Genesis 28:11: “And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put [them for] his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.”

Ex 33:20-21 “And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live, (21) And the LORD said, Behold, [there is] a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:

Genesis 28:11 is a very curious verse with the use of the word qom or place. Jacob met God here in a vision of a ladder running from earth to heaven. The text tells us that Jacob “lighted upon the place and he lay down in the place.” The word to light upon is paga’ which means to meet or come together intentionally.   The word place or qom in Hebrew means a rise, or an establishment.  It also means claiming rights, establishing or existing independently.  This is the same word used in Exodus 20:21 when Moses asked to see the glory or lovingkindness of God. 

In each one of these verses, qom is preceded by a definite article, the place.  This was not an arbitrary spot but was a special place, a self-existing place. Jacob was to lay his head down upon a rock in this special place and Moses was to stand upon a rock in this special place.  The word rock in Genesis 28 is meavani and the word rock in Exodus 33 is tsur.  Meavan is a weight or scale the stone used on a potter’s wheel.  The word tsur is to press on all sides or squeeze like squeezing a tube of tooth past to get its contents.  Both can mean a rock but one is for a rock used spin around so a potter can mold a vessel and the other is used to put pressure on something like an olive to squeeze the oil out of it.  

Moses had to have what was already in him to be squeezed out so he would see the glory of the Lord and Jacob was yet to be fashioned into a vessel for God.  Both encountered the Lord in a special way at The Place or qom.  Jacob later named The Place and the rock he stood upon Bethel or house of God.  This was the place where Isaac was offered up to God by Abraham. It was the place where the temple would one day stand. It was the place where the most disputed piece of land on this planet would be.  Abraham called it the mountain (Genesis 24:14).  Isaac narrowed it down to the field (Genesis 24:63) and Jacob narrowed it even further and called it the House of God.

The Midrash Rabbah even uses the word Hamaqom The Place as a name for God.  The syntax of this verse leaves open the question as to whether God is The Place of His world or the world is His place.  Actually, this ambiguity is resolved in each individual.  For Jacob and Moses The Place was that special place of God’s world.  However, for most people the world is God’s place. It is up to us to find God’s place in the world which is His. This is a special place where we encounter God.  You see the word qom can also be rendered as a place of meditation.

Do you have such a place?  Years ago, when I was going through a very difficult time in my life, I was given permission to go into a warehouse at night, after it closed down and I could spend as much time alone in that warehouse as I wanted to worship and pray.  They only asked that I clean the little office space and once I was done with that I was free to worship and pray.  After many days I discovered a special spot in that warehouse, it was right by the loading docks. When I walked into that Hamaqom The place, I instantly felt the presence of God, when I stepped out of that spot, that overwhelming presence of peace and joy diminished.  I stepped in and out of Hamaqom and each time with the same results. 

There was a faith-based movie out some time ago called the War Room where a woman who was going through a difficult time cleaned out a closet and just dedicated it to a room where she prayed. It was a special room, it is a Hamaqom.  If you are a believer, I am convinced God wants you to establish (that is another word for qom) a Hamagom where you can go to meet the Lovingkindness or glory of the Lord.   

Many years ago Ralph Carmichael a Christian songwriter came to the attention of Capitol Records.  He began working with Nat King Cole and soon made musical arrangements for artist like Bing Crosby and Peggy Lee. He was soon the Musical Director for I Love Lucy.  In the midst of his rising fame he realized he needed to retain his relationship with God.  He discovered a Hamaqom, a Quiet Place as he wrote it.

There is a quiet place, far from the rapid pace

Where God can soothe my troubled mind

Sheltered by tree and flower

There in my quiet hour, my cares are left behind

Whether a garden small, or on a mountain tall

New strength and courage there I find

Then from this quiet place, I go prepared to face

A new day with love for all mankind. 

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