Hosea 1:10: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, [that] in the place where it was said unto them, Ye [are] not my people, [there] it shall be said unto them, [Ye are] the sons of the living God.”
II Samuel 24:1 “And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.”
1 Chronicles 21:1 “ And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.”
A census was not necessarily forbidden under Jewish law. There were several reasons given for a census. God counted the people upon the completion of the Tabernacle as a way of expressing His love for each individual. In other words, to demonstrate that He is a personal God and that each person counted, A counting is also taken for a minyan which is the number necessary to conduct a study of the Torah. This was to avoid what I am doing right now and that is arriving at conclusions without the agreement of at least ten other Torah students. Finally, a counting was performed to determine how many warriors were available for an upcoming military campaign. All these censuses were performed internally.
So I want to focus on this story of David and his disobedience in taking a census resulting in the wrath of God who sent a plague that killed 70,000 people. The first issue is very perplexing. II Samuel says that God’s anger was kindled against Israel so he caused David to take a census which resulted in a plague falling on the nation. If we read this right from the KJV it appears to make God out to be the commensurate politician. Start a war, order some poor slob to fire the first shot, and then blame him for the war.
Actually, the parallel passage in I Chronicles addresses this or contradicts it depending upon your translation of the Hebrew. The passage in I Chronicles tells us that the enemy provoked David to take the census.
The passage in II Samuel says that God’s anger was kindled against Israel. The word anger is aneph which is really the expression of great emotion. Aneph does not have to be anger. Grief, disappointment could be an aneph. This aneph was kindled. The word kindle is charar which is to grow warm. When you experience a great emotion, be it anger or grief it causes your body to grow warm. It really means to become intense. I personally would not render this as God’s anger is kindled but his grief and disappointment reached a point of intensity.
Then it seems to indicate that out of this God moved David to take a census. Actually, God moved David against Israel and this caused him to say: “Go and number Israel.” The word moved is yaseth which is in a Hiphal (causative) form from the root word soth. Soth means to entice or persuade. In a Hiphal form, it would suggest that God was trying to persuade David to turn away from Israel. When he did this it caused the enemy to soth, or persuade or provoke David to perform a census.
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Israel was on the verge of civil war which eventually broke out 50 years later after Solomon died. David stood in the gap, but God caused David to move away from Israel and this allowed the enemy to provoke David to perform the census resulting in a plague, that killed 70,000 people.
So here is where it gets weird. Why such a devastating punishment for counting the number of people in the land? I was reading in the Talmud this morning in Yoma 22b. The prohibition on taking a census is based upon Hosea 1:10. Note it says: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered;” The Talmud teaches that the sands of the sea can be measured and numbered. There is a limit to the number of sands of the sea. Thus, grammatically the positive statement becomes a prohibition, they cannot and must not be numbered. If Israel fulfills the law of God, God’s protection and blessings will be without a number. If it fails to serve God the blessings of God become limited. Just as counting the people creates that sense of individuality but by not counting the people you were declaring that everyone was in unity and of one mind in serving God and keeping His laws.
So why is there a prohibition to counting? Ultimately, David performed this accounting to determine unity. Counting was done like voting only the outcome had to be North Korean style, 100% for one party. The earliest census was performed by God to show unity and that each individual was important to God, He was a personal God. God would protect each person that was in unity with Him. If there was someone out of unity, then God could not protect them, He could not put His umbrella or protection on disunity and sin. A census would single out the rebellious. Once that happens God is forced to remove that umbrella of protection on the rebel so the enemy can have his own way which is often destruction. But like Moses, David’s personal unity with God protected the entire nation. So when David took the census what he was doing was determining who he would stand in the gap for and who he would not. Just as one person standing in the gap for his family or church can protect that family or church. But God can protect the rebellious only if you ask because He cannot violate that rebels will. Yet, God caused David to be removed from the gap which lifted His umbrella of protection against the 70,000 who were in disunity and the enemy was free to bring a plague upon them until David plead with God on their behalf to put his umbrella of protection over them again and for David’s sake God did it.
The lesson here is to stand in the gap for your family, your church, and nation.
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Thanks & Blessings, it means a lot to me!
I don’t know about Hebrew translations, but I just found a Hebrew New Testament HHH, on Bible Hub, and it is different, at least in 2 Corinthians than the Greek. I have an extremely hard time with Paul’s writing in the Greek. The gospels, other letters, and Revelation aren’t too bad , but Paul? He is very hard to understand, and the wording is so convoluted.
I don’t like philosophy and arguing about doctrine, or trying to prove God. I do t want to listen to it or read it. If you don’t believe, or don’t want to? I’ll tell you truth, and you can do what you want with it. Yes, it brings tears when people don’t want to listen, but didn’t God tell all the prophets that they wouldn’t listen? Right from the get go He told them that.
If you do have faith, we can praise God together.
I really like translating from the HHH. I only recognize some words, but more than I do in the Greek. And when I’m done, it makes sense! The Greek? No. No sense at all.
I would like your opinion of a Hebrew Bible translation by Robert Alter. Are you familiar with this and could you recommend? Thank you. I enjoy your books. I have 4 of them and at least one on kindle
That last line— powerful words.
Thank you my beloved teacher .I do much look forward to your lessons.
I believe that the Bible is a letter from God to His children . Each of us may understand it in different ways that doesn’t mean one is right and the other wrong . What you wrote is great even though I may see something different .I believe that the great teacher that you are is exactly what you want to see that we are learning
In Exodus 30:11-16 God tell Moses to take a census for tax purposes as expiration for their sins that no plague may come upon them.
In 2 Samuel God tells David to take a census again for tax purposes for expiration for the people . But just as in 1Chronicles Satan gets David to take a census of warriors instead which should not be done God will fight Israel’s battles no matter how big or small the army and defeat the enemy . Even in our time God fought for Israel . Remember the 6 Day War when Israel was surrounded by Her enemies .
It’s quite amazing what 1 person can accomplish by standing in the gap in unity with God and in prayer.Barukh Ha Shem.
I appreciate your work in defining the Hebrew and making it easier to understand. You bring clarity to each passage you present. I look forward to each of your emails.
I was so glad to see this area of the census explained. I have had questions about it for more than forty years. I appreciate how you include God’s heart of love when you bring your discussions. You’re such a blessing.