Hebrew Word Study – Sparks – Ziqah  זקה   Zayin Qop Hei

Isaiah 50:11: “Behold, as all of you who kindle fire, who are surrounded in sparks, walk (a righteous walk) in the light (of) your fire in your burning. From My hand this shall be for you in pain  (so) you will lie down.”

Those who have even been in any of my classes know I am constantly referring to the 70 faces of Torah.  The Spirit of God resides in our heart and all interpretation of Scripture must come from the heart and the Spirit of God.  Yet, we all go through different experiences and the Holy Spirit quickens His Word to us to fit our experience.  We can read a Scripture passage all our lives, ponder it, and even translate it but all of sudden, one day – bong!!!   We find ourselves asking: “Is that really in the Bible?”  This is one such verse for me.

Behold – this is the Hebrew word hen which is saying; Here is a revelation from the presence of God.   “As all of you who kindle fire…”  The word kindle is  kadech. I did a little further research on this word. In its Semitic root, this word has the idea of polishing a red gemstone (carbuncle).  It also refers to a piece of coal that begins to glow red. Ever watch a piece of charcoal on your barbeque grill? When you blow on it it starts to glow red.    This is the idea of kadech.  The word fire is esh which means fire.  It also means passion.  Thus God is giving a revelation here.  He is saying that “as all of you are having your passions polished, or blown upon (with the breath of God) to glow bright red (red also symbolizes passion)…”

He follows by saying that you are then surrounded (me’az’ri – girdle tightening)  by sparksSparks in Hebrew is ziqah which means a bright, sharp shinning.   As you allow God to polish or intensify your passions you will begin to be surrounded by a sharp brilliant shining. 

I have heard where some with spiritual discernment can actually see these ziqah (sparks) in people.  All of us can see it in the Spirit.  How many Christians have you met where you sense a glowing?  These are Christians who allow God to kindle or polish their passion for Him. 

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But soft, there is a warning that follows.  You who have these ziqah (sparks) beware.  Satan was the light bearer and 1/3 of the angels began to look at him and he began to receive that worship rather than God and he fell.  Now we are the light-bearers from the indwelling of Jesus Christ and when people see or sense our ziqah (sparks) there is a tendency to look to the creature rather than the creator.  The problem starts when that creature starts to assume some of that worship for oneself.  People begin to praise you, honor you, lift you up because of your ziqah (sparks) and you will, like satan, fall and lose your sparks or ziqah.  Like Moses who descended from the mountain, his face filled such intense ziqah (sparkling) that he had to wear a veil.  Paul let the beans out of the bag (or is it the cat – I think you spill the beans) in II Corinthians 3:13: He (Moses) kept covering his face with a veil, he did not want the people of Israel to see the glory fading away.”  How many of these people that you have seen or sensed that they once had this ziqah (shining presence) and then they seem to have lost it, but they keep yahooing to make everyone think it has not faded away.   

Those who have these ziqah (sparks) must walk in that Light.”  The word for walk used here is halakah a righteous walk in the Light the word light is ’or which is the Light of God, who is the author of this passion that He is breathing upon.  He will from His hand (power) bring pain and cause you to lie down or rest in peace.  The word “pain”  used here is ’asev and is a little confusing.  This is a physical pain but that is not always a bad thing. Pain is the body’s warning system.  You pick up a hot coal and the pain you feel in your hand is saying: “Let go of that thing, you slob before you burn me to a crisp.”  It is interesting that the word ’asev is also used for worship and service.   

If you allow God to breathe on your passion for Him such that you begin to manifest a ziqah (sparks, shining presence of God), you must always allow people to see God and not you.  If you don’t you will lose those ziqah (sparks).  But He will give you warnings ‘asev (pain) before that happens so you will not be destroyed but can rest in His peace the way He intended.  The key is to be sure that if anyone seeks to honor you because of your ziqah (sparks) you must keep walking a righteous life so all honor is directed to God. 

When I was in seminary I received a word of advice from a pastor who, at that time was the pastor of the largest church in Texas. He warned of the two most dangerous people in the church. The critic who will criticize everything you do. You can’t sneeze without him talking about its style, method, and how he could do it better. The danger is that he will discourage you.  The other is that sweet little old lady (LOL’s he call them) who will praise you and tell you that you are the greatest preacher to ever grace the pulpit.  The danger here is that you will believe her.


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