Hebrew Word Study – Practical Gold – Zahav זהב Zayin Hei Beth
Job 23:10: “But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.”
Job 28:16: “It (wisdom) cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.”
Throughout the ages, gold has been considered valuable and precious. Even during ancient times, gold was used for currency. Today with the alarming rate of inflation we are hearing all over the radio and television to invest in gold as it will always be valuable as a currency. Even our banking system had its start with gold. People used gold in the Middle Ages as currency and since it was so valuable, they went to the one person who had the most secure place to keep their gold, and that was the goldsmith whose vocation centered around gold. People paid him a certain fee to hold their gold and would withdraw it from time to time to make purchases. That got a little cumbersome especially since the goldsmith had to section the gold in different weights so the owner of the gold didn’t have to take out a whole brick of gold. But since the goldsmith gave the owner a receipt for gold, the owner didn’t have to go to the goldsmith, he just exchanged his gold receipt with, say the blacksmith, for sharpening his plow and the blacksmith used his gold receipts as change. Since no one was taking out their gold from the goldsmith, the goldsmith started giving loans based on his inventory of gold and people paid him back with interest, money in the bank for the goldsmith. Of course, the goldsmith may have had a hundred pounds of gold stashed away, but he got to thinking, “Who’s to know?” and he started giving loans for more than a hundred pounds of gold, I mean that receipt was as good as gold. Of course, if word got out that he loaned out more gold certificates than he had gold everyone would demand their gold back and he would have a run on his “bank.”
Even today there are conspiracy theories that the United States will return to the gold system and other conspiracy theories that there is no longer any gold in Fort Knox, where the nation’s gold is kept and if word gets out it will bankrupt our country. However, our economy is based upon our gross national product today rather than gold. Gold still remains a vital element of our economy.
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Still, gold is just not important enough in our Western culture to have two words for it as you have in Hebrew. Yes, gold was so important in ancient times that the Semitic languages actually have two different words for gold. There is zahav which is refined gold, gold that is often used for currency. Then there is katem which is not only refined but is used for ornamental purposes, like jewelry and sacred objects.
Refined gold, however, had value beyond currency. As today gold is used in many electronics as it is a good conductor. Astronauts have a thin gold cover over their faceplate on their helmets because of it reflectiveness. All this is called gold in English just as the gold necklace you wear is called gold. But in Hebrew the gold used in electronics and visors would be called zahav in Hebrew and your gold necklace would be called katem gold. Both are gold, they have the same atomic weight, they are both unique as a metal. The ancients noticed that all metals you hold in your hand will grow warm except gold, it remains cool and aloof, like the gods. In fact, it is called the skin of the gods and it is the reason many idols of gods were made of gold.
What is interesting is that the word for gold in Job 23:10 tells us that when we have been tested we come forth as gold, the word zahav is used. Just ordinary refined gold good for currency as other practical uses. I would expect we come out like katem, gold that is not only refined, valuable but made into something beautiful. We could argue that the Hebrew used in Job predates the later Hebrew where katem was introduced as a loan word from the Middle Egyptian, except we find just five chapters later in Job the word katem is used telling us wisdom is like the gold of Ophir. We are uncertain of the location of Ophir but it is believed by some scholars to be somewhere in Arabia. Still, it was imported gold so it was like refined gold that was already fashioned into some ornamental. So, God had a purpose in saying that when we come through a time of testing, we are simply zahav gold, not katem gold. Keep in mind gold is gold it is still valuable but the difference in zahav and katem is in its use. Katem is pretty, something to show off. Zahav is practical, something that has use beyond beauty.
What God is telling us is that when we come through a time of testing, we may not come out looking pretty for everyone to look upon us and admire us. But what we do come out as is someone who has gained something of great value, something practical, something that God can use to further His kingdom and to spread His message of love. The purpose of a test from God is not to make us pretty and beautiful – katem, so everyone can admire us and say: “Oy, what a beautiful testimony of how God brought you out of your testing, my but are you now a beautiful trophy for God.” Rather, He wants a zahav where people will say: “Oy, but God has proven Himself so faithful to you and loves you, how may I find that love and faithfulness.”
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Make me zahav by your hand my Lord 🙌
Thank you Dear Teacher,
First I want to say that my heart and prayers are for Stephanie .
I am wondering about the two different Hebrew words for gold . We have only one word for gold but we go by weight . 24 karat gold is pure gold and can’t be used to make jewelry because it is too soft and pliable . The gold in jewelry is mixed with another metal and this is why we have 14 karat gold . The Egyptians mixed their gold with platinum . Today platinum is more expensive that gold .
I like to think of God’s love for us as platinum and when added to our pure gold we become something wonderful and beautiful .
Avinu Malkeinu keep us all in Your loving embrace .
Thank you so much for this insight. I am from Chennai, India. My ancestors became Christians when the first missionaries came. We were a backward caste and looked after the palmyra trees, exploited by the upper castes. I guess my ancestors became Christians because of the love and equality shown them by the missionaries. So I was born into a Christian family. Of late, I started reading and studying the Word. I started learning Hebrew as I saw the same Bible verse, had different meanings, in different Bibles. That is how I discovered your website. Thank you so much for your daily insights
Thank you for opening up my eyes to this study. I am grateful for the teaching. Shalom!
Practical gold is still gold. Useful, interchangeable, marketable. Able to hold its value. I like how you write. Thank you.
Beauty in the Eyes of God is so different than beauty in the eyes of humans.
For Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, “Don’t pay attention to how he looks or how tall he is, because i have rejected him. Adonai doesn’t see the way humans see— humans look at the outward appearance, but Adonai looks at the heart.” 1Samuel16:7
And it is written in another place:
True beauty is found in the secret person of the heart.”
So when God says”You are beautiful.” You are inwardly beautiful and true beauty is visible to him how has eyes to see all things.
The Lord bless you, make his face shine upon you, turn his countenance towards you and give you peace.
Much Love
I really enjoy understanding the difference between Karen and Zaharia..I am grateful that when I am tried by the fire I shall come out as pure gold “Zaharia” I want to always dray people to Jesus.