ARAMAIC WORD STUDY – LAST DAYS – ‘ECHADI ZAVANA’ אחדי זבנא Aleph Cheth Daleth Yod Zayin Beth Nun Aleph
II Timothy 3:1,5: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
My great great grandfather, so I am told, came to America from Germany because of the wars and rumors of ward and found himself in the American Civil war. He thought it was the last days. My great grandfather struggled with poverty and plagues convinced he was living in the last days. My grandfather fought in World War I and was convinced they were living in the last days. My father grew up during the Great Depression and then served in World War II and faced the threat of nuclear war and was convinced, without doubt we were living in the last days. I grew up during the time of the cold war, the race riots, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society sending our country into billions of dollars of debt with such socialist programs as welfare, Medicaid, Medicare and other social programs caring for the elderly and poor as Jesus taught. I was told this would bankrupt our country within ten years (It didn’t, we only prospered). But, I was convinced we were living in the last day. Here we are again with political unrest, threat of civil war (although not nearly on the scale of 1862) socialist programs that will bankrupt this country, pandemics and people are crying out we are living in the last days.
I would just like to address the elephant in the room here. Doesn’t it seem like we are always living in the last days? There seems to have always been wars, rumors of wars, civil unrest, threats of national bankruptcy (Roosevelt the godfather of all free spending on socialist programs) and political crisis? Just what makes up the last days? Perilous times? You don’t think the 15th century plagues, the crisis in the church during the 16th century reformation, the many wars that practically wiped out Europe were perilous times?. Frankly, I will take our present perilous times over the perilous times of the 30 year war in Europe or the our present covid 19 pandemic over the bubonic plague of 14th Century which killed over half the population of Europe. Just what makes us think our perilous times are any indication of last days than the perilous times throughout history which were obviously not the last days?
Of course, we could say the last days began with the resurrection of Jesus. Who is to say that in God’s eyes the last days could be 2,000 years. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years. Last days or last times in Greek is eschatais hemerais or extreme to the end days meaning literal sun up to sun down days. This is followed by the words enstesontal kairoi which literally has the idea of presenting opportunities. Kairoi is traditionally rendered as times or seasons but it could also mean opportunities followed by the word for hard or difficult, perhaps referring to difficult opportunities. These last days could really be days of great opportunity if not difficult.
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Let’s examine this in the Aramaic, the language that was the writer’s native tongue. Last days is echadi zavana’. The word echadi means one but it also means to be unique or special. The word times is zavana’ which carries the definite article from echadi and means to sell off or sell out, to bargain. It has the idea of selling and buying, negotiating a deal. It is also a word for compromise. In other words last days could be rendered as a unique time of compromise or buying selling.
Verse 2-4 speak of people during these unique times who will be lovers of self, money, proud, arrogant and so forth. People have always been this way. But verse 5 tells us what people these are, they are believers who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God. The word power in Greek is dynamin which is miraculous power. In the Aramaic it is chayl which is similar to the Hebrew for dancing with joy and strength. In that Aramaic it means that as well as a word for supernatural strength so it does not contradict the idea of miraculous power but expands on it by including the idea of joyfulness.
I believe that is what is important here. In the last days believers are not just going to find it difficult to discover the joy of the Lord, but at they will deny there is such a thing. What I see happening today is something called progressive Christianity which teaches that you do not really feel the presence of the joy of the Lord, you are only feeling the natural excitement of spiritual music and working yourself up into a sense of joy like you do at an athletic event. But what you feel is not God. These preachers who call themselves evangelicals actually deny the chayl the joy, celebration and physical manifestations of God. Ok, there have always been those who teach this, they used to be called liberals and/or neo-othodox, but the idea of last days in the Aramaic would be a unique time of sell off, but and sell. Perhaps it is not the last days but a time of unique opportunities when Christianity seeks to become acceptable to society. So as not top be accused of hate speech or be offensive they seek what is not offensive to non believers. They don’t talk of the blood of Jesus, blood is offensive, or hold up a cross that is offensive to those who are not Christians. Oh, and Heaven forbid that you should tell someone they are a sinner, why that is hate speech. By the way it any sane person knows not to tell you children they could go to hell if they do not accept your view of the Gospel, that will scare them and that is child abuse.
I believe we are living in such unique times, last days – maybe, but definitely times when we are strongly tempted to buy and sell our faith for acceptance in society. We will not be offensive and talk of a hell, sin or the need for an atonement. We don’t want to offend someone and in fact we may be using hate speech and for that we would be guilty of a criminal offense which would send us to prison. With that threat you may be tempted to water down the Gospel and say that it doesn’t matter what you believe, God is love, he will understand, have that abortion so you can enjoy life, go ahead and get drunk or curse if it make you feel good after all God wants you to be happy.
For myself, I believe in a heaven and hell, I believe in Jesus who is the Son of God who died and rose from the dead and that He is the atonement for our sins and we are all sinners and must receive God’s gift of salvation which is through Jesus Christ alone lest we go to hell when we die. If social media shuts me down for declaring that, accusing me of hate speech for saying they are going to hell without accepting Jesus as their Savior, then they can just take one flying leap and when they land they will receive a very warm (hot) welcome.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
Excellent! I am eternally blessed by your insights! I’ve been studying Lev\Vayikra for about 4 years. Currently reading Rabbi Jonathan Sacks book on Lev\Vayikra. My heart wrestles with and ponders how we, his body, can and need to call sin, sin! If we don’t I shudder to think of the consequences! Thank you for sharing your hearts wisdom, it’s a drink of cool water for this thirsty soul. Lord bless you! Rhonda
Truly insightful and enjoyable. One question. How does one obtain and know the joy of the Lord or is able to discern the tangible presence and power of God where the enemy has counterfeited the Holy Spirit to deceive christians.
The above, in my opinion, is a very clear explanation of America today, and it saddens me. When I was a young woman, I, and my Mother!, wanted to marry a seminary student who, on the last date I chose to have with him, said seminary no longer believed in the Virgin birth, and that was too liberal for his blood. Sadly, he did adopt the liberal views of the United Methodist Church; I am so glad I did not marry him, but joined the US Navy which God used in unique ways to deepen, strengthen my faith, and lead me to a godly husband and solidly Biblical church. I am praying for my adult children and grandchildren to deepen their faith, be firmly rooted in Christ.
I have been to Israel six times,p, love and pray for the people, Jews and Muslims there. If the Lord allows, I desire to volunteer there, find more ways than in those trips, to share the Yeshua a Messiah with them.
Thank you for these word studies!
Amen, Hold the faith no matter what the main stream media says.
I could care less.
Praise God for this study! Praise God! Thank you LORD!! Give me ears to hear and eyes to see my LORD, my God! Help me in any of my unbelief! Even so LORD Jesus, come!
Amen Chaim! I’m with you 100%.
Thank you for this message. It is powerful.
I have several of your books and really appreciate your ministry.
God bless you mightly!
Thank you sharing such a powerful word. Are you saying that what Paul is speaking of isn’t speaking in terms of eschatology? What scripture references speak to the end of days and not opportunities?
These are unique days because they are the last days. The 70 weeks of Daniel in chapter 9 clearly indicates Israel will be a nation again because it will make an agreement with the Antichrist who will break it after 3.5 years and also desecrate the new temple by setting up the abomination of desolation, and begin The Great Tribulation. Similar prophecies are declared by Christ in Mt 24 and Mk 13. Paul also speaks of the Antichrist in 2Thess 2. Israel didn’t become a nation again until 1948, which I’m sure you know. Accoutrements for the new temple are being made. Israel is our telltale.
I agree. What is happening in physical Israel/legal Jews is a barometer
for what is happening in the lukewarm church. There is no time to lose, to cheat on God. However, is it not true that God draws us near with Love not with condemnation? Sin is separation from God, not an opportunity to judge those we are called to Love. All have sinned. Jesus has atoned for it all. It is to each one of us to decide whom this day we shall serve: Baal or the Lord God as One. Jesus did not come to condemn but to set free those whom the Father drew near. When the sacrifices start again in Israel, that is a sign of horror to come to Israel and the rest of the world. We have a calling to be made Holy, all of us, to be the temple of the Living God.
Thank you so much Chaim, your messages are always right on time and appropriate to my situation…..wishing you much Shalom as I know you struggle too!