Hebrew Word Study – A Pledge – shel שאל Shin Aleph Lamed
John 14:13-14, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do [it].”
What could be more clear? If you ask anything in the name of Jesus it will be done, He will do it. There are only two conditions, we must ask and we must ask in His name. Hence we pray and ask, good for us. We are also taught way back in Sunday School that we are to conclude our prayers with “in Jesus name, Amen.” Well, that should pretty well sew it up. We should get what we ask for. Ok, I am asking or praying, in Jesus’ name that my book makes it to the New York Times Best Seller List. I am even making it easier on God, I am not even asking that it becomes number one on the New York Times Best Seller List, just that it makes it. Will it happen, of course not, not even close. “Ah, Ha,” you say, “Gotcha, you gotta believe. You have to clench your fist and say over and over, ‘I believe, I believe.’” All this time God is watching very closely. “Ok, angel, you keep an eye on that Chaim Bentorah fellow, if you catch him doubting for just one moment you let me know, ya hear. I do not want to answer this prayer so I am going to catch him on a technicality and if I can find him doubting for just a moment, we got him, prayer denied.”
Two times in a row Jesus repeats that if you ask anything in His name, He will do it. When something is repeated in the Semitic culture, it gives it a certainty. What a wonderful promise, you can’t lose. Except for one major problem, it doesn’t always work.
Let’s look at these conditions again. We must ask in His name. Does that mean that we must ask using his Hebrew name Yashuah? We all know Jesus is not His real name, which is just a Greek perversion of his real name. Now if we used his real name Yashuah well that ought to ring His bell. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work any better than using his Greek name. Back to the drawing board. The word name in Aramaic and Hebrew are the same, shem. This basically means a reputation or what someone is about. Yashuah means salvation so whatever you ask in the name of salvation will be done. So maybe you can pray, “Lord I need a million dollars to start a television program to get people saved.” Obviously, that does not work. Besides, Jesus has many names such as wonderful, counselor, prince of peace, everlasting Father. Which name is Jesus referring to? Again shem also has the idea of a collective, such as the name of a family, tribe, or a company. Perhaps Jesus is referring to the name of the kingdom of God. Whatever you ask that will further the kingdom of God, He will do. If you are a manager or supervisor for a company you know that whatever you ask an employee to do in the name of the company you work for, they must do it. If you ask them to do something that has nothing to do with the company, like help me put a new roof on my house, they are under no obligation to help.
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These are all ideas you can ponder, but I would like to move on to the next condition that I find intriguing. You must ask. Why must you ask? Does not God know what you want and need even before you ask (Matthew 6:8)? Is He going to force us to beg? Let’s take a close look at that word ask. In Greek, it is the word aiteo which means to ask, beg, request or petition. It all pretty much means the same thing, you speak out a request. Jesus spoke these words in Aramaic and the Peshitta uses the word shel. This is an interesting word in its Semitic root. It comes from an old Canaanite word that has the idea of giving a pledge. In the ancient culture when you borrowed something you gave something to someone they would give you something in return called a pledge. In other words, shel has the idea of collateral. If we apply the ancient concept of shel to this verse then what the disciples may have heard Jesus say was not anything you want you’ve got it, but, “I am giving you my life what are you giving me in return, whatever you give me, I will use it. Whatever you pledge anything that you pledge to me I will use it for my name. If it is just a cup of water, I can use that.
So many Christians woefully sit back and say that they have no talents, no gifts, nothing at all to give to God. Perhaps that is what Peter was thinking. In the prior verse, Jesus is talking about doing great works for Him and old Peter is thinking, “Yeah sure, me a fisherman, bumbling fool, what have I got to give?” Jesus then answers His question and your question as well. “Whatever you pledge to me I will use it to do greater things and you will get my life in return.”
You see, the mistake we make in trying to understand this verse is that we make it out to be a verse that is used to getting a miracle or healing or whatever we want, yet it is not about getting it is about giving and what God will do with what we give to Him. For He has pledged His life to us, what will we give to Him?
Years ago Bill Gaither wrote these words:
Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer him was brokenness and strife
But he made something beautiful of my life.
John 14:13-14 is not a promise that we are going to get everything we want, it is a promise that if we give him what we have, even if it is just brokenness and strife, He will fill it with his light and life and make something beautiful.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Years ago when I signed up for the word studies, bought the Word Study kit and manual then joined All Access comments were rare. This ministry has grown and is impacting many hundreds and thousands now. Praise God for His faithful servants like Chaim and Laura.
Thank you for sharing, Robert! We appreciate you and we’re so glad you are a part of our group.
Not sure if you received my other comment so I will try to condense and resend Thanks for these truer translations. Probably much of the Bible is mis- translated . Twenty years ago Someone told me you have to know the original languages to get the proper meanings. I thought oh what a heady remark. Now I understand. Would be nice to know what the true mreaning of all the versus are that are used to defend 5 point Calvinism aka ( tulip). May God have Mercy on us.
Hello John
Consider joining the All-Access Learning Channel where you will easily learn to do your own Word Studies. It’s much easier than people realize and the payoff is huge…that’s the way God designed it. We also have weekly Bible studies, workshops, and Torah portion discussions. Hope to see you there. https://www.hebrewwordstudy.comBlessings,
Laura & Chaim
Wonderful truth that sets me free.
Faith destroying translations herewith nullified
I love Bill Gaither too, been listening for years – this all makes so much great sense to me. Thank you as always. I must say I so dislike Pastors who name and claim as well. But the pledge by us WOW
Thank you this has ministered so deeply to me. Please sign me up for your daily word study.
This is an amazing clarification. I love it.
Strangely I really, really needed this today. Thanks Chaim.
Another ‘Wow.’ The words of the song hit it home to me. I just wonder why don’t we have a NT translation from a Hebrew/Aramaic source? Apparently Jesus did not address his audiences in Greek.
Thank you Dear Teacher,
Again your words ring true .
It was during the first Gulf War and the troops were waiting for it all to begin and my son was among them . For days I could not eat ,I could not sleep and everyday after work I would go to the Chapel to pray . I not only prayed for my son and all American soldier ,but I also prayed for all mother’s son even the enemy who fought wars because they were mislead by false teachings and didn’t understand.
I missed a lot of days of work and I got a scathing letter from my boss threatening to fire me even though my work records showed my attendance was excellent pryor to this .
A fellow employee came and told me that the war was starting and the tanks were rolling and then suddenly a peace above all understanding came over me and I felt calm. I feel that God comforted me because I prayed for others .
I wanted to tell my boss that she should be thankful if none of her children were facing death but I’m glad that I didn’t because her daughter was injured in a car accident and died several days later . My heart goes out to her even after all these years .
May God guard us all and keep us from praying for the wrong things .
what a wonderful insight. ty
This was very enlightening.. I shared with friends.