Hebrew Word Study – Ten Thousand – Revavah רבבה Resh Beth Beth Hei
Psalms 91:7: “A thousand shall fall by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; it shall not come near your.”
Well, September 23. 2015 was marked on my calendar. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I figured Psalms 91:7 would be put to good use on that day. However, that day came and went and it was business as usual, no disasters. Wait, I take that back, my internet provider had a crash and I had to go almost six hours without internet, now that surely qualifies as a real bona fide disaster. But I didn’t despair, there will be other Blood Moons and Shemitah years to contend with and that might be good for a couple of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. I have September 7, 2021, marked on my calendar which starts the next Shemitah year but hopefully, this book will be in print during that time so I can’t report on the catastrophes that will come at that time. Of course, the Shemitah year of 2015 with the added attraction of the Blood Moons ended and the stock market was still steady. But as someone said, “Give it time, if God caused the stock market to collapse on the day the Shemitah ended then it would look like God operates on formulas. Uh, pray to tell, wasn’t that what this was all about, a formula? No, I am not trying to mock the teachers who built platforms on their predictions, I am mocking the Christians who let this scare the living pudding out of them. I am mocking the enemy who has tried to use these predictions to scare me and other believers.
You know what? Even if no major drama plays out by the end of September 2021, I will be the last one to say that these prophets or teachers of the Shemitah and Blood Moons somehow missed God’s voice. If it turns out to be another Y2K or December 2012, a prophetic bust, it stills serves a vital purpose in our spiritual lives. I take you to Deuteronomy 13:1-3: “If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, (2) And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; (3) Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God tests you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” In my life, all these prophetic warnings and talk of doomsday give me a chance to test how much I really believe in God’s Word in passages like we find in Psalms 91. It is a test as to how strong my love is for God and His love is for me. I’ve read every book by these teachers who saw a great drama playing out at the end of the Blood Moons (I am a speed reader), I used up my precious gigabytes watching them on YouTube. I was cheering them on: “Come on guys, do your best, convince me a great drama is about to play out by the end of this month. Try to scare me to death so I can prove to myself that my trust is in God and God alone, that I can go to bed every night in September and sleep peacefully because no matter what happens I am sheltered in the shadow of His wings for I have Psalms 91in my mind and heart.
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So, are you ready to join me in defiance against the enemy who wants to put the scare is us? Are you ready to stick out your tongue at him and say: “Sorry, you have to do better than that?” Because I am just about to share with you the most profound statement of all in Psalms 91:7 A thousand may fall by my side, ten thousand by my right hand, and yet none will come near me. Oh, they may reach my body, but they will never reach my soul. My soul is safely in the hands of Jesus.
In Psalm 91:7 the Psalmist explains the reason behind his (and my) fanaticism. The word thousand is aleph. That little letter carries quite a load, not only is it the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet but as a noun, it also means a friend. It is someone with who you are familiar. When the threats or bad news comes or the Covid hits in another more powerful form or layoffs are threatened, and a thousand, or those with whom you are familiar are speaking words of fear, their words will fall by your side. The word side is sadad. Yes, this comes from the same Semitic root that the Arabic word Saddam comes from and means an adversary. The word carries a Mem in front of it which is the preposition from. So, this is read from your side or from you will flow words in opposition to those coming at you with the threats, words, or plagues and they will fall. The word fall in this passage is the Hebrew word naphel which is in a Hiphil form. They will be caused to fall, terminated, or drop.
Ten thousand at your right hand. The word in Hebrew for ten thousand is revavah which simply means numerous, The word also has the concept of leadership. The Resh and double Beth indicates those in power or leadership who strike at your heart. This is even a greater threat than negative words from friends or those you are familiar with. For these are negative words coming from someone in leadership or who can exercise power over you, like a boss or governmental official or (forgive me) even a pastor, Christian teacher, and Christian book. If they are words that threaten our peace, or our security in God, then these words will not come near us.
The words for come near us is ‘eleyka lo yigash. ‘Eleyka comes from the root word ‘ale which has the idea of actually entering into something. The word lo is no. Whatever evil is out there and appears to be approaching us it will not enter into us, our soul. The word ‘eleyka is from the root word negash which is the word used for sexual intercourse or intimacy. I believe these words are speaking of our spiritual state and not so much about our physical state. We may be harmed physically but that evil will have no effect on us spiritually, it will not enter into an intimacy with our spirit. Now I am sure some of you will not like that. You would like to think that God will protect us physically and not spiritually. But stop and consider the thousands, yea millions of believers throughout history who claimed this verse and were still struck down physically. Yet, they stood tall spiritually. Look at Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” It is you soul you need to worry about according to Jesus. Yeah, the body is going to get killed, it is going to die, there is nothing you can do about that. We have a promise, however, that no matter what happens to the body a thousand may die spiritually by our side and ten thousand may fall spiritually at our right hand, but our spirit will be safely in the right hand of Jesus and it will not fall and that is all I am worried about which means, oddly enough, I am not worried about it. Of course, this old body of mine is not much to hang onto and some of you with younger and more beautiful bodies might struggle with this. I understand, but one day you will get old and ugly, and then it won’t be such a struggle.
My point in all this is that while all the doomsayers are still shouting; “Look out!” I am shouting equally as loud: “Look up!”
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Old and ugly that is a phrase that is beyond my comprehension. For my heart beholds Old as Ancient and the Beauty of the One known as The Ancient of Days far exceeds anything this world has to offer. His glory and love overflows beyond measure.
I know you are familiar with him and he says, “the feet of him who spreads good news and shalom is beautiful.” There is no carnal age attributed to that word, therefore in the eyes of him who sees every heart, true beauty is found inwardly and expressed outwardly. And if The Ancient of Days calls You Beautiful….You Are Beautiful.
Be encouraged my friend and to God be all glory and praise in all you do. Amen.
Such an important post as I was given Matt 10:28 the same day by a beloved sister in Christ.
I remember reading abt 4 blood moons and I wanted to believe. I want this life to be over. I want. God on earth – new heavens new earth – no more pain. – no more people hurting each other over trivia – you know- the good stuff. But the authors always gotta ruin things by timelines and facts backing them up for their predictions. And the only real message is People get ready. Cuz any spirit connected to the spirit of God knows the timing is wrong. And any person familiar with the prophets knows there’s more required yet to happen than some moons. So no. Even books like harbinger don’t bring out fear in me…excitement perhaps, at first, then disappointment for their false representation. Fortunately, I know that only a remnant – t/o time – only a remnant – sometime sometimes only one. Elijah felt he was the only one, yet there were 100 of the 1000s and 1000s of israelites and judeans- there were 100 – a remnant and they weren’t advertising
I feel that understanding that it is the soul that is offered protection throughout the Bible is KEY to understanding God’s Word. When tragedy strikes the physical being, it provides for many the chance to doubt God’s promises of love and care. It is our spiritual state (our faith in God’s existence and friendship) that needs God’s protection the most!
Thank you, Dear Teacher, for this wonderful, wonderful Word Study. Thank you for tirelessly endeavoring to lead us to a deeper understanding of God’s love letter. You lead me to the sanctuary and encouragement my soul needs in times like this.
The past 18 months or so have been completely dominated by fear. Fear is a spirit from the enemy. We are told by God to Fear Not! The world has turned upside down on account of fear. It is a sad fact.
What is there to be afraid of? The flu? That comes and goes all the time. In the last 60 years I got it a few times when I was younger, and I can’t remember when I got I last. Big deal. All they have done is hyped it up, and they’ve really gone to town with that.
Fear not!
“Look up” is the perfect response to every trouble and blessing!
Look up! Look up! Always! It makes so much sense!
(I take heart that one of the benefits of God is having my youth renewed.)
Thanks Dear One
What you
wrote is amazing insights into the word of God .
For your readers who don’t know what Shemitah means because they are new to Hebrew . It means a year of rest for the land and in the middle of this law for the Jewish people another law is stated called Onaah . Onaah means ” Do not cheat each other ” Another law Onaas devarim is as also stated and that means ” Don’t make snide remarks about others” or so I’ve read.
Bad things happening have nothing to do with the letting of the land go fallow . Bad things happen because we fail to follow God’s laws . Believe me I know this to be true firsthand . God’s laws are made for a reason don’t learn the hard way as I did .
May God Bless us with his Love and His Laws .
Jesus said: Fear not those…He said that He wishes that we prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospers….
May we not be deceived here. Those who make God their home, no evil shall befall them and no plague shall come near their dwelling. We are fighting spirits in high places brother. We have to do more than memorize and claim scripture. These Truths have to get into our blood. In Romans 10 Paul says it is the Spirit by which we believe. What we believe is what comes out of our mouths and manifests.
When I was suffering and looked around at those suffering, it was easy to make this conclusion but when I kept my eyes on Jesus and He opened my eyes to see and ears to hear, I fought everything that came against what I know to be True about the goodness of God. In John 10:10 it says what our adversary comes to do and what Jesus came for and we have to fight these spirits violently. We have to take authority over these spirits in our lives and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord not the devil!
This is so timely, well-spoken, heartfelt. I’m printing it out and bringing it to my bible study gals tonight because this is a key issue lately. I stand (sit, kneel and pray) on this: “If they are words that threaten our peace, or our security in God, then these words will not come near us.” Thank you. Shalom! ~Linnea
“Look up!” not “Look out!” Well done, teacher!