Romans 11:36: “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever.” Amen.
Colossians 1:16: “For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him.”
My first thought when I first read this Romans 11:36 is that God created all things and everything that was made was made by Him. But then from what I have read of Paul’s writings he is very specific in what he writes. He is after all a lawyer, in fact a judge as he served on the Sanhedrin. Paul had a legal mind and a legal mind is obsessed with details. Take his letter to the Colossians, he says pretty much the same thing as he does in Romans only he is very specific in Colossians indicating that these “all things” refer to creation. The word for all things in Greek is the same word for both passages panta from the root word pas which means all or everything.
In the Aramaic it is the word kul which means all or everything and it is the same word in both passages. However, kul is often used as a idiom. Hence Paul was very specific in Colossians to let the read know he was referring to God’s creation. However, in Romans, he does not mention creation he simply says that all thing are for Him through Him and to Him. That is definitely not the case. Is pornography from Him, Is sex trafficking through Him? Are all the riots, murders, abortion and countless other offense for Him?
Those are rhetorical questions. Of course not. Then why is Paul not specific. He actually is if you read the context. He is talking to believers, Gentiles and Jews. He is merely repeating an old Jewish saying that all that we as believers do we do it as unto God. Every work of righteousness, every good deed, every deed we do it as unto God. We do for Him, through Him and to Him and he gets the glory for it all.
Those are pretty tall orders. Just how much do we do every day? We go to work, do we do it for God, through Him, and to Him? We do yard work, you take care of you family, you go to church, you relax, you enjoy the vast array of entertainment, all must be done as unto God.
The great happiness we find in the Love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord can never be separated from us. If He is truly our everything, what have we to fear?
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Let me put it another way, God is our everything. I like to think I coined that but unfortunately many have use it in other ways, mostly in romantic love poems and songs like the song by Michael Buble called, Everything. He said he wrote the song for his then girlfriend Emily Blunt. In the song he declares that she is his everything. Sounds a little quirky, “Your a falling star, the get away car, you are my line in the sand when I go too far…” I don’t need to go further. If that is your idea of romantic lyrics I have book of poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning I will be happy to share with you. Michael Buble said: “I wrote the song about the great happiness of real love, but at the same time I was making a statement about the world. We’re living in really crazy times, and I wanted to say that no matter what’s happening, this person in my life is what really makes it worthwhile.” That true real love lasted three years when Ms. Blunt decided to find a more true love in another person.
But you know what, those words: “You’re my everything” fits the idiom that the Apostle Paul was trying to say in Romans 11:36. Our love affair with God is one that we find Him to be our everything, even in this crazy life in these crazy times (Bubles words). God’s love really does bring us through everything for if He is everything then we have something we can never lose. We have something no man can take away from us. This is not a relationship we have for three years until we find another god. Much of our fear is in losing what we value. Yet, if what we value is everything in God, then we can say like the Apostle Paul declared in Romans 8:31,35-39: “What shall we then say to these things? If God [be] for us, who [can be] against us? (35) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (36) As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.(38) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, (39) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
What a rousing conclusion! I had this overwhelming desire to stand and shout “Yes!” like a victory cheer, like a battle cry in these crazy times; I have God on my side—I’m already a winner!
Dear Chaim Bentorah, I so have wanted to thank you for your studies and books. God has been steering me to learn ancient Hebrew. I have been led to your teachings. The first word I received was Sacah, swimming in his presence. This was a word I use when I pray in my Spirtual language as I lay my hands upon others in prayer. Honestly, did not know wha it meant? Only know, through an anointing I received many years ago. God has allowed me to move the Holy Spirit through others. Then, he takes over as he moves through them. Be it healing, a message or a visual presence they receive. It is very beautiful to watch and hear what they receive! Very humbled by God’s amazing plans.
I started a group of 9 prayer warriors, all women from different places. Told them about two of your books; revealing Gods Heart and learning the mind of God. We are on chapter 30 now. These studies have touched us all. We are very aware of how Gods heart breaks when we go astray and not follow his commands. The Holy Spirit has been incredibly communicative to each of us. This has study has taken us into a deeper relationship with God. Thank you for touching us all through your word studies. I am welcoming of any direction you may feel led to speak to me about. Since covid, felt God leading me to reread the O.T. He had me hover over Isaiah for a while. Now I am hovering over Zechariah. Almost finished with O.T. I have learned so much from God. Thank you again, Robin Grace. I look forward to hearing back from you.