Psalms119:93: “I will never forget thy precepts for with them thou hast quickened me.”

It is one of those days, I just got home from work. Due to the old arthritis acting up I did not sleep well last night.  After a day of just one aggravation after another in my disability bus I am finally making my last trip when my passenger gets a phone call telling him he left his leg at the doctor’s office, we had to return. He has a prosthesis, which I am sure you figured out.  By this time, I pretty well had it and I told him, “You’ve got to be pulling my leg.”  This is not the first time something like this happened so I decided to inject some humor I used last time.  I told I would be working overtime to retrieve his leg and it will cost him an arm and a leg.  He didn’t see the humor in it.

Anyways, I am home now dead tired, but I believe God gave me Psalms 119:93 to study so I am determined to study it. However, I am too brain weary to even know what a precept is and I keep dozing off.

I suddenly hear someone or something whispering in my ear. I open my eyes and it is the Hebrew letter Pei whispering something to me.  “Keep quiet, I don’t need your help!” I tell him. I’m really in a grouching mood.  So, I go to the Living Bible where I find the word commandments rather than precepts. Then I hear Qop whispering something else to me.  “Look, like I told Pei,” I shouted to Qop, “Just keep out of this will you?”   I check the dictionary and I find that precepts means commandments or instructions.  Then another little voice whispers to me, it is the Daleth and she is saying: “What does commandments have to do with being quickened?”   Now I’m really agitated: “Will you three Pei, Qop and Daleth (pagad – precepts or visitation) just leave me…Huh?”  I notice the three letters standing together with their arms around each other’s shoulders.  Pei with a cowboy hat and checkered shirt and Qop and Daleth in blue blouses and red and white checkered dresses and petticoats doing a sort of line dance like the Rockettes. “Give me break, will you. this is no time for dancing, I am doing some serious study here.”

Then I notice that the letters are lined up to spell Pei, Qop, Daleth and say we really mean visitation..  “Ok,” I finally say, “What gives, what are you doing in Psalms 119:93 the word visitation is not in my English Bible in Psalms 119:93?  “Why we are forming a square,” responds Pei.  “No,” I reply, a really grumpy now, “I mean why are you in Psalms 119:93 claiming to be visitation when you are supposed to be precepts, you don’t belong there?”

“Oh, but we do,” replies Pei, “Come on join us, we are about to do a Square Dance and we need another male dancer.”  Well, after all, they did need a fourth person to form the square so I formed a mini-wave with Daleth and waited for the caller.  But for that, we had to pass through my Looking Glass.   

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Once through my Looking Glass, I begin to realize I may have made a bad move.  I find we are on a mountain top which has been flattened into a 10’X10’ square and a cliff on all four sides dropping off hundreds yea, maybe thousands of feet.  In one corner I see our caller – Chet, with Kap playing the fiddle and Shin clapping his hands.  Suddenly Chet begins: “Swing your partner, turn around, circle to the left and circle to the right.”  “Slow down,” I scream, “I’m going to fall off this cliff.”   Daleth tightens her grip around my hand and says: “So long as we all remain in sync and follow the instructions of the caller, you have nothing to fear.  You must trust the caller, he will not give instructions that will lead us off the cliff.  You see the caller is Chet which represents a binding of yourself to God.

“Allemande to the left, and courtesy turn, bow to your partner, bow to your corner, do sa do and circle to the left, promenade and pass right through”  continue Chet. “Hey this is really fun” I cry out.  “But why are Shin and Kap here?”  I question.  Pei responds as we perform a partner trade.  “They provide the rhythm and beat so we stay in sync and not fall off the mountain. Shin represents the power of God and the Kap is your heart filled with that power.  Chet is binding yourself with God.”   “Ok,” I reply, “But have you noticed that they form the Hebrew word for forget?  Are these letters trying to tell me something?

Suddenly a new couple joins our square.  They are Lamed and Aleph.  “That couple looks familiar,” I say to no one in particular. Then it hits me Lamed Aleph spell the Hebrew word  Not.   When we fill our hearts with the power of God and bind ourselves to Him, we will not forget, the paqad or precepts. paqad. I notice my three friends who brought me here spell out here pagad reminds me that paqad not only means precepts or instructions but visitation as well.   Lamed Aleph reminds us Not to Shakach. Shakach means to forget and is spelled with the three letters of the band Shin and Kap who are playing the music with the caller Cheth. Cheth is reminding me to not Shakach or forget the Pakad instructions or to continue to visit these instructions.

Cheth is still calling: “Right and left grand, square on thru, weave the ring and spin around.”  I being to spin like a top, enjoying every moment with life feeling so good when I suddenly find myself in my office spinning around like the proverbial top.  I stop and in my dazed spinning head I look at my desk and see Pei, Qop, and Daleth or Pakad – visit, and/or precepts who are waving to me as they step back into Psalms 119:93 and then I begin to understand.

You see that mountain top we were dancing on was named Chiithani.  Chiithani is rendered in Psalms 119:93 as quickened me.  It more modern terms it means to experience life.  But this is in a Piel intensive form thus it means to experience life abundantly, to its fullest.   David is saying that he will never forget the Pakad or the visitation of God to bring him instructions for it is those instructions in life that cause him to experience life to its fullest. However, if he were to ignore or forget any of the instructions that God gives us during His visitation, we will fall off that cliff into despair and depression.

I believe what Psalms 119:93 is instructing us to do is to cling to the memory of those visitations or Pakad we have with God where He whispers his will, desires, and purpose to us.  We are to remember this no matter what happens and if we do we will enter into the fullness of life that God intended for us to have.

Ok so my passenger forgot his leg and I was depressed and in despair that I had to work overtime because the old boy couldn’t remember to bring his leg. But then I did a little pagad, I visited earlier instructions for God to be thankful in every situation. If I had just one leg I would not have enjoyed my time on Mt. Chiithani dancing. But then it was just a dream – I think!?

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