HEBREW WORD STUDY – FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING – ME’OLAM V’OD ‘OLAM מעולם עוד עולם Men Ayin Vav Lamed Mem Vav Ayin Daleth Ayin Vav Lamed Mem
Psalms 103:17: “But the mercy of the LORD [is] from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;”
Everlasting to everlasting, well that makes whole bunches of sense in English. Literally, in English everlasting means no end. Therefore it sounds like you are saying; “To the end and then to the end of the end.
I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon in many worship services. They sing the same song over and over. I mean at least with the old hymns when we sang the same songs over and over we sang different verses and we would wait a few weeks before we would sing it again. Now, however, the songs have only one verse of six or seven lines and they repeat the song over and over and over for forty-five minutes and sometimes the worship leader picks out one sentence and repeats that over and over. Do you ever have an annoying fly buzzing around your head with that same buzz, he never changes his tune. I don’t think I would mind flies too much if each sang a different buzz. The last time I was in a worship service like this I could not help but think of everlasting to everlasting (will it ever end?). I got the feeling that the worship leader attended a conference where they sang the same song over and over and the Spirit of God really moved and this worship leader was trying to create the same experience. Contrary to what some quantum physicists say, I don’t believe God is a computer where you sing the right song, chant the right words like “open sesame” and poof! there is God. Alright, I’m really being hard and judgmental. I will admit. I’m just an old coot who longs for the return of the music of Maranatha and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
But I ask you about this everlasting to everlasting business. That seems to be a long time and will we be praising God for his mercy in all these everlastings? Can you imagine spending eternity in a worship service as we have in some churches? There will be no noon hour to end our suffering either. I have been in some services, however, where the worship went for three hours and it seemed like three minutes. Then I have been in some worship services where I begin to glimpse what everlasting to everlasting really is as they drone on and on with the same song, same drum beat, same loud noise taking all the sweetness out of the by and by. Oh, there I go again on a rant
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For me personally, worship in heaven will be like that inner-city church I recently attended. They sang the same song over and over. I sort of got the feeling these folks were the ones who started this repeating business only they did not realize it, not plan it trying to create an experience as some worship leaders do. They were just celebrating joy and happiness. It was like they were on a journey, a search and what will we be searching for? Psalms 103:17 tells us it will be chasad. In this Hebrew, this verse reads a little differently than His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. True His mercy will endure for eternity but I think there is something else in this as well. The word everlasting is ‘olam which means continuous existence, perpetual and without end. Isn’t that enough? Why does the Psalmist repeat the word? One everlasting says it all. You can’t go from one everlasting to another, there is no end to the first everlasting to pass the baton. One rabbi explained it this way. One everlasting is God’s heart the other everlasting is the chasad (mercy) of His heart. From God’s eternal heart comes eternal chasad (mercy). I say chasad because chasad has many possibilities and many more we have never even considered. Sure it means mercy, but it also means kindness, goodness, instruction in kindness, kindness to the needy, the miserable, piety, love and the many forms of love etc. etc. etc. Another idea put forth by a rabbi was that from His everlasting chasad we will advance to a higher degree of everlasting chasad. When the saints in that inner city church sang their song over and over and over, I did not want it to stop, I wanted it to go on for, well, everlasting. They were singing and rejoicing over the chasad of God over and over and over and with each and every over I was experiencing a new level of chasad and for once I was not checking my watch and anxious to move on with the program, I wanted it to go on me’olam v’od ‘olam from everlasting to everlasting. Learning and experiencing God’s chasad.
By the way, there is a little wordplay here for ‘olam everlasting which is spelled Ayin Vav Lamed Mem. Change the Ayin meaning watchfulness to a Shin for the passion of God and you have from Shalom to Shalom – peace to peace. Shalom has just as many different meanings a chasad.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Holy, Holy,Holy is The Lord.
If one’s heart sincerely proclaimed “Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord God Almighty.” throughout all eternity, even still the Fullness of the Holiness of God Almighty would never grow dim or monotenous. There is a vast difference in just singing words and a heart overflowing in worship of God Almighty.
Humans are each such unique creatures, with individual preferences and likes. My husband is not the least bit moved by music as part of a worship service. I, on the other hand, can find it the most uplifting, encouraging, or consoling part of a gathering. But not all music fills the bill. Hymns sung without thought or passion, just rote participation because it’s the next activity in the bulletin are such a disappointment. And those new age tunes that only a few in the pews have a clue what improvisational mood is going to strike next, I’m bummed because I’m destined to miss out on the spiritual inspiration. My point: we’re all different, but it’s so important to realize what does move our soul to praise God, and then find it and participate with all our heart. (“Finding it” is easier said than done though. I can’t say that I’ve succeeded myself, which is why I am so looking forward to worship ‘services’ in Heaven. They are going to be so amazing and absolutely perfect!)
Interesting that many times I have felt like that, a never ending, with different beats. I have just sat down because it appeared to be no end in sight, now, I’m confronted with a.new form of the service, as the minister , said, trying a new thing.
I also greatly appreciated the New Zealand group “Scripture in Song”
I went to a church that was like a disco. They also sang the same 4 sentences, and then one only and for 25 minutes.
My friend and I will never go there ever again.
To each their own I guess…sounds like a worship service I’d like : ) Chaim and I have had many conversations regarding worship…etc. and even though we have very different taste in music, what we do agree on is that it’s not about the style of music but whether or not it’s flowing from the heart to Jesus rather than performance
So tasty, so hopeful and so stirring….
As the daughter of the KING, He has given me –
“Olam, chasad !”
Mercy, from everlasting to everlasting without end.