water and the perfectly formed rings that rippled and spread out from it had the quality of a peaceful, steady heart beat. What a most wonderful picture and expression of what I think the Lord sees as your ‘influence’.. the influence of the encouragement, enlightenment, insight, beauty and inspiration your teachings give to all of us that have been blessed by the Lord to encounter them!! My heart is overwhelmed by the generosity of God’s goodness displayed through you, his vessel of grace!
Thank you for influencing me very well indeed!
You have no idea the impact you have on lives. I love the way Abba teaches me thru you. The meaning of the WORD is amazing. God brings light to me as He teaches thru you. You are an amazing conduit for Him. I soooo appreciate you and the time you must give to studying. Biggest thank you ever…..
I so appreciate your comments they have been a great encouragement to me. I am not sure how this works so I will share this in a study today but if you happen to read this I hope it is of some spiritual value.
I am not one given to visions and I question if I ever had a vision except this one time as I was graduating from seminary. I was pondering my future and all of a sudden I saw my name on a sign for a Mega church. I saw books that I had written, appearances on Christian television and radio interviews. I saw myself before world leaders and then a I heard a voice, a sinister voice, I knew and recognized it was not the voice of God and it said: “All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me.” I cried out to God: “Don”t allow whatever ministry I enter to be influenced by something other than finding your heart. I will share more on this in my next study.
You voiced my struggle.
These teachings reach far and wide.
Thank you.
I read frequently and often look up words from your past entries. I have learned specific things but also a “how” to approach study and meditation from you. Count me in your congregation! Your work is a blessing, and your digital work may be a blessing to many more for many years. Carry on, almha if God!
Hi Jennifer,
Have you considered joining our All Access Learning Channel? We have a wonderful group of people and there is so much more to learn from. Here’s the link to check it out if you’d like to. We’d love to have you!https://www.hebrewwordstudy.com
Sir, Every analytical study that you put out is tremendously helpful for people like me, living in India. You can’t imagine how we look forward to your mail.
May the Lord use you more and more.
Thank you so much for these word studies, it’s much appreciated. They bless me immensely.
Today’s study is one that has really spoken into my life as well. I am a ‘widow’ and know exactly what it’s like to be disregarded, but known by name and regarded by my heavenly Father as His own.
May Father continue to bless you richly.
Blessings Mary
Thank you I needed this today at this time. I follow your teaching and I pass it on to others. Thank you for asking the questions and providing the insights that I seek for and for years- here is the reply.
I am, also as you…an ‘almah…thank you for all you have shared of your journey❤…Our Great God can indeed…”prepare a table in the wilderness”
By the way, you’re not alone.
Greetings! The information given by this teacher is a great blessing. I for one appreciate the great effort this scholar puts into his studies. They are beneficial to those who really love God’s word. May the Elohim of our fathers continue to bless this man and keep him. May restoration come to his health daily.
My brother, I read your study of ‘almah thru tears during my morning devotions considering what truth can be shared at our assemblies elder board meeting today. Your gift supplied clarity.
This was a blessing to me. I’m a woman from Sweden often reading and enjoying your Daily Word. So rich of revelation and encouragement. Thanks for sharing your spiritual journey.
It’s amazing; this is the same thing I felt God say to me last year, especially when I was learning about about the Great Commission and feeling left out that I wasn’t involved with anything like Campus Crusade for Christ. And even now, my mom and I have a VERY small ministry of making music videos and putting them on youtube. It’s not big, and we are far from well-known. And though we enjoy doing them and hope God will impact those He wants to through us, I still feel left out of it sometimes. So thank you for confirming what God had told me before.
Thanks a trillion for sharing these deep secrets, I’m truly blessed.
Hi Chaim, my name is David and I want you to know that your impact in my life is quite amazing and has been quite a special God send to me these past 10 months now!! God has connected you to me through a special unplanned and creative way, and with the loss of my dad last year, a week prior to Christmas, and 2 months later my younger sister, your small ministry, but heart felt and Holy Spirit lead pursuit of God’s heart has been so very timely and quite helpful, impactful and special to me during this time. I most certainly connect with you on this subject and in so many ways!! What we do for the Lord, though it seems small in the moment, is sometimes quite larger than we realize, especially to Him! Thank you for your pursuit of God’s heart and the “small” things done with sincerity and observant obedience to His heart and leading!!
Meant a lot to me! I needed to hear this!
I would like you to know that my friend told me about your daily study/devotional. I have read quite a few, I rely on them as an extra feeding from the Lord. Please know that what you write is rich and it is helpful that you share your own story and how it connects or relies on God’s Word.
Thank you for this! I have spent my whole life wondering what my mission in life was! I finally have come to the idea of “being” and not “doing” – I think that is basically what you are saying, too. I am glad not to be alone!
Your “journaling” is a large part of my growth with God! I enjoy learning more about the Heart of God and His intricacies in the word through your teachings. Thank you for this. God uses you everyday to deepen our relationships with God.
Rhema, I believe.
This was especially tailored for me.
You are accomplishing a lot for God, even if it is just me.
Thank you.
God be blessed.
Hi Chaim. I have been on a similar journey to you in searching for the heart of God. I am so grateful to have discovered your word studies & books many years ago. They have opened up my eyes to a greater understanding of God’s love that I desperately needed. It changed my life. Thankyou
I agree with God, Chaim. : )
– because I cherish your teachings.
I have been going to church meetings all my life and have not learnt what God has taught you to teach! Thankyou for your obedience.
And may your revealed-by-God wisdom not stop with me but go out in my world too.
God bless.
I am reminded of this verse, as I read your study material…Of course I do not know the Hebrew words and it’s respective meanings for this Bible verse, but I guess I can try and memorize them by linking them : Psalm 147:14 & Proverbs 15:25
Psalm 147:14
He established your borders in peace and he satisfied you with the fatness of wheat.
Thank you.
This really blessed me and spoke directly to me personally. In a world & culture where even the ‘church’ seems more driven by notoriety it can challenging at times, and takes intentionality to remain focused on the main – fulfilling the will of God & bringing Him glory which i believe to be our main purpose as Christians. So thank you for your obedience in fulfilling God’s will – as a result, others get to experience Him on a deeper level. Many blessings to you!
Just want to affirm and reaffirm that whatever you are sharing, that which you have received from Hashem is touching many hearts. We are receiving insights and revelation into the Hebrew language, and we are thankful to the Lord for His Ministry in you. I have learnt much from the daily postings.
I felt that you need to know this. You are blessed and you are blessing many who are hungering after Yeshua – the Living Word.
Thanks to each and every one in the team for your obedience to Hashem!
Thank you for this reading..I to study and have the opportunity to speak to my family what God gives me but I was wondering the same as you, so thanks for my answer as well
Dear Chaim,
God uses you to speak to me every single time in all your meditations, videos, and online classes on the All Access Learning Channel. And what a joy it is to hear Him!
All your sharings resonate with me. Like this one. I laughed when I read it because I’m a widow with little influence. But recently God matchmade me with a kingdom financier so that He could send us out two by two.
One as a king (to rule and reign over his kingdom economy) and the other as a prophet (to pray, intercede, and declare what He says).
And that’s why God put a hunger in my heart to hear Him and led me to your teachings which have accelerated my learning curve and revealed a whole new way of understanding God.
This week’s Midrash inspired me to go deeper into translating Isaiah 40:15 and this is what I came up with.
Behold, the nations are like bitterness being drawn out and are wearing out (shakhaq means to pulverise) the scales of good and evil (since balances are meant to balance things out) through their plans and inventions (Strongs: from a primitive root to weave or fabricate).
Look, the islands are being pulverised (from the root word daqaq which also means to pulverise) and lifted up. I guess God needs to break us down (humble us) to build us up.
Even though it’s still a work in progress, at least I have you to guide me. Thank you.
I am blessed beyond blessed by your website.
God spoke to me through this study, this is where I’m at too. I read your studies a lot and God uses them to help me.
I really enjoy it when you parse a word into the individual meanings of the Hebrew characters that make it up. I never realized they had separate meanings until I discovered your work a week or so ago. The added depth is very enticing, like looking at the sky with a telescope and seeing more stars than before.
I have wondered lately, when Jesus says we are the light, and He says His burden is light, and God said let there be light, are these all the same word, or is there a synonym overused in translation?