Isaiah 50:11: “Behold, as all of you who kindle fire, who are surrounded in sparks, walk (a righteous walk) in the light (of) your fire in your burning. From My hand this shall be for you in pain  (so) you will lie down.”


The word in Hebrew for  kindle is  kadech. While at the University of Chicago library, I did a little research on this word.  In its Semitic origins this kadech, kindle, comes from the polishing of a red gem stone (carbuncle).  It also refers to a piece of coal that begins to glow red. Ever watch a piece of charcoal on your barbeque grill? When you blow on it it starts to glow red.    That is the idea of kadech.  Now look at the word fire, which  is ‘esh in Hebrew and we find that it not only carries the idea of fire but also of passion. Like a hot ember when God breathes on our kadech carbuncle we begin to glow with ‘esh, passion.

Jewish rabbis speak of the 70 faces of Torah.  That is – there are multilayers of understanding of each Scripture verse. One face of Torah or layer of understanding may be referring to those who kindle fires.  Another  face is a reference to those who express passion.  We all have some passion that we like to express. For some it is athletic event, some find a passion in watching their children grow and develop. I see a lot of passion when someone mentions the name Trump in the wrong crowd.  

But there is also another layer of understanding in this verse. We find God is giving a revelation.  He is saying that “as all of you are having your passions polished, or blown upon (with the breath of God?) to glow bright red (red also symbolizes passion)…”

Then He continues by saying that you are then surrounded.  This word surround is me’az’ri which is like a girdle tightening. We are surrounded  by sparks  which is the Hebrew word  ziqoth.   Ziqoth is a bright, sharp shinning, like the sparklers. As you allow God to polish or intensify your passions for Him, you will begin to be surrounded by sharp brilliant shinning sparklers and they will intensify.

I have heard where some with spiritual discernment can actually see this zikoth in people All of us can see it in the Spirit.  How many Christians have you met where you could almost sense a glowing and feel you could measure it with a light meter.   These are Christians who allow God to kindle or polish their passion for Him.

Let’s keep in mind that as bearers of this sparkling light we get that light from the indwelling of Jesus Christ. You get noticed when you bear the zikoth, even if you can only see it in the Spirit, there are many natural signs of it.  Some people see someone expression this passion and think: “Oh, I can do that” and try to imitate it to get the same attention.  You don’t fool anyone. Take it from Isaiah, when you kindle a fire, express a passion for God and wear His ziqoth, be sure to walk a righteous life. Like it says in Isaiah 50:11.


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