Hebrew Word Study – Pure Faith – Bachar – בחר Beth Cheth Resh

Psalms 106:23: “Therefore he said that he would destroy them had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach to turn away his wrath lest he should destroy them.”

Moses was chosen by God to stand before the breach. The word for “chosen” is bachar which can also be rendered as proven. I would also add another definition, pure faith. Thus, you could render this passage as: “Moses was proven in his faith.

For those who have been attending my classes on our All Access site or listening to the recordings you know I have really been harping on something called pure faith. This is something I have been reading about in Jewish literature and I realize we hear so little about pure faith. Most Christians have had a hard enough time just acquiring faith, let alone pure faith. 

When we think of faith we think of never doubting God for a moment. When we pray for something we are told we must have faith. In our minds that is we must clench our fists and repeat over and over: “I believe, I believe.”  Maybe, just maybe if we have enough of that “believe” business, God might just turn to an angel and say; “Ok angel, I think he has demonstrated enough faith give him what he wants.  

It seems all the sermons I hear on faith is that it is something you must have and shame on you for not having it. I hear Hebrew 11:1 quoted over and over: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” No one bothers to explain that elephant in the room, if faith means having no doubt then if you are hoping for something, that indicates that you are not sure of the results, you doubt the results so you hope for the results you are seeking.  As I explained in past studies, the word hope in Aramaic means a positive imagination. Faith begins with imagining, using that skill that God has endowed you and every human being with, an imagination. Faith is not stopping every time you doubt and telling yourself, “Nope, no way, I’m a-gonna believe.” Faith is when you start to doubt yourself just imagine God, how He loves you, cares for you and how He has carried you in the past and will carry you in the present and in the future. 

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Moses was chosen, bachar but bachar is a special type of chosen, it is one who has proved himself worthy, pure in faith to be chosen. Moses proved himself worthy because he has pure faith.  It seems whenever I run across pure faith in Jewish literature, I read the words mustard seed or grain. In Matthew, the disciple tried to cast out a demon and failed. Jesus came up and just simply “get out” and the demons left.  The disciples asked why they could not do and Jesus said they had little faith. But they had whole bunches of faith, no one else tried to cast those demons out, but the disciples believed or had faith to do it. Then Jesus said if they just had the faith of a mustard seed they could move mountains. Do you mean to tell me that their faith was even smaller than a mustard seed?  In the Aramaic, which is the language spoke these words in, He says the disciples could not cast out the demons because they had impure faith. Then Jesus used an expression they know quite well, a mustard grain.  If you have the faith of a mustard grain or what they heard in their ears if you have pure faith. 

So, what is pure faith as opposed to faith?  Well, let me give you an example. You may have heard this story from me but we have many new readers so for their sake I will repeat this story. My life had (has?) been one of complete failure when it comes to ministry. I was ashamed to meet former classmates because I was living up to their expectations, that I would amount to nothing in the Christian world. However, I did self-publish a skinny little book; Hebrew Word Study – A Hebrew Teacher’s Search for the Heart of God.  I put the ebook at .99 on Amazon to catch the impulsive buyer. It worked and after I sold 20,000 ebooks, I received a call for Harper Collins, one of the big five publishing houses. I had been praying, claiming, and believing for a book contract from a traditional publisher and here I signed a contract with one of the biggest publishers in the world.  Boy, I could not wait until Moody Alumni week (my alma mater) came along. For the first time in 30 years, I was going to attend and I would look up former classmates. When these former classmates who were now senior pastors, directors of mission boards, themselves published authors would approach me and ask; “Why Chaim, I often wondered what happened to you. What are you up to?” I would tell them: “Oh, I just signed a contract with Harper Collins, one of the big five publishers you know and I am preparing the final draft of my book right now.”  I could not wait to see the expression on their faces; “Why Chaim, we never dreamed you would accomplish such a thing.”  

A week before Alumni week I got a call from Harper Collins, they said the Christian publishing house they owned that was going to publish my book did not want to do it because of some of the weird ideas I expressed. They withdraw the contract. I was devastated. I did not attend Alumni week.  I knew what my former classmates would say: “Why that’s alright Chaim, we knew you were never going to be published by a traditional publisher let alone one of the big five. You probably made the whole thing up. But you did write a little book that you self-published and for that, you deserve a pat on the head.”  

I fell before God and wept. “Why God, I had faith, ironclad faith, I did not doubt you, I named it, I claimed and I knew you would do it and you did, but then you pulled it away from me.”  I then heard God whisper to me; “Why did you want to be published?”  “I said; “Oh, Lord, I want to get the message of your heart out to the people.” Again, God asked me why I wanted that contract. I said: “Why that would open the doors to the ministry I prayed for countless years.” Again, the Lord asked why and I finally admitted, I wanted vindication, I wanted to prove to everyone I was not the loser they thought I was.

God then said: “I am the only one you need to please, just try to please me, you have enough faith for that, do you not?” I did have that faith, faith to just rest in Him, relax and let him decide what is a successful ministry and I had enough faith to know that when I stood before Him in that final day, He would say: “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”  

That is the difference between regular faith and pure faith. Regular faith is a lot of me, what I want, give me, give me.”  Pure faith is like Moses had. “Lord, I will stand in the gap for my people and your Kingdom.”          

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