Job 24:13: “They are those who rebel against the light, they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof.”

Titus 1:15: “Unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience are defiled.”

Titus was most likely a gentile who accompanied Paul to Jerusalem and some dogmatic Jews insisted that Titus be circumcised but Paul would not allow it because of principle.  To do otherwise would suggest that all noncircumcised Gentiles would be second-class Christians. 

It was very difficult for many Jews who became Christians to accept instruction from a Gentile.  Sort of like Christians today accepting a Jewish teacher who does not follow the party line.  In Paul’s day the Jewish Christians saw themselves as the people of God, circumcised, a separate holy people who grew up in the faith of Jehovah and along comes this unholy, unclean Gentile who tries to organize the church and choose a leader for the church. I could see many well robed, educated, pious, religious, law-keeping men or the rich men who are generous to the church lining up for the job of bishop and Paul warns Titus to choose only those who are lovers of men, good reputation, having one wife etc. The only spiritual requirement is that they be of sound doctrine (Titus 1:7-9).  Paul is not looking to one’s educational credentials, position of rank, or popularity or even popular teaching because in verse 10 we learn there are many unruly, vain talkers and deceivers out there who seek such a position of power over or in the church. I have seen it as the rule rather than the exception to the rule that the leaders in the church are also the biggest tithers, the ones who have a lot of money and are very generous with it to the church. They somehow always seem to manage to make their way to an eldership or lead deacon.  If not they will find another church that likes their money and will reward them with leadership roles.

Christians play many games, I think one game Christians today play that Paul is referring to is WYHBACALAM (When you have been a Christian as long as me).  Paul is telling Titus to seek out a mature believer to be a bishop.  Paul is not referring to mature in years but in one’s relationship with God.  Some believers who have been a Christian for many years followed the law, lived a righteous life can be very immature in their attitude toward other believers as Titus discovered when the circumcised Jews started to criticize him for not being circumcised. I can not help but read the writings of Paul and wonder if he, at times was not thinking: “Father don’t forgive them for they know darn well what they are doing.”  Sometimes we think some of these verses, like Job 24:13, apply to some completely pagan, low life sinner, but it could apply to an outstanding, successful business person who shows how mature he is spiritually by the amount of money he gives the church. So he makes a play for everyone young attractive woman in the church married or not. That is just the nature of a rich man God can overlook or forgive that.

Job 24:13 says that we could be rebelling against the light and know not the ways thereof.  You see the word used for know in the Hebrew here is not yada’ it is nakar.  This word does mean “to know,” but in Job 24:13 it is used in a Hiphal form which means they are causing themselves to not know.  In fact in the Hiphal form this word, when put into a construct form with the word “Lo” (not), would more appropriately be rendered pretend.   In other words, we could translate this as “they are pretending to know the ways thereof  and the paths thereof.” Who are these people who pretend to know the way?  It is someone who really knows the light but rebels against the light and pretends to walk in the light for purposes of personal gain in honor, finance or to just enjoy some carnal pleasure.

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