Amos 8:11: “Behold the days are coming, saith the Lord that I will bring a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord.”

“Water water everywhere and all the boards did shrink

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink.”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge  Rime of the Ancient Mariner

On a website by the U.S. Department of Energy in “ask a scientist” Professor Bill explains why we cannot drink sea water.  Apparently, the salt content is so high that our kidneys cannot produce enough urine to eliminate the salt.  Therefore the more sea water you drink the more danger there is in becoming dehydrated.   Can you dig it?  The more seawater you drink, the more you will become dehydrated. 

That is kind of like the America Christians, they have more exposure to the Word of God than anyone else in other nations yet, they remain Biblically illiterate.  I have had to spend some time before God in seeking His forgiveness for a really nasty attitude I had.  The last time I was called to task for a bad attitude was when I was in grammar school and our music teacher was trying to teach us some old song by composers like Stephen Foster and old Civil War songs.  A lot of the students were laughing and giggling at the archaic music and words such that the teacher stopped the class and began to lecture us on our poor attitudes.  After we were completely reprimanded for our horrible attitudes, I swear, she then made us sing: “Jimmy Crack Corn and I Don’t Care.”  My hand immediately went up and I asked: “What kind of attitude is that?”   That attitude earned me a 500-word naughty assignment. 

My present attitude, which I am still working on, stems from the fact that I am discovering when books and teachings come out that concern trips to heaven or hell, ideas as to the identity of the Anti-Christ, teachings on the Sons of God in Genesis 6, stories of ten foot angels in combat boots or comparing Bill and Hillary Clinton to Ahab and Jezebel, these books sell out or people sit with baited breath in an audience. But if I write a book on how to study the Word of God in the original languages or on Hebrew Word Studies my sales barely get honorable mention. 

For the past forty-five years, I have studied the Word of God in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic a minimum of three hours a day.  I clearly see by examining the Old Testament what will happen with North Korea and Iran.  I think I can make a case for the future of Syria and I am about ready to make a prediction on the presidential elections of 2020 right from looking at the parallels in Scripture to the situations today.  It is uncanny. I actually started to write a book on the parallel to the City of Nineveh to North Korea today.  I believe that Scripture clearly shows what is going to happen in North Korea based upon history repeating itself from the Bible.  I figured I should get at least an ooh or an ahh on the book.  

God stopped me in no uncertain terms and reminded me that my calling was to write only about the Heart of God and to encourage Christians to take up my journey in Scripture to discover the heart of God through the Hebrew and Aramaic.

But I am left fuming over the lack of interest among Christians to study the Word of God. They would rather someone else enter that cloud and tell them what God is saying as the people of Israel did with Moses.

The key to Amos 8:11 is in the word for “Words” of the Lord.  Here “words” in the Hebrew is davar.  This word is spelled Daleth – gateway or portal to the Beth – one’s heart, and Resh – repentance.  Studying God’s Word or devar, expressions of God ’s heart which leads me to constant repentance.

Christians are hearing lots of amars ordinary words from one’s thoughts in this country about God,  but few hear devar the words from God’s heart.”    Amar is just expressions of one’s thoughts and opinions, devar are expressions from one ’s heart and the Word of God are expressions of God’s heart.  There are many words or amar that are spoken about 10-foot angels in combat boots, the coming of the Annanuki or what will happen to North Korea, but these words do not lead one to repentance or discovering the heart of God.  As a result, we are experiencing a famine for the Word of God in our own lives and we don’t even realize it.

The word “famine” in Hebrew is ra’av.  This is a ra word.  The ra words all mean evil of some kind.  The final letter will tell you what that evil is.  In this case, the evil is in the shadow of the final letter, the Beth which expresses selfish gain, personal spiritual agendas such that we have no room left for the purity of Jesus Christ to fill us with His devar, words from His Heart. 

I guess to reveal what I feel are the parallels from Scripture to today with the United States,  Iran, North Korea, and Syria would just be an act of pride. It is very clear in Scripture, you don’t need me to tell you unless I desire to sell more books purely as a pride matter. 

So I am not telling you, you must discover it for yourself.  If you join our Full Access https://www.chaimbentorah.com/all-access/, I will happen to study this with you and see if you don’t agree with my conclusions otherwise my conclusions as to what is going to happen in North Korea and I believe very soon, is just for me. 

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