HEBREW WORD STUDY – NOISE LIKE A DOG – YEHEMU KAKALEV  יהמו ככלב Yod Hei Mem Vav   Kap Kap Lamed Beth

Lamentations 3:63:  “Behold their sitting down, and their rising up; I [am] their musick.”

Psalms 59:14: “And at evening let them return; [and] let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.”

As I am writing this the votes are being counted to determine who our next president of the United States will be.  In my new book Time Loop I do not predict who the next president will be I just predict what will happen to the church in the year 2021, regardless of the election results. In the book I compare the Ancient Persian Empire to the United States today. I believe we are at the point comparable to the time of Esther.  

There was much hatred and jealousy toward the Jewish people.  This was led by Haman an Amalekite who was member of the deep state. He had quite a large following when it came to killing all Jews that remained in Persia.  Historically, King Xerxes had reached the height of his power in conquest although he failed in his attempts to conquer Greece.  But still, he was very powerful and although not a Godly king he did respect the Jewish people.  There were coup attempts and attempts on the life of King Xerxes and it is believed that Haman was behind the attempted coup. 

Although King Xerxes gave religious freedom to all the subjects of Persia and Jews held much favor in the nation, there was that element that hated them and plotted to destroy them and bring the nation under one pagan god.  Still, the Jews did not need to fear physical harm until Haman managed to get a law out to exterminate the Jews. 

I see the parallel to today.  We have a constitutionally protected religious freedom, we do not need to fear the government arresting us for practicing our faith. Yet, there are ways for the enemy to get around our constitutionally protected religious rights.  We have seen that with the closing of churches under the mandate of protecting us from a virus.  We have seen accusations of hate speed in our witnessing telling people they are sinners in need of a Savior and the Bible is consider a book filled with hate speech.  Hate speech carries criminal penalties if it can be proven and legal precedencies pointing to such forms of speech being defined as hate speech are even now being established in many courts today. 

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I believe we are seeing the beginnings of a great reformation coming in the church.  Christians will face the temptations to compromise their beliefs to avoid trouble. We will always be able to practice our faith so long as we do it in private.  But evangelism, Christian organizations, parachurch organizations, and even churches themselves will become the music of those who hate us 

Becoming someone’s music is an ancient Semitic idiom.  Someone’s music is the word manginah which most of our translations say are mocking songs. I can understand why they say that because this comes from the root word nagah which is the word for a song that uses nonsense words. You might have seen a Jewish wedding where they dance a Hora and sing words like na, na, na. These are call nigguns, meaningless words used to keep the body and mind busy so you can release your spirit to God.  Hence translators say in Lamentations 3:63: “They mock me with songs.”  Actually, this is an old Semitic idiomatic expression for gossiping and spreading false rumors and lies about someone. This is likely the persecution we as believers will begin to face as people begin spreading lies and rumors about us. Attempts to show love our and compassion will be used by our enemies to turn us into perverts or predators.  Our evangelism will be tried in courts, filled with lies that our message of love as really hate speech which is an offense to people and should not be ever be spoken under penalty of law.  

Yet, David writes in Psalms 59:14: “[and] let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.”  To make a noise like a dog.  The word noise is chamah which is to make a noise for the purpose of agitating and creating fear or anger in someone.  In ancient times someone would mock another person who is threatening by repeating another Semitic idiomatic expression:  “they are just making a noise like a dog.”  In other words, they were all talk, no bite. They spread these lies and rumors but they amount to nothing.

Thus, David is saying that when these gossips, rumors, and lies begin to spread, he will just let them go ahead for they will end up being nothing. God will handle it in His own way. I believe David is giving us some strong advice for these coming months and years.  When we begin to hear the haters spreading lies about us, we must not let that stop us in our work for the Lord.  God will take care of it and these gossipers and liars are nothing more than dogs just making a noise.


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