HEBREW WORD STUDY – THE ANCIENT OF DAYS – ‘ATIQ YOMIN עתיק יומין   Ayin Taw Yod Qop   Yod Vav Mem Yod Nun

Daniel 7:9: “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and ‘Atiq Yomin (the Ancient of days) did sit,” 

Jeremiah 20:9b “But [his word] was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones.”

Psalms 18:1 “Erechameka YHWH (I will love you O’ Lord)

Luke 16:26: “ And beside all this, between us and you there is a great chasim fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that [would come] from thence.

I may regret doing this but I felt I must share this personal prayer with you. Feel free to comment if you identify with this prayer or have once prayed such a prayer yourself. Comment too, if you think this dusty old professor has finally snapped his cap.

‘Atiq  Yomin Dodi (My Beloved the Ancient of Days

I ache to speak those words as David is speaking now in Your presence but could not speak while trapped here in this natural world “Erechameka  YHWH” (I will love (racham) you O’Lord.) Racham, that a love You feel for us but that we in this natural state are unable to experience toward you. Yet, I ache for that love that burns like a fire within me, as intense as the morning sun. 

Once again, this evening You have violated my privacy although You only speak in my mind and my heart. I long to hear Your voice as audible for my heart tells me it is gentle, sweet and filled with such love which I shall never know in this world, but I shall one day when I enter your realm.  

We are told that we must not trust our feelings that they can be misleading and not true.  Still, I have to obey my heart for I know that I am only a heartbeat away from You.  This morning as I prepared for my Monday discussion class on Luke 16:26  I thought of this great chasim that exist between Your world of light and the world of darkness.  Such a chasim exist from my world to Yours.  Only You can cross over to my world but I cannot cross to Your world.  Yet, we may still speak together across this great chasim of dimensions or alternative universes.  I am unable to understand how You are able to temporarily suspended the laws of physics just as you did with crossing of the Red Sea. Perhaps that is why Your realm is the true reality and mine is only a temporary reality, a shadow as a great apologist once called it,  that is easily manipulated by Your Hands. 

So, You see, You have an advantage over me as you may freely enter my world but I am unable to enter Your realm. Hence You know my deepest secrets but I can only know you through a book that I have studied all my life in three different ancient forgotten languages. Although I cannot hear Your words with my ears, I cannot feel Your physical touch, I do hear Your Words as they are written and You have touched me with those Words. 


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I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful I feel when I read Your book filled with these marvelous Words.  I only wish I could rest in Your arms and listen to You read those precious words to me like a parent does to a little child who falls asleep in their arms while they read soothing and comforting words.

As I rest on those Everlasting arms I dream of You although I cannot see Your face, I feel your arms around me in that dream. Some many times in those dreams I plead with you to tell me how you live in such a realm beyond time and space for I know I shall one day join you in that place of everlasting peace and joy.

This conjunction between us is like a consuming fire in my soul.  Does that mean that You also yearn to hold me in Your home as I long to be held in your place of abode and experience that racham love that is beyond my own world and only found in space and time. 

As I read Your Word this evening, I felt what may have been Your touch.  It was a touch like a sweet promise, a promise that I will someday know the true reality. For I know this world I live in is not the true realty, it will one day end where Your reality will not. But that is not why I know your world is the true reality for the love I feel from You is real, more real than anything I have felt in my natural world.

Many today say you cannot exist.  But if you don’t, then why do I feel like I do? 

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