Isaiah 30:20: “And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers be hidden no more, but thine eyes shall see they teachers:”
What does water have to do with affliction? The word water in Hebrew is mayim, This could come from the root word mi waters or yim hot springs. I don’t believe this is where our English idiom being in hot water comes from, but it is a cool idea. Water has many symbolic meanings in Hebrew. One meaning is that water can be so powerful it can drill through rocks. Hence we would draw the idea of waters of affliction. I have read in Jewish literature that God will give you an affliction that will drill through the rocky covering of your heart to penetrate your heart with the love of God. Thus, their understanding of the water of affliction is an affliction to drill down to the core of your heart. God does not allow us to go through affliction randomly, He is seeking to penetrate your heart so your heart will be open to Him.
We not only experience waters of affliction to drill through our rocky hearts, but we also may face the bread of adversity. Bread also has many symbolic meanings. One aspect is how bread is made. The taking of wheat, pounding it into a flower, rolling it and then baking it at a high temperature. The Jewish community recently celebrated Rosh Hashanah. It is a custom in baking bread for Rosh Hashanah to invite people who have hurt you during the year to assist you in the preparation. As you roll your bread you forgive them. Hence the bread of adversity. Jewish literature teaches that the adversity brought on by your sinful acts are pounded, rolled and baked to bring you to repentance and the forgiveness of God. I would also like to add my thought to this. That grain which is pounded, rolled and baked comes out as something new (bread) to bring nourishment to others. Many people have to go through the waters of affliction for God to penetrate their hearts and then go through the pounding, rolling and baking trials by God to bring them to repentance and His forgiveness in Jesus Christ so that Jesus can make them into something new, something of value to others, to bring nourishment to others.
Your teachers shall be hidden no more. Teachers in this passage is moreka. This particular form is a participial noun, 2nd person singular. Note it is singular not plural. It is a teaching teacher or a master teacher. The word used her is yarah not lamad which is the common word for teach. As shown in an earlier chapter yarah has the idea of throwing out, or an archer who is shooting an arrow. A teacher is throwing out knowledge or shooting out knowledge which is aimed at a target. This Master Teacher will not be hidden. The word hidden is kanaph. This is the word for wings, or a loose flowing skirt. These particular words give a picture of an archer shooting at a winged creature but because of its illusiveness, the arrow shot by our Master Teacher does not meet its target. God is constantly speaking to us, but we just keep eluding His voice.
The last part of this verse also explains it. And your eyes will see your teachers. The word see is ra’ah which is a reference to spiritual seeing, spiritual insight. Your spiritual eyes will be opened and you will see the redemption offered by our Master Teacher.
What the prophet seems to be saying here is that God is always speaking to us, to give us direction, to set us on the right path or way (see following verse) but sometimes it just does not get through that thick skull of ours or that thick rocky heart of ours and God may have to bring the bread of adversity, (adversity that will bring us into repentance and the forgiveness of God) or the waters of affliction to break through that shell of our heart and pierce it with the love of God through Jesus Christ.
First of all I want to thank you for your faithfulness. Please keep teaching. God is using you.
What I would like to share: Many years ago I was praying and asking God to somehow reveal Himself to me. He gave me of a vision of rushing water moving through a beautiful rocky river bed. At the time and until I read this lesson, I was understanding Him to let me know His strength and beauty. Since God shared that vision I have gone through many hard health problems as well as struggling to listen to God’s Will in my attifudes. His waters have carved and carved. He has shown me His beauty and He has shown me His Way. I have had to go through a lot of affliction and am now disabled but He is using that also. As I grow closer to Him I am learning His love and a wonderful relationship to the God that loves me so very much. I am grateful for the strength of His Love. I had to go through anger, depression and grieving to get there but I am grateful for what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do.
Isaiah 30:20-22 has fascinated me for very long time for personal reasons and I have eagerly followed your postings on these verses whenever they have been presented on your website. I have come to believe that the moreka are actually the “adversity” and “oppression” themselves, not so much the hidden God who suddenly becomes audible and visible. Bread and water are vital to sustain life and the source of life-giving bread and water is God. However, the children were prone to idolatry ascribing the source of their sustenance and prosperity to idols. God hands them over to exile in oppressive and adverse circumstances so that idolatry is exposed for what it really is. Their eyes are opened to the truth – that God is the source of all life and the one providing water, food, protection and healing. Anything else that offers these things is a lie and leads to oppression and adversity. In short, it is a lesson in perception, the moreka are exposed through the negative impact they have on life while the voice of God (to be obeyed) leads to life. Thanks.
I love reading these studies. They bless me all the time. I really enjoy getting the true Hebrew root of the scriptures that brings forth fruit to my spirit. Just want to say thank you for this. May the LORD continue to bless you