Leviticus 25:3-4: “Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; (4) But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.”
The number seven stands out in the Bible. Most familiar to us is the seven day work/rest cycle that makes up our week. It is sort of a reenactment of the original seven days of creation. Just like God who created the world in six days we have our own little creations that we accomplish throughout the six days prior to the Sabbath. To the Jewish mind each Sabbath completes the full revolution of the original cycle following which we start anew, refreshed and ready for another round. The first day to the Jews is yom rishon which means the first day which to the Jews is Sunday and to us in the Christian realm it is Monday.
Also, the Jewish life cycles follow the seven. As I write this we are in the season of the 49 days from Passover to the Jewish festival of Shavuot or Feast of Weeks which commemorates the time when the Jews fled from slavery in Egypt to Mt. Sinai where the received the Torah. The fiftieth day is the day which we in Christianity call Pentecost. Then then there is the years that follow the cycle of creation. Six workday years are succeeded bv a sabbatical year known as the Shemittah the seventh year of a seven year cycle where on the seventh year or the sabbatical year the people of Israel do not work the land. This is called the Shemittah which means suspension. All agricultural work is suspended for that year to give the land a rest. We learned the hard way during the Great Depression that if you do not allow your land to rest, so to speak, it will not renew it nutrients to provide a sufficient harvest. This resulted in the Great Dust Bowls of that time. Miraculously for the Jews, God provided an abundance of harvest in the sixth year to cover the seventh year even when the land was at a point of depletion.
There is also a cycle of seven, seven years equally 49 years and the 50th year being a year of Jubilee where all work is suspended on the land, slaves are freed and all debts are released. The year of Jubilee has not been celebrated for centuries because all the Jews have not returned to their homeland and you cannot celebrate the year of Jubilee without all twelve tribes being present and dwelling in the land if Israel. According to Jewish orthodox teaching when the Messiah comes he will gather all twelve tribes together, he will bring the third temple from heaven to dwell on Mt. Moriah and will bring peace to the entire world and then the Jews will once again celebrate the year of Jubilee for a thousand years. The last cycle of the Jubilee year was 1988 and the next will be 40 years from that date which is September of 2029 or the Jewish year of 5790. The beginning of the last cycle of seven years therefore will be September 2022. Seven years from that day you will enter the year of Jubilee which will not be celebrated unless the Messiah comes somewhere between the seven years of 2022-2029. If you follow their religious calendar then this cycle will begin in May of 2022.
Yeah, I know what you’re are thinking if you are a dispensationalist: “Hmmm! Seven years, seven years tribulation, then if Jesus were to return on the year of Jubilee in 2029 to set up His earthly kingdom and usher in the Millennium then golly, the rapture could occur next September or May and we could enter the period of Tribulation next year. Gulp!”
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Come on down from your cloud, you haven’t been raptured yet. There is more to this story. 2029 would be the Jewish year 5790. We are talking cycles of seven. 5790 years is considered bv orthodox Jews to be the number of years from creation. Now we are looking at 7,000 years from the date of creation to the end of the age if we follow this pattern. Therefore, the Millennium is to take place starting the Jewish year 6,000 – 7,000 or 20239 on our calendar. So technically this is the 5,782 year since creation and therefore we still have 218 years before the final Jubilee period. On top of that the Jews believe that the Messiah could come at any time. Traditional Jewish teachers base this on Isaiah 60:22: “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.” They teach that there is a set time for the coming of the Messiah but there is also a hastened time for the Messiah to come. The Jews can encourage the hastening of the Messiah by good deeds, observing certain commandments or if Israel would properly observe one sabbath it would hasten the time and bypass the set time if God chooses to hasten the sending of the Messiah as found in the Talmud in Sanhedrin 98b. A Jubilee year would be a good time for the Millennium but I would not recommend you begin rapture practice or sell your stock in Tesla just yet. Time and date of the Messiah’s return is known to no man.
However, I want to introduce you to that eighth day. The day after the Sabbath, the day of Pentecost, the day of Jubilee or the Shemittah the final year in the seven year cycle. Seven includes both matter and spirit. Seven is the number of God’s manifestation in this physical realm. Eight, transcends the physical realm, it introduces a reality that is beyond all nature and definition. We could call it an eighth dimension which has no limitations at all. It goes beyond nature but is yet fully present within it, equally beyond matter and spirit and equally within them.
Jesus coming to earth to dwell in this natural world, suffer physical pain and death, shedding His physical blood all represent the seven. But His resurrection which transcends this natural world yet includes it, His Salvation through trust, belief and repentance and in his realm, the spiritual realm beyond this physical is the eight. When you accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior you move beyond this seven into the eight or the eighth dimension we shall call it. Those who die in their sins, do not accept Jesus as their Savior will be trapped in a twilight zone, a phantom zone we can call it, between the seven and the eight or the seventh dimension which will be past but will they will not be allowed to enter that eighth dimension. Trapped for eternity in a realm beyond space and time in that twilight between the seventh and eighth dimension.
This is not different that what we learn in Sunday School and your local revival meetings only I am using different sounding fancy words.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
I don’t know why your article is titled The Eighth Dimension, when it is all about the number seven. I have come to an understanding from the Bible that we will be moving from a seven day week to an eighth day week. It has to do with the Sign of Jonah. Our Lord was in the tomb from Friday afternoon till Sunday morning. How can that make 3 days and 3 nights? In Genesis the first day was made when you had darkness and light, and the darkness was called night. When our Lord was on the cross a darkness occurred. There is the 3rd night! Along with the daylight that followed a new day was made. We have to add it to the week.
Only problem with an 8th day is that it exist beyond space and time where days do not exist. There is no day and night in eternity so we can not count the days.
It is the explanation of the Sign of Jonah. This new day, an 8th day, will be called the Lord’s Day. At the present, that is what Sunday is called in Latin based languages.
Shalom Chaim and Laura
You must go further. You must go deeper. Do not be limited by what you think man can and will understand or misunderstand. This article is not finished it is not complete. Believers have the God given ability to function on that 8th dimension now because of their Oneness with Christ Jesus. Please I implore you go further. Elaborate more even in what you already shared. Talk about time and space and matter. Everything was created by Him(Jesus) and for Him. Shed more light! Shalom!
Hello Vincent,
Ohhh we do go deeper. Join us on our All-Access Learning Channel where Chaim goes deeper. I’ll leave the link incase you’re interested in checking it out. Hope to see you there!https://www.hebrewwordstudy.com
Yes. And the early Church also spoke of Sunday as the eighth day, because it is the day of Christ’s resurrection. Thus many still extant ancient baptismal fonts are eight sided. The Eastern Orthodox Church keeps both these traditions alive.